Worldlog Hafta 07 – 2009

13 Şubat 2009

Gecen hafta, hayvan koruma partisinin nasil kuruldugunu sizlere Wordlog’umda anlatmaya calistim. Bir cok kisiler soruyor hayvan koruma partisinin nasil kuruldugunu. Bu hafta partinin kurulmasiyla ilgili yazima ara vermek zorunda kaldim nedeni ise diger önemli konulari sizlere anlatmak icin .Haftaya tekrardan kaldigimiz yerden devam etmek istiyorum ‘Hayvan koruma partisini nasil kurabilirim’, diye.

Bu hafta av alani icerisinde acilan ve 10 asil geyikler icin Hollandanin Terschelling bölgesinden kanunsuz olarak disari atildilar.Gecen sene Terschelling bölgesinde yasayan yerli halk saka olsun diye geyikleri bu adaya birakmislardi. Bu hayvanlar aslinda burada yetisen geyikler degil, verilen karara göre hayvanlari yakalayip geldikleri yere tekrar götürmek. Ziraat ve Tarim Bakaninin acikladigina gore avcilarin geyikleri avlamalari söz konusu olamaz demisti. Bakanin gecen hafta acikladigina gore geyiklere ates etmek icin izin verdi, nedeni ise bircok denemelere ragmen geyikleri yakalamak ve bayiltmak bir sonuc vermedigi icin. Olanaksiz olan bir bir sey ki’ hemen kolaylikla tabancaya sarilmak. Terscheling bölgesinde bulunan geyiklerin yabanci hayvan muamelesi görmeleri (Bakanin aciklamasi ‘faunatahrifi’) Ayni zamanda bir erkek geyik yakalanarak üremesi disinda acil bir bakim gerektirmemektedir .
Hayvan Koruma Partisi mecliste su aciklamayi yaparak bakana ve üyelerine seslendi ispat edermisiniz ve aciklarmisiniz dogumu yaklasan ve karinlari yüklü olan bu havanlara neden ates edildigini.
Bunun yaninda parti üyeleri adada ilk vurulan geyigin bulundugu yere’de celenk yerlestirdiler

Bizler ayni zamanda Hollandanin websitesinden, Bakana seslenerek geyiklere ates etmeye bir son verin e-mail protestosuna basladik. Son atagimiz af cikarmak ve mudafasiz olan geyiklerin üretme ciftliklerinden Terscheling adasina sürüklenmeleri, bu geyikleri tasiyan araclara bindirmek icin geyiklerin boynuzlaru kesmeleri, yani tasimaciligi kolaylastirmak icin diyorlar. Ve simdide ölüm cezasi veriliyor hayvanlara bir sey yapmadiklari halde.

Lütfen protesto edin geyik avciligina karsi ve websitemizdeki belgeyi doldurarak bakana sunarak. Bu mektup isminizle beraber otomatik olarak Tarim ve Ziraat Bakanina gönderilecektir.
Buradan mektubu ingilizce olarak okuyabilirsiniz ve buradanda mektuba imza atabilirsiniz.

Görmek isterseniz eger gecen senenein Worldlog’unda Faeröer adasinda gadarca öldürülen yunus avciligini anlatmaktayim, bu haftada sizleri yönlendirmek istedigim protesto tesebüsü ise zalimce yapilan avlanmalar. Buradan okuyun protesto tesebüsünü (Ingilizce olarak) ve buraya isim ve e-mail adresiniz ve altindaki protesto maili ise Faerör adasinin basbakani ise yilda zalimce öldörülen yunus avciligini yasaklamaktadir.

Haftaya görüsmek üzere hosca kalin!

In my past few Worldlogs I have been relating the story of how we set up the Party for the Animals. This was in response to questions from many of you on how to get such an organisation off the ground. This week, however, I am interrupting my story to report some other important events and will continue my ‘how to start a Party for the Animals’ series next week.

This week the hunt was opened of 10 red deer that were illegally released on the Dutch island of Terschelling late last year as a kind of “joke” by some of the islanders. As these animals are not native to the island, the authorities decided to capture the deer and return them to holding centres on the mainland. Earlier the minister of agriculture, in response to parliamentary questions put by the Party for the Animals, had said there would be no hunt of the red deer. Yet last week the minister admitted that she had granted permission for the deer to be shot after several failed attempts to tranquillise and capture them. It defies belief that rifles are being reached for so readily. That the deer on Terschelling are viewed as “non-native animals” (the minister uses the term “fauna adulteration”) does not justify their summary execution. And the fact that several hinds may be with young makes the situation all the more harrowing. Furthermore, since the only male red deer has been already been captured, there’s no real worry of a population explosion.
The Party for the Animals has summoned the minister to the Lower House to give account of the shooting of red deer that may be with young. Members of the party travelled to the island to draw attention to the hunt by laying a wreath on the spot where the first red deer was shot.

Via our Dutch website, we have also started an e-mail protest campaign to persuade the ministry to stop the culling of the red deer. This is a final attempt to secure an amnesty for these defenceless red deer that have already been dragged to Terschelling from a mainland stock farm, during which the male deer had his antlers removed to ease the transport. And now these completely innocent animals face the death penalty.

Join the protest against the hunt of the red deer and go to our website and sign the letter to the ministry which will automatically be sent to the minister of agriculture in your name. Click here to read the letter in English and click here to sign it.

For those of you who missed my Worldlog last year in which I reported on the barbaric Faeroe Islands dolphin hunt, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join our protest campaign. Read here for more information on the protest campaign (in English) and enter your name and e-mail address here to send an protest e-mail to the prime minister of the Faeroe Islands requesting an end to this cruel annual dolphin hunt.

Until next week!