Worldlog Hafta 42 – 2008

17 Ekim 2008

13 ila 25 Kasim aylarinda Hollanda’da su idaresi secimleri yapilmaktadir.
Su idareler birligi cok eski bir kurulus aynen belediye kuruluslari gibi Hollanda hükümetine baglidir. Sular idaresi birliginin dogrusu cok eskilere dayanmaktadir suyun günlük hayata kullanimi insanlarin su alanlarinda yasamalari simdiki Hollanda’da. Ülke olusturmak ve yasamak icin ve ayni zamanda calismak icin sulari bosaltmak ve yol vermek gerekmekteydi.Bunun icin setler yapildi ve kanalar kazildi.Bu isleri yapan kisiler yani bu islerle mesgul olan insanlar bir calisma birligi olusturmakta idiler bunlar sular idaresine can veren kisilerdir.

Hayvan koruma partisi ilk defa bu secimlerde yer alacagini bildirdi, basina gore diger partilerden duyduklarinin disinda bir degisik görüs elde etmek ve ses duymak inancindaydilar.
Bizim calismamiz ve verdigimiz hizmet güvenilir bir ortamda yasamak, insanlara saygili, hayvanlara, dogaya ve cevreye. Su istasyonlarinin kurulmasinda baliklarin emniyeti de göz ardi edilmemis ve temiz su (az fosfat ve az diger birlesimler), ve zalimlige son, para israfina su farelerine (su fareleri sitlere zarar verir) insanlar zevkleri icin balik tutup tekrar atmalari gibi bunlar onemli noktalar görüsmek icin.

Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland baskani, Dick de Vos, maskot olarak ici bosaltilmis olan olan su farelerini kullanmakta ve isim olarak Jessica adini vermis ve herzaman yaninda tasidigini söylemektedir. Cok akilica bir tavir nedeni ise ilgi cekmek ve ayni zamanda müzakere ve interviu’larda hayvanlari tartismak.

Ziraat ve Tarim Bakanligi olan Verburg ikinci meclise sundugu raporda hayvan tasimaciliginda ihlal edilen noktalar söz konusu’dur demistir bu ihlal gecen yila oranla ikiye katlanmistir. Bizim israrlarimiza ragmen Bakan VWA, hayvan tasimaciligini kontrol eden organ, daha cidi bir sekilde kontrolleri artirmak gerekmektedir.
Benim görüsüme gore bir cok tipik ihlaler söz konusudur. Sorusturma raporunda görünen bu ihlalerin halen tekrarlanmasi. Hayvan nakliyatcilarinin sunduklari belgelerde hic bir seyin olmadigini ve rahatlikla gelip görmeleri gerektigini söylemislerdir. Neticeyi buradan görebilirsiniz…..
Utanc verici. Tedbir almanin zamani geldi! Fakat hayir, Bakan halen inaniyorki bu sektörlerin kendilerinin cözümleyecegine ve halen sektör tarafindan gelistirilen kontrolsistemi kucaklamistir. Bakanin ikinci mecliste anlatigina göre halen bunun böyle devam edecegine ve kontrol verilerinin hayvan nakliyesinde yayinlamamak, Meclis cogunlugunun hareketi bekledigi halde.
Tasavvur edilemez!

Bu hafta cok e-mail aldik Yunanistanin Rodos adasinda cereyan eden toplu kopek ölümleri ile ilgili. Sinir ötesi hayvan yardim birligi bu olay üzerine protesto act . Biz Hollanda polikacilari olarak hic bir sey yapamayiz, fakat herkeze diyebilirimki sinir ötesi hayvan yardim birliginin sitesine girerek karsi ciktiklari protesto mail’lerini göndermek. Buraya tiklayin.

Haftaya görüsmek üzere!

Elections for the Netherlands’ district water boards will be held from 13 through 25 November. The district water boards have existed for centuries and, along with the provinces and municipalities, form part of the governmental structure of the Netherlands. District water boards arose because of the major role “water” played in the everyday lives of the people living in the region now known as the Netherlands. Building homes and farming requires land, and to create this land, the water had to be pushed back. So dikes were built and ditches and canals were dug. This work meant communities had to cooperate and so the district water boards were born.

The Party for the Animals will be contesting these elections for the first time and has been – according to the press – putting out a message very different from that of the other parties. We are dedicated to a safe and pleasant environment where people live with respect for each other, animals, nature and their surroundings. Pumping stations that are not harmful to fish, cleaner water (less phosphate and pesticides), an end to the cruel and expensive muskrat hunt (the muskrat allegedly threaten the dikes) and a halt to animal sports such as angling are some of our policy spearheads.

Heading the candidates for the Rijnland Polder Board, Dick de Vos has a stuffed muskrat mascot named Jessica that he takes everywhere. A smart way to ensure animals get their fair share of attention during debates and interviews.

Minister Verburg of Agriculture informed the Lower House that the number of animal transport-related offences doubled this year compared to the same period in 2007. Partly thanks to our insistence , the minister has instructed the Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, the agency tasked with supervising animal transports, to increase the number of checks. I find it typical that so many offences should be reported. Studies have shown that these offences are inherent in the animal transport sector. Following the publication of these studies, enraged letters from animal transporters claimed that all was well in the sector and invited interested parties to come and look for themselves. This is the result…
Simply shameful. Surely time for tough measures! But no! The minister still believes that the sector can get its own house in order and recently endorsed a monitoring system developed by the sector itself. The minister also coolly told the Lower House that she currently had no plans to publicize the findings of the monitoring activities, despite a parliamentary majority having requested this in a motion. Incomprehensible!

This week we received a lot of e-mails about the destruction of dogs on the Greek island of Rhodos. The organisation Dierenhulp zonder Grenzen (animal assistance without borders) has begun a protest campaign. As a Dutch political party, there’s a lot we can do, but I would like to ask everyone to send a protest e-mail via the site Dierenhulp zonder Grenzen. Click here.

Until next week!