Worldlog Hafta 19 – 2009
Bu hafta hayvan koruma partisinin nasil kurulur ve kurmak icin ne gibi incelikler göz önünde bulundurmak gerekiyor, bunlara deginecegim.
Gecen hafta mümesili bulunan Ispanyanin hayvan koruma partisinden kisiler bunlar gerekli olan imzalari toplayarak bizim üyeligimizi Avrupa parlementosuna girmemizi istemekteyiz. Bunlardan 50 imza belediye encümeninden ( diger politik partilerden) veya 150.000 imza halktan gerekmektedir.
Her sey apacik gösteriyor’ki bulunan politik partiler zorluklar cikarmaktadirlar ve yeni partilere hic bir sans vermemektedirler parlementoya girmeleri icin.
Sunu idrak etmek gerekiyor yeni kurulacak olan partilerin yüksek secmenler, adaylar, yöneticiler vb…Su anda üye bulunmaktadirlar diger potitik partilerde.Hata dus krikligina ugrasalar dahi kendi bulunduklari partinin, hayvan koruma partisine göstermis olduklari iyi niyeti sonradan sanki ihanet etmis gibi oluyorlar kendi partilerine karsi nedeni yeni bir parti kurmak icin cünkü ilerisi mechul.
Bizde ayni seylerden gectik, cok seyler gördük . Niko Koffman, partimizin düsünürü kurucusu bu kisi (SP) Sosyalist partisinin reklamini yapan kisidir Hollandada ve bos zamaninda bize yardim etmekteydi (bize bir koltuk kazandirmisti) ve SP partisine güle güle dedik.
Bazi ülkelerde secim baraji bulunmaktadir , buralardaki insanlar daha celiski yasamaktadirlar cünkü yeni kurulacak olan partiler “kalici olan yesil partileri” kullandiklari secim barajini alamaya bilirler nedeni ise yeni Hayvan koruma partisi olabilir.
Mantiken uzak olsa dahi bulunan yesil partiler ve ayni zamanda Hayvan Koruma partisi secim barajini almaya bilirler. Bircok insanlarin münakasa etikleri sey hayvanlara karsi iyi olmayabilir eger hayvan koruma partisi olmasaydi. Münakasa ise basarinin parcalara ayrilmasi.
Hatta geleneksel olan hayvan koruma organisasyonu kalici kontaklari bulunan partilerin icerisinde ürkek davranabilir , belirtilen nedenler konusunda.
Yeni parti olan Hayvan koruma partisini kendilerine rakip olarak görebilirler nedeni tabi’ki mesleki fonlari toplamak ve ayni bulunan hayvan korumacilari tarafindan ve halkin ilgisini cekmek.
Pozitif basari (bu eski partiler icin ve bulunan valilik organizasiyon) herkez kabulenmemeye bilir.
Bu sebepten arz etmemek gerek mütefiklerle ilk adimda.Yeni partinin baslamasi gerekmektedir ve ortaya cikmalidir, kücük fakat saglam insanlardan , bütün zorluklara gögüs gerecek olan insanlardan olusmali. Hic bir sekilde destek aramadan hata karsit grup olan hayvan organizasyonlari tarafindan ve politik partiler tarafindan hatta ruhi akrabalik tarafindan.
Idrak etmek gerek maratonda bir tavsan gibi, tipki Atinanin 2001 yilindaki maratondaki Noah Bor gibi. Maratonu tavsan gibi baslati ve galip bitirdi!
Neticede bu haftanin haberi ise , Bu hafta New York ‘da bir konferansta bulundum konu dayanikli gelisme . Bir olasilik bizim filmimiz olan Meat the Truth gösterilebilir. Film 17’mayista orada gösterime girebilir New York’da Veggie Pride Parade, sonra burada bende bir konusma yapacagim. Gösterimlerden bir tanesi saat 17.00 ve digeri ise 19.00 New York film’de Academy.
Eger sende orada isen muhakkak gel!
Haftaya görüsmek üzere hosca kalin
This week I want to tell you more about possible alliances when starting up a new party for the animals.
Last week we were paid a visit by representatives of the Spanish party for the animals which is trying to collect enough signatures to be able to contest the European elections. They require either 50 signatures from incumbent municipal councillors (from other political parties!) or 150,000 citizens’ signatures.
One thing we know for sure is that the political establishment throws up as many barriers as it can in the path of new parties aspiring to enter parliament.
When starting your new party, you must realise that everyone you hope to attract – potential voters, candidates, executive members – are all currently members of other political parties. Even if they are disappointed with their own party’s track record on animal rights, they are often hesitant to betray their own party by working to establish a new one whose future success in the political arena is anything but certain.
We experienced the same thing. Niko Koffeman, the deviser of the party worked as a campaign strategist for the Socialist Party (SP) in the Netherlands and, although he helped us in his free time, it was hard for him to bid the SP farewell once we had won seats.
In countries that have electoral thresholds, people will feel even more hesitant to get involved as the new party for the animals may, for example, hamper the country’s incumbent green party’s ability to achieve that all-important electoral threshold.
In the worst case, participation in the elections may result in neither the new party for the animals nor the incumbent green party achieving the threshold. In the aftermath, many people will reason that animals would actually be better off without a party for the animals contesting elections, their argument being that fragmentation is an obstacle to success.
Traditionally minded animal rights organisations, which have their own contacts within the political establishment, will also react nervously to new initiatives, in part for the reasons listed above.
They may view the new party for the animals as an unwelcome intruder on their own patch that will be competing for funds from the same sponsors and vying for its share of publicity.
The kick-in-the-pants brought about by the advent of the new party (not just for the political establishment but also for established Non-Governmental Organisations) will also not be appreciated by everyone.
You therefore should not expect too much initially from alliances. The birth of the new party will really be up to a small close-knit group of people willing to paddle against the current, without support and possibly even with the active opposition from those existing animal rights organisations and political parties with whom you feel a certain measure of affiliation.
Remember you are a hare running a marathon, rather like Noah Bor in the marathon of Athens in 2001. He started the marathon like a hare (pacesetter) but ended victorious!
Finally, some news for this week. I will be attending a United Nations conference in New York this week on sustainable development. Our film Meat the Truth may be screened at the conference. The film will be officially premiered on 17 May following the New York Veggie Pride Parade, where I will also be speaking. There will be two showings, the first at 5 pm and a second at 7 pm in the New York Film Academy
If you happen to be in New York, be sure to drop by!