Worldlog Hafta 40 – 2009

2 Ekim 2009

Bu hafta Paul McCartney’den önemli bir mektup aldim sebebi ise Hayvan Koruma partisine tesekkürlerini sunuyordu kampanya icin “Meat Free Monday” Prensler gününde kralicenin devletin bütce harcamalarini gelecek olan yila sunmasinda.

Tabi ki gündemde olan konu vejiteryan. Günlerden 1 ekim (Dünya vegiteryan günü) Hollandada büyük bir vejiteryan balosu organize edildi ekim ayi icerisinde Vegetarian Awareness Month

Sende deneyebilirsin etrfinda bulunan kisilerin bitkisel yaglari tüketmeleri ve hayvan sevgisini tasimalarini!

Almanyada yapilan secimlerde ne yazik’ki Tierschutzpartei (Hayvan partisi )gerekli olan oy’u alamamistir meclise girmek icin. Secim siniri cok yüksek oldugu icin % 5 , fakat ögrencilerin- ve ögrenci secimlerinde gösteriyor’ki parti her alanda siniri asmistir. Buradan görebilirsiniz

Gecen hafta almis oldugumuz haber Hollanda’dan Develerin nasil transportla tasinmis olduklari. Bu olanaksiz ve hasta verici bir olay insanlarin nasil böyle bir sey düsündükleri ve hayvanlari nasil nakliye etikleri yani transportla tasidiklari . Bunun icin yazili bir dilekce gönderdin bakana.

Parlementer yilinin ilk baslarinda yeni müzakereler yapildi. Bu haftanin müzakeresi ben yaptim konu ates yani derece sicakligi hayvanlara bulasmasi büyük capta kecilerin ateslenip birbirine bulastirmasi ve hayvanlarin hasta olmasi ve bunlardan birkacinin kronik hastaliga yakalanmalari.Bunlardan 5 ölüm vakasi görüldü insanlarda bu demek oluyorki Hollandada domuz gribinden cok bu atesli vaka epidemisi görülmektedir ekonomik nedenlerden dolayi sesiz kalinmaktadir.

Haftaya büyük bir müzakere söz konusu hayvan haklari, konu olacak yeni bir kanun icerisinde ekonomi önem tasimaktadir hayvanlarin korunmalari icin yapilmalari gerek tam tersi hayvanlarin kurban veya magdur edilmeleri degil. Haftaya sizlere bu konuyu rapor etmek üzere!



A very special surprise in the mail this week. Paul McCartney wrote me a short note to thank the Party for the Animals for putting the spotlight on his campaign “Meat Free Monday” on Prinsjesdag, the day of the queen’s speech to the Dutch parliament when the queen, on behalf of the government, reads the cabinet’s plans for the next year.

Vegetarianism is certainly the focus of growing interest. On 1 October (World Vegetarianism Day) we held a large animal ball here in the Netherlands and the entire month of October has been declared Vegetarian Awareness Month.

The Animal Ball

Do what you can wherever you are to encourage a more vegetarian – and thus more animal-friendly – lifestyle!
In the German elections, the Tierschutzpartei (the German Party for the Animals) failed to reach the electoral threshold. At 5 percent, the electoral threshold is very high, but elections held among pupils and students indicate that the future belongs to the Tierschutzpartei, both literally and figuratively. See here.

Last week we received a report on how camels are being transported in the Netherlands. It’s crazy that people actually think that this is an acceptable way to transport animals. I have submitted written questions to the minister responsible.

The debates are many in these opening weeks of the new parliamentary year. This week I debated on the Q-fever outbreak. The outbreak originated at large-scale goat farms and has resulted in thousands of people living near these farms falling ill, dozens chronically. Five people have already lost their lives to this outbreak, more than have died in the recent outbreak of swine flu. And yet the Q-fever outbreak is being kept quiet for economic reasons.

Next week we’ll be having the major debate on the Animal Act, a new law that seems only to aim to protect the economic value of animals and that threatens even more than ever to turn animals into objects for people to use as they see fit. I will reporting on the debate next week!
