Proboj: Sabor želi da tele ostane kod krave
U roku od šest mjeseci, vlada mora osmisliti plan za mljekare kako bi se omogućilo da telad ostanu sa svojim majkama. Parlamentarna većina je odobrila prijedlog od Marianne Thieme uvezi toga. Sabor time ukazuje da želi prekinuti postojeću politiku vlade, u kojoj se odluka o odredištu za telad prepušta poljoprivrednicima mljeka.
Standardna praksa u mliječnoj industriji je uklanjanje teladi od majke odmah nakon poroda. To dovodi do puno stresa za majku I za tele i na taj način i do velikih socijalnih i zdravstvenih problema. Sabor želi da vlada u roku od šest mjeseci osmisli plan djelovanja za određeno vrijeme držanje teladi sa njihovim majkama.
Marianne Thieme: “Poljoprivreda treba poštivati prirodne procese, čak I u slučaju mljekarstva. Dobrobit životinja mora imati prednost nad marginalnoj koristi za prihode industrije.”
The Dutch government has six months to present an action plan obliging dairy farmers to let calves stay with their mothers. A motion proposed by Marianne Thieme was supported by a parliamentary majority. The Dutch Lower House thus acknowledges its wish to end the current cabinet policy that allows dairy farmers to make their own decisions concerning the destination of calves.
In dairy industry, separating calves from their mothers directly after birth is standard practice. This results in enormous amounts of stress and, with it, major welfare and health problems, for both calf and mother cow. The Lower House wants the government to present an action plan within the following six months to leave calves with their mothers for a certain time after birth in future.
Marianne Thieme: “Farmers should respect natural processes, also in the case of dairy farming. Animal welfare will have to prevail over the industry’s marginal income benefits.”