Thousands protest in Turkey against plans to kill stray dogs

اقرأ المزيد

    الرئيسية اشترك للحصول على تحديثات الأخبار

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EU elections: more than 1,5 million votes for the animals!

During the European elections of June 2024, the six parties of Animal Politics EU together received 1.527.564 votes. Both the Dutch Partij voor de Dieren and the German Partei Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz won a seat and will respectively be represented by Anja Hazekamp and Sebastian Everding. We are very thankful for everyone who voted for the billions of voiceless animals all over Europe. ...

إِنجَاز: مَجلِس النُّوَّاب يَهدِف إِلى حَظْر قصِّ عُيُون الرُّوبْيان

بِفَضل المقْترح اَلذِي قَدمَه حِزْب الرِّفْق بِالْحيوانات وصادق عليْه مَجلِس النُّوَّاب سَتقُوم الحكومة الهولنْديَّة بِالضَّغْط على الاتِّحاد الأوروبِّيِّ لِفَرض حَظْر على اِسْتيراد الرُّوبْيان الَّذين شُوِّهَت أَعيُنهم دُون تَخدِير. سيناشد وزير الزِّراعة والطَّبيعة والْجوْدة الغذائيَّة المحَالِّ التِّجاريَّة الهولنْديَّة لِوَقف شِرَاء ذَلِك الرُّوبْيان. قَالَت عُضوَة البرْلمان عن حِزْب الرِّفْق...

لََا يُمْكِن لِلْحيوانات أن تَنتَخِب لَكِن بِإمْكانك أَنْت أن تَفعَل!

هذَا الأسْبوع و -تحْديدًا- مِن السَّادس إِلى التَّاسع مِن حُزيْرَان (يُونْيو) بِإمْكَان قُرَابَة أرْبعمئة مِلْيون مُوَاطِن مِن سَبْع وَعشرِين دَولَة المشاركة فِي اِنْتخابات البرْلمان الأوروبِّيِّ. يَملِك الاتِّحاد الأوروبِّيُّ تأْثيرًا كبيرًا على حَياتِك وَحَياة الملْيارات مِن الحيوانات. مِن أَجْل أن يَبقَى كَوكَبُنا صَالِح لِلْحيَاة لَنَا وللْأجْيال القادمة يَجِب عليْنَا أن نُغي...


  • Animal Politics World Confe­rence Food & Health: Saving the World with Fork & Knife

    Watch the best international speakers on the topics of food, health and politics live via our YouTube channel on 10th and 11th of July.

    [Times are according to CEST time zone]

    DAY 1: SATURDAY 10th of JULY

    09.45 – 10.20 Lecture and Q&A: The Eco-centric Political Movement

    by Esther Ouwehand, party leader of the Dutch Party for the Animals

    10.20 – 10.45 The rise of the Animal Politics Movement

    Presentation on the political movement for animal rights by Elsa Miedema, political historian and researcher

    11.00 – 11.40 Lecture and Q&A: Food and the ecological and climate crisis, by Helen Harwatt, Senior Research Fellow at Chatham House Food and Climate Policy and fellow at Harvard University

    12.25 – 13.25 Masterclass Food Impact: Ecocide & Food,
    by Jojo Mehta, co-founder and executive director of Stop Ecocide International and MP Lammert van Raan of the Dutch party for the Animals

    13.25 – 14.25 Interview and Q&A on food transition, with pioneer entrepreneur Kees Kruythoff, CEO of The LIVEKINDLY Collective

    Interview with Kees Kruythoff, former CEO at Unilever, now CEO of The LIVEKINDLY Collective of plant-based food brands, by Sophie Kevany, journalist, writing on animal agriculture and the future of food production for The Guardian.


    ١٠ يوليو , ٠٩:١٥ - ٠٢:٣٠
  • DAY 2 Animal Politics World Confe­rence: Saving the World with Fork & Knife

    Watch the best international speakers on the topics of food, health and politics live via our YouTube channel on 10th and 11th of July.

    [Times are according to CEST time zone]

    DAY 2: SUNDAY 11th of JULY

    09.45 – 10.15 Lecture and Q&A: Food & Health: Pandemics and protecting our health in the future, by professor Hans Zaaijer, medical doctor and microbiologist, professor of blood-borne infections at the University of Amsterdam

    13.35 – 14.05 Lecture: Behaviour Change and the concept of ‘Plant-based by default’, by professor Henriëtte Prast, economist, senator for the Dutch Party for the Animals and initiator of the ‘Plant-based by default’ initiative

    ١١ يوليو , ٠٩:٤٥ - ٠٢:١٥