Worldlog Hafta 35 – 2010

3 Eylül 2010

Hollanda’da hükumet kurma görüÈ™meleri hala sürmektedir. Hristiyan Demokrat CDA içinde, hükumeti, Geert Wilders’in partisinin desteÄŸiyle kurulmasına dair birçok görüÈ™ ayrılıkları