Worldlog Hafta 39 – 2008

26 Eylül 2008

Gectigimiz hafta, prensler gunu ile alakali genel gorusun getirdigi yogunluk sebebiyle bu pazar 14 eyluldeki, Marcellina Stolting’in Amsterdamdaki ozel kedi davranis kurumunun acilisini yaptigimi soylemeye unuttum.

Buraya kedinizin davraniz bozuklugu problemleri hakkinda kedi davranisi terapistleri ile konusabilirsiniz. Kedi davranisi hakkinda cesitli kurslarda vermekteler. Ayri bir kedi bekleme odasi, kedi gorusme odasi, yani sira kurshanesi, kedi bakimhanesi ve kedi terapi odalarina sahip. Kedilere bu kadar cok ilgi alaka Hollandada ilk ve ozel! Marcellina’nin anlattigina gore bir cok kedi yemegine ve icecegine karsin mutsuz.

Buyuk yanlis anlasmalardan biri kedilerin bencil oldugudur. Kedilerde yanlizdir egerki tek basina bir evde iseler! Benimde iki tane kedim var, yakinda Marcellinayi davet edecegim benim kedilerede bir gelsin baksin…

Bu hafta Veggiemaster’in yeni bir ürünü ile tanistim. Tadin gercek etin ve baliginki ile korkunc bir sekilde bir benzerlige sahip oldugunu soylemeliyim. buradan ismarlayabilirsiniz.

Hollandada domuz ciftcilerin onumuzdeki hafta sonundaki acik gorusune hazirlandigi sira, morfinsiz domuzlarin hadim edilmesi konusu tartismaya acildi. Ayni sira Hollanda hukumeti sade Avrupanin degil , Çininde domuz kasabi olmak istiyor. Sanirim Hollanda hukumetine dank etmiyor, daha yerel ve dayanikli bir uretim seklinde gecmemiz gerektigi, daha cok bitkisel, hayvansallik yerine.

Kanada’da Meat the Truth filmi bu hafta ilk gosterisine basliyor. Ne yazikki oraya bulunamayacagim (vejetaryanlarda ucak yollarina tasaruflu olmali), ama Hollywood taki ilk gosterimize onumuzdeki 3 ekim cuma gunu mutlaka gidecegim. Dunyanin her yerinden istekler yagmaya devam ediyor Capetown’dan Peking’e kadar!

Last week was a very busy one owing to the Parliamentary Debate on the Speech from the Throne. Consequently, I completely forgot to mention that I opened Marcellina Stolting’s unique cat behaviour centre in Amsterdam last week.

This centre offers the services of cat behaviour therapists for your troublesome kitty. They can also provide information on special cat behaviour courses. There is a special cat waiting room, a cat consultation room, cat admissions, a training course area, a cat-sitting service and cat behaviour therapy. The entire premises is devoted to the care of felines. This is certainly unique in the Netherlands!
Marcellina told me that many cats, even when provided with the usual creature comforts, are often unhappy. One of the biggest misconceptions around is that cats are solitary animals. Cats get lonely if left at home all alone! As the owner of two cats myself, I’ll soon be inviting Marcellina to come take a look at my kitties…

This week I tried out a new meat substitute produced by Veggiemaster. I’ve got to say that this product approaches the flavour of meat and fish so closely that it’s actually a little spooky… Click here to order.

While Dutch pig farmers are preparing for a weekend in which they open their sties to the public to show everyone just how “wonderful” things are for the pigs and the debate is heating up over why anaesthetised castration has not yet been mandated, the Dutch government is working all out not only to ensure that the Netherlands becomes Europe’s biggest butcher, but also to induce China to buy huge quantities of Dutch pork! Apparently, the message still eludes the Dutch government: we need to move to more regional and sustainable production that stresses vegetable protein above animal protein.

Meat the Truth premiers in Canada this week. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend (vegetarians also need to be thrifty with their airmiles). However, I will be attending the Hollywood premier of Meat the Truth on 3 October. Interest in our film is coming from all corners of the earth, from Cape Town to Beijing!