Worldlog Hafta 34 – 2008

22 Ağustos 2008

Bu haftadaki onemli nokta, tatilde olan milletvekilleri ile birlikte is ziyaretinde bulunduk.
Meslektasim olan Esther Ouwehand ve ayni zamanda heyet uyelerinden Diederik van Liere ile birlikte, Amsterdamda bulunan hava alanina Schiphol yakininda "Hayvanlar otenin" ve enternatiyonal hayvan nakliye sirketi ziyarete bulunduk. Hayvan oteli 50 yildir mevcut, gecmiste kritik ve zor donemler hatlatmis. Nedeni Schipol yakininda bulunmasi ve nesli tukenmekte olan hayvanlarin ticari alanda kullanmalari. Ziyaret neticesindedikatimizden kacmayan ve Schipholher seyi yapmayi ustlenmis hayvanlari koruma ve kanun hukumlerini yerine getirme ve benimsemek, fakat uygulamada halen ilerleme zayif.
Nakliye sirketi olan KLM, kopek, kedi, at, tropikal balik cesitleri(yani serbest yakalanmis) veya (uretilmis) ayni zamanda istek uzerine yunus baligida nakliye etmektedir.KLM ucak sirketi ayni zamanda bir gunluk civcivleri ve hayvanat bahcesindeki hayvanlari nakliye etmektedir. Gordugum bir baska sey tropikal baliklar (yabani tutulmus) 'paketlenmis" karton kutular icinde bulunan frigolit ve yuzlerce kucuk plastik torbalarda su ve icinde balik ve bu sekilde paketleniyor.Baliklar seyhat esnasinda 3 gun boyunca yem ve yiyecek verilmiyor, nedeni ise icinde bulundugu suyun kirlenmemesi icin. Bu duruma hic bir sey diyemiyorum cok uzucu buluyorum yapilan olay kanuna uygun gozukuyor. Bir hayvan kac gun kac saat bir ucak sirketinde kapali nakliye edilmeli bu kanunda yazmiyor.Bu gun duydugum bir baska olay ise at sahibi veya at tucari bir ati 30 saat boyunca nakletirip nakliyesi yapiliyor at sadece ayakta durabiliyor, yatmasi veya saga sola hareket etmesi olanaksiz bu sekilde nakliyesi yapiliyor ucak sirketi tarafindan.

Ucak sirketi KLM prensip olarak deneme kobay hayvanlari ve sirk hayvanlarin nakliyesini yapmiyor. KLM in sert istekleri var "paketleme" Enternatiyonal nakliye kurallarini uygulamakta, bu bunlardan biri ya diger ucak sirketleri……

Persembe gunu Almanyaya bir is ziyaretine gittim Alman gida enstitusune burada Dr. Helmut Steinkamp ile gorustum ve bu gorusmemin nedeni ise nebati' lerin, etlerin yerini tutmalari idi.Buradaki bilgiler beni etkiledi, eminimki nebatilerin gelecekte etin yerini tutmalari ve bu tesebuslerde gosteriyorki bu alanda et uretmek mumkun olacak.

Gecen hafta Meclise soru iletim avcilarin gece vahsice yaban domuzu avlanmalri ile ilgili. Hollandanin Veluwe bolgesinde ormanlariyla zengin olan bolgelerde su anda sayilari bilimeyen buyuk bas hayvanlar mutis vahsi bir sekilde oldurulmektedirler.
6000 yaban domuzundan 5200 oldurulmekte bu gosteriyor'ki yaklasik 90% bilinmekte gosterilen sebeb ise bu yaban domuzlarin trafige tehlike yaratmalari.

Kesinlikle sacma bos laf tam tersi cok sayida buyuk bas hayvanlara ates etmek ve oldurmek, halbuki bu oldurulen hayvanlar azaldikca, cogalarak uremiktedirler. Oldurelen hayvanlar gruplarini kaybetdikleri takdirde daha da yabanisirler bir alandan diger alana goc esnasinda trafige sebep olabilirler.

Avcilar izin istediler gece gorulen gozluklerle yabani hayvanlari avlamak ve oldurmek. Hollanda Belcika Luxemburg ulkeleri ile yapilan anlasmanla gece gozlukler kullanmak yasak yabani hayvani avlanmak icin. Bunun icin bir izin cikmadi. Hollanda hukumeti anlasma geregi izin vermemesi gereken yerde, avcilari muaf tutu. Bu gosteriyorki avcilara bir olanak saglandi. Rezalet!

Bakana acikligiyla sordum dusunce ve beyanimi acik olarakpolise sundum. Bu iznin ve ruhsatin derhal cekilmesi ve durdurulmasini istedim.

Haftaya gorusmek uzere!

This week was set aside for working visits that we as members of parliament undertake during the parliamentary recess. Together with colleague Esther Ouwehand and our board member Diederik van Liere, I paid a visit to the ‘animal hotel’ at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, one of the major hubs in international animal transportation. The animal hotel has been operating for more than fifty years and a lot of criticism has naturally been levelled at Schiphol for its past role as a transit point in the trade in endangered animal species. Our visit, however, left us with the impression that much has clearly changed and that Schiphol is willing to make every effort to offer the best possible care for animals and to respect the law. Yet its efforts still leave much to be desired. KLM transports mostly dogs and cats, horses, tropical fish (both caught in the wild(!) and bred), but also dolphins if requested. In addition, KLM also transports day-old chicks and animals intended for zoos. I saw tropical fish caught in the wild and 'packaged' in taped-up cardboard boxes containing polystyrene foam and hundreds of small plastic bags, each holding water and a fish. The fish are denied food for three days prior to the trip to prevent the water from becoming contaminated with droppings. Simply tragic – is all I can say about it. And it's all perfectly legal. There is not even a law governing the number of hours that an animal may be transported by air! I heard only today that a horse owner or trader is perfectly free to put a horse on a plane for 30 hours without the animal being able to lie down or move.

A small ray of hope is the fact that KLM in principle will not transport laboratory or circus animals. KLM adheres to stricter “packaging” rules for animal transportation than is required under international law, and is, unfortunately, one of the few to do so in the airline world…

On Thursday I went on a working visit to Germany to the Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik to speak with Dr. Helmut Steinkamp about vegetable meat substitutes. I was very impressed by the expertise in this area at the institute. I am certain that vegetable meat substitutes have a bigger future than in-vitro meat, also known as laboratory-grown or cultured meat.

Last week I submitted parliamentary questions about the use of night-vision equipment by hunters of wild boar. The Veluwe, the Netherlands’ most-densely forested area, is currently the scene of mass slaughter by hunters.
5200 of the 6000 boars, nearly 90% of the population, are being killed because it is claimed that the animals cause damage and form a danger to traffic.

Total nonsense: in fact, the mass culling of animals triggers a natural urge to procreate so that the animals spared in the cull reproduce far more prodigiously. Moreover, the destruction of family units means that surviving animals start to roam, creating unsafe traffic situations.

The hunters requested permission to use night-vision equipment during the night-time culling of animals at feeding areas. However, a treaty between the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg forbids such night-vision equipment during the boar hunt and no exemptions are possible. Although an official governmental advisory body (the fauna fund) came to the same conclusion, the Netherlands government still granted an exemption to accommodate the hunters. Disgraceful!

I have requested clarification from the minister and I am considering reporting this to police if the exemption is not quickly revoked.

Until next week!