Worldlog Hafta 24 – 2008
Bu hafta Hayvanlari Koruma Partisi muthis bir fethe sahip oldu. Agresif Hayvanlar Anlasmasi, pitbull benzeri kopeklerin yakalanip oldurulmesini saglayan kanun kaldirildi, cunku bir kopegi dis gorusune bakip yasaklanamayacagi anlasildi.
Bu kanun cikti cikali bakanin arastirmalarina gore, kopek isiriklarinin ne azaldigi nede cogaldigi ortaya cikti. Bu kanunun ise yaramadigi burdan belli oldu. Hayvanlari Koruma Partisi uzun suredir bu ayrimci kanunun kalkmasi icin ugras verdi, ve bu sonuctan gayet memnun.
Odin icin bu kanunun kaldirilmasi gec kaldi
Bu hafta genel hesap odasi, Hollanda parlemento dosyalarini kontrol eden organ, Hollandanin tarim, doga ve yiyecek kalitesi bakani icin kotumser bir rapor cikardi.
Odaya gore, Bakan hayvan haklarina sahip cikmak icin cok az adim atiyor ve bu konudaki gelismeleri yeterince kontrol etmiyor. Ciftcilerin kurallari yerine getirmelerini yeterince kontrol edilmedigi gibi, bu konunun ciddiyetininde farkinda degil. Hayvanlarin eziyetli ve aci dolu islemler gormesine, mesela domuzlarin hadimi, ve tavuklarin gagalarinin kesimlerini engelleyecek kanun ve kurallarin cikarilmasi kez ve kez ertelenmesi.
Cevre konusundada, genel hesap odasi, ciftliklerin amonyak uretimini arastirdi ve bu konudada bakanligin yetersiz kaldigi ortaya cikti. 2010 icin amaclanan hedeflere simdiden ulasamayacak, cogaltilan sut uretim kotasi, amonyak uretiminide yukseltecek. Cevre bu yuzden zarar gormeye devam edecek.
Bakana bu konuda hesap soracagiz.
Avusturyada 10 tane havyan korumacisi, kaba kuvvetle tutuklandi, suc belgesi olmadan. Uzun suredir iceride tutuluyorlar (suanda 4 haftadir) suclarinin ne oldugunu bilmeden.
Hayvanlari Koruma Partisi, bu korumacilarin ne sebeble tutuklandigi konusunda yargi yapamadigi halde, hayvan koruyucularin haklarini bu tur ezilmesine endise duyuyor. Amnesty International’da bu sebebsiz tutuklanmalari kabullenmiyor. Dr Martin Balluch, Avusturya Verein Gegen Tierfabrike’nin baskani, da tutuklandi ve olum orucuna basladi. Durumu hizlibir sekilde kotuleniyor. Parlementoda dis isleri bakanina bu konuda sorular sorduk. Avusturya’nin bu sectigi tutuklama yolu hakkinda butun bilgilere burda bulabilirsiniz.
Tutuklanan hayvan korumacilarina Online destek olabilirsiniz. Yarin Hayvanlari koruma partisinin genclik kolu, PINK, Avusturya konsoloslugu onunde Martin Balluch’un serbest birakilmasi icin gosteri yapacak.
Dr. Martin Balluch
Parlementoda yaz tatili girmeden, bir kac kanun teklifini tartismak istiyoruz. Senelik parlemento raporumuzu hazirlamakla mesguluz (suanda tek politik parti olarak bu raporu cikaracagiz, parlementoda yaptigimiz islerin hesabini vermek adina) ve Hollandada acilmasi beklenen mega ahirlarin engellenmesi icin elimizden geleni yapacagiz.
Onumuzdeki hafta gorusmek uzere!
This week the Party for the Animals scored an amazing victory. The Aggressive Animals Order, which allowed the confiscation and destruction of pit-bull type dogs, has been scrapped on the grounds that you cannot ban dogs simply on physical appearance.
The minister had to admit that the number of bite incidents had not dropped since the order was implemented and, therefore, that the order does not appear to be effective. The Party for the Animals has worked for a long time to have this discriminatory order abolished and we are of course thrilled with this result.
For Odin the repeal of this order came too late
This week, the Netherlands Court of Audit, an official organ that monitors Dutch government policy, published a damning report on the Dutch minister for agriculture, nature and food quality.
The minister is accused of doing too little to improve animal well-being and of neglecting to check if any progress is being made, according to the Netherlands Court of Audit. Inspections to verify that cattle breeders are working according to the rules are inadequate and there is no firm information on the number or seriousness of the offenses committed. Legislation to reduce the number of painful procedures inflicted on animals, such as the castration of piglets or the debeaking of chickens, has been delayed time and time again.
In the area of the environment, where the Netherlands Court of Audit looked at ammonia emitted by intensive cattle breeding, government policy failed the grade. Targets for 2010 will not be reached and, with the expansion of the milk quota, the amount of ammonia emitted is even set to rise. This will seriously damage nature reserves.
We will call the minister to account about this scathing assessment of her policy.
In Austria, 10 animal protectionists were arrested with brute force and detained without being indicted. They are still being held (4 weeks and counting) without knowing what they are charged with.
Although the Party for the Animals is in no position to judge what the animal protectionists involved are accused of, we are very concerned about the way the rights of these individuals have been violated. Amnesty International also finds the arrest and detention without charge unacceptable. Dr Martin Balluch, President of the Austrian Verein Gegen Tierfabrike (association against animal factories) has also been arrested and has gone on hunger strike. His condition is worsening rapidly. We submitted parliamentary questions on the situation to the Dutch minister of foreign affairs. You can find detailed information on the repressive methods of the Austrian justice system here.
You can sign an online petition and express your support for the arrested animal protectionists. Tomorrow the youth organization of the Party for the Animals, PINK, will be demonstrating outside the Austrian embassy in The Hague and demanding the release of Martin Balluch.
Dr. Martin Balluch
The parliamentary party is noticing that the last mile is the longest. Before the summer recess begins, we have a number of bills to discuss, we have to complete our parliamentary report (we are the only political party that produces such a report to give an account of our parliamentary work) and we are doing everything we can to prevent the establishment of multi-story mega pig sties in the Netherlands.
Until next week!