Worldlog Hafta 13 – 2009

27 Mart 2009

Yeni baslayan bir parti icin bir cok zorluklarla karsilasiyoruz ve önümüze cikan zorluklar ise hayvan aktivisleri , yani hayvan karsitlari. Bu böyle olacak diye bir sey yok fakat genel anlamda. Hayvan aktivisler yeni bir grup olarak görülüyor, bunlar toplumda zararli olarak görülüyor. Bizim senator, Niko Koffeman, gecen haftadaki baslik yazisinda Hollandanin Trouw gazetesinde yazdiklarini sizlerle paylasmak istiyorum:

Insanlarin hayvanlarla münasebetleri korkunc sekilde. Hayvanlarin vücutlarini fen ve ilim alaninda kullaniyorlar bunun yaninda hayvanlari canli olarak kullanip öldürüyorlar, milyonlarcana günlük civcivleri disi degilde erkek olduklari icin öldürüyorlar, kazlari öyle mecburi zoraki besliyorlarki göründügünden daha sis iri normalinden daha kilolu daha büyük görünsün diye. Bogalar halkin zevki icin iskence eziyet ediliyor. Hollandada hayvancilik iyi gitmiyor. Otlak alanlarimizda göremesiniz fakat ciftliklerde aci ceken ve ölen cok hayvanlar var her sene 500 miljona yakin hayvan ölüyor.

Gün gectikce insanlar bunlari görmek ve dilemek istemiyor. Hayvanlarin yasamlarinin degerini , insanlarin yasam degeriyle ayni gören insanlar toplulugu gün gectikce artiyor. Hollanda 4 milyon organize edilmis hayvan-, doga-, ve doga korumacilari, ve dünyada ilk hayvan koruma partisinin kurulusu ve 20 halk korumacilari var.

Hollandada ayni zamanda öyle bir parlamento varki , sogukkanlilikla yilan baliklarini öldürüyorlar. Nedeni ise balikcilarin kücük cikarlar pesinde kosmalari ve ekmek arasi yilan baligi severler icin yapilan ticaret. Bazi insanlar icin cok zit bir parti kurmak insanlara hizmet vermeyen bir parti fakat bu parti hayvanlara, dogaya, ve cevreye hizmet vermekte.

Bazilari icin cok zit bir olay antibiyotik kullanmalari cünkü halkin sagligini zor durumda birakiyorlar bunlarin sonucunda yigin ve coklukla MRSA bulastiriyorlar insanlara ve hayvanlara. Et sektorunu serbest birakmakla samunela ve campy bakteriya mikrobu tasiyan etleri satmalari her yil yüzlerce insanin öldügü ve hasta oldugu görülmektedir. Veya WHO
H5N1 pandemi miljon beklenen kurbanlar, ve gösterilen senaryo ise ‘dirsek selami’bulasmayi önlemek icin.Planbürodan ve yasam standartindan kaca mal oldugunu ve iklim sartlari in 50-70% asagi cekmek mümkün bunu cidi anlamda ele alindigi takdirde ayrica et mamülerini azami cekmek , fakat yöneticiler bunu görmemezlikten geliyorlar.

Bu azami beslenme da kücük bölümü itiva etmektedir dedigimiz ise 4 milyon hayvan-, doga-, ve cevre aktivistleri kanun cignemekte.Kim AIVD raporunu okur ise, ciddi anlamda 0,025 promil insanlarin ayvan taraftarlari ‘dirlar doga ve cevre icin. Kanun yasaklari kaldirilmali fakat simdiki hukuk cercevesi icinde hükümet cok sey yaptigini anlatmakta. Teroristle hic ilgisi yok fakat konu büyütülüyor fakat hayvan koruma partisi bunlari kabul etmiyor.

Tertullianusa gore hayvanlari deney ve koboy olarak kullanilan hayvanlarin kanlari aktivislerin can damari.

Insanlar hayvanlari koruyor ise bunlar cani degiller. Bunlari canilestirirmemeli lüzümsuz kontraklara imza attirilmamali iceriginde kanunlara karsi gelmemek gibi. Ayni zamanda zor durumda birakilmamalidirlar devamli “sorulan soru radikal hayvan aktivisti hakkinda ne düsünüyorsunuz”.

