Worldlog Hafta 41 – 2008
Meat the Truth (Et Gercegi) filminin New York’ta gerceklestirilen ve cok basarili gecen galasinin ardindan gectigimiz carsamba gunu Hollanda’ya geri dondum. Cok olumlu tepkiler aldik ve simdiden Amerika’nin her yerinde gosterilebilmesi konusunda onemli anlasmalar yaptik.

Bu arada Meat the Truth (Et Gercegi) filmi Amerika’da gerceklestirilen bircok film festivaline katilmasi icin secildi ve aday gosterildi. Bu festivaller: Missoula’da yapilan Montana film festivali,California Nevada’da yapilan 7. Geleneksel Vahsi ve Bilimsel Cevre konulu film festivali ve 56. Columbus Uluslararasi film+video festivali ya da “Chris Odulleri.”
Isci Partsi(Partij van de Arbeid) ve “sosyalist parti”nin hazirlamis oldugu “kurku icin hayvan yetistirme yasagi” yasa tasarisinin gorusulmesine hafta boyunca cok calistim. Bu yasayla birlikte vizon yetistiricilerine sirketlerini tasfiye etmeleri icin 10 yil kadar bir sure taniniyor. Sahsen ben hemen durmalari taraftariyim cunku bu yasak hakkinda 25 yildan fazladir tartismalar yapilmaktadir. Bu yuzden sirket bunyelerinin yeniden yapilandirilmasi en iyi secenektir.
2002’de Mor II kabinesinin (3 agustos 1998-22 temmuz 2002 doneminde gorev yapmis Hollanda hukumeti) vizon yetistirmeyi yasaklamaya yonelik onerisi, bir sonraki Balkenende I kabinesi tarafindan sumen alti edildi. Hollanda halkinin buyuk bir cogunlugunun bu yasagi desteklediklerini bildikleri halde o zamandan beri kurk hayvani yetistircileri ve urettikleri vizonlar ikiye katlandi. Yani yasaklanacagini bile bile yatirim yapma riskini goze aldilar.

Hristiyan Birligi(ChristenUnie) ve Ozgurluk Partisi(Partij voor Vrijheid) bu yasa onerisine destek vermeyecek gibi gorunuyorlar. Halbuki daha onceki gorusmelerde ve kampanyalarinda bu yasaga taraftar olduklarini acikca bildirmislerdi.
Meclisin buyuk bir cogunlugu, atlarin kuyruklarinin kesimi yasaginin kesin cikarilmasi konusunda Partij voor de Dieren ile ayni fikirde.
Hollanda’da atlarinin kuyruklarinin kesimi 2001’den sonra yasaklandi. Ama careyi Fransa’da yaptirararak buldular. Bu sekilde yasayi ihlal etmemis oldular. Fransa kulturel ve tarihsel nedenlerden dolayi buna hala izin veriyor ve tahmini olarak Hollanda’dan giden yuzlerce tayin kuyruklari burada kesiliyor. Bu hafta Hayvanlari Koruma Partisi (Partij voor de Dieren), bunun engellenmesi icin oneride bulundu ve bu oneri Isci Partisi(PvdA) tarafindan da desteklendi ve imzalandi.
Gecen hafta Financieel Dagblad ( finans gazetesi)’de bir makalem yayinlandi. Makalemin konusu; herseye sahip olma istegimizden kaynaklanan parasal sorunlar ve bu mali krizler, kuresel isinma, yiyecek sikintisi, icme suyu krizi ve hayvan hastaliklari konularinda nasil koklu degisiklikler yapilabilir ki dunya daha da iyi bir hale gelebilsin.
Bu makalenin ingilizcesini buradan okuyabilirsiniz.
Haftaya gorusmek uzere!
After a successful and inspiring premiere of Meat the Truth in Hollywood I got back to the Netherlands last Wednesday. People reacted very enthusiastically and we arranged meetings to investigate the possibility of distributing the film through the entirety of the United States.

Meat the Truth has meanwhile been selected and/or nominated for different significant American film festivals such as the Montana CINE Festival in Missoula, Montana, the 7th Annual Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival in Nevada City, California and the 56th Columbus International Film and Video Festival, otherwise known as “The Chris Awards.
I've been working hard this week on my contribution to the debate about the Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) and the Socialist Party (SP)'s “Fur Bearing Animal Breeding Ban Act” proposal.
This Act will give mink breeders ten years to dismantle their businesses. I would prefer they stopped immediately, especially as they've been talking about a ban for 25 years now, however a slow but sure reorganisation of this industry is a good option.
In 2002, the Paars II coalition, the Dutch cabinet that governed from 3 August 1998 to 22 July 2002, had a proposal to ban mink breeding, but that was swept from the table by the following cabinet, Balkenende I.
Since then, fur breeders have doubled the amount of minks they breed, even though they know that the vast majority of the Dutch population support a ban! They therefore made a conscious decision to invest in breeding farms that could still be banned.

The ChristianUnion Party and the Party for Freedom (PVV) appear to not want to support the current Act proposal, whereas in their campaigns and earlier debates they stated they were for a fur bearing animal breeding ban!
The large majority of Dutch parliament voted for the Party for the Animals' motion to put an end to the circumvention of the ban on docking horses' tails. Docking horses' tails has been banned in the Netherlands since 2001, however people are circumventing this law by having their horses' tails docked in France. Docking is still allowed in France for cultural-historic reasons and it is estimated that hundreds of Dutch foals have their tails docked there each year. This week, the Party for the Animals' motion that requests measures be taken to stop this sneak route was adopted. The motion was co-signed by the PvdA.
Last week I published an opinion piece in the Financieel Dagblad about the credit crisis in relation to our greed, and how we could build a better world by letting the credit crisis, the climate crisis, the food shortage crisis, the drinking water crisis and the animal sickness crises be our turning-point. Click here to read the article in English.
See you next week!