Liberal parti kurucularindan sorulmuyor kontraktin icerigi bankalara ve sigortacilara bunlar kendilerini ve iceri aldiklarini düsunüyorlar fakat hayvan koruma partisi bunun aksini yapiyor , hayvanlari ve cevreyi koruyorlar.
Hükümetin görevi suclulari izlemek ve yakalamak , Sucu bir baskasina yüklemek degil hata elerinde delil olmadikca .

Niko Koffeman, meclis üyesi Hayvan koruma partisinin.

Yeni ve kisa bir haber gecen hafta Ispanyol gazetesinin organize ettigi sayfada 20 ‘minutos’ dakika anlaminda ‘en güzel politikaci kim dünyada . ne sanirsiniz, ben 15 sirada yer aliyorum ! daha oy hakkiniz var kullanabilirsiniz 😉

Ne komik bu secmenlerin hepsinin kadin olmalari. Ben genelde Ispanyolarin boga güresinden cok kadinlara bakmalarini tercih ederim…

Haftaya görüsmek üzere hosca kalin

One of the accusations you will continually face as a new party for the animals is that you don’t distance yourself from violent animal activism. Not because this is the case, but because people expect you to distance yourself from them on all levels. Because animal activists are the new usual suspects, considered subversive, undermining of authority or socially disruptive. Our senator, Niko Koffeman, wrote an op-ed for the Dutch daily newspaper TROUW that I would like to share with you:

People’s behaviour towards animals is extreme. They fully knowingly surrender the bodies of animals to science, they use animals as living, moving targets, they murder millions of day-old chicks just because they are male, they force-feed geese until their livers swell up to ten times their normal size, they torture bulls as a form of public entertainment. As the world’s most cattle-dense country, the Netherlands hardly has clean hands either. Although you could not tell by looking at our pastures, our cattle-rearing industry is responsible for the deaths of 500 million animals each year.

More and more people are no longer willing to accept this situation. They realize that, for an animal, its life has just as much value as the life of a person has for the individual concerned. The Netherlands has more than 4 members of animal, nature and environmental organisations, and is the first country in the world to launch a party for the animals which now has 20 elected representatives.

Yet at the same time, the Netherlands’ parliament also permits eels to be driven to extinction in cold blood. All because of the short-term interests of fishermen and fans of eel sandwiches. And so tensions arise, as well as accusations of extremism, a word that is always very tied into the perceptions of the person using it. For some, ‘extreme’ is setting up a party that does not focus on people, but on animals, nature and the environment.

For others, ‘extreme’ is allowing farmers to use so many antibiotics that public health is put at risk as a result of massive MRSA infections among people and animals. ‘Extreme’ is allowing the meat industry to sell products infected with salmonella and campylobacter, which causes the deaths of hundreds and the illness of thousands more each year. Or to prepare for the H5N1 pandemic, predicted by the WHO to affect millions, with only a scenario involving the “elbow bump” greeting to counter infection. We know from the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency that the costs of urgently needed climate control could be 50-70% lower if we seriously attempted to reduce meat consumption. Yet the government’s attitude is one of “eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die”.

It is this that motivates a very small percentage of the 4 million animal, nature and environmental activists to break the law. Anyone who reads General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) reports on the subject will conclude that these activists represent no more than a tiny fraction of people who fight for the rights of animals, nature and the environment. Their law-breaking must be condemned and our legal system does provide the government with ample instruments to tackle the issue. This has nothing to do with terrorism, and any comparison to terrorism is an obvious exaggeration to anyone, including those that reject any form of violence, such as the Party for the Animals.

To paraphrase Tertullianus, in the blood of laboratory animals, food animals and production animals lie the seeds of activism.

People who stand up for the rights of animals are not criminals. And they should not be criminalized having to sign contracts in which they declare they allegiance to the law. And neither should they be constantly harassed with the question: “and what do you think of radical animal activism.”

Just as representatives of the Liberal Party in the Netherlands are not asked to contractually distance themselves from the culture of greed at banks and insurance companies, those who support animal rights should not be distrusted out of hand because of their sympathy for animals.

The job of the government is track down and try suspected felons and not to engage in imputation or insinuation against anyone.

Niko Koffeman, Party for the Animals senator in the Dutch Upper House of Parliament.

More news: last week, Spanish magazine ‘20 minutos’ held an election for the world’s ‘most beautiful’ politicians. And wouldn’t you know it, I currently hold the 15th spot! And you can still vote 😉
A little odd, actually, that this election assumes beautiful politicians necessarily have to be women. Well, in any case, I’d rather see Spaniards women-watching than bull-fighting.

Till next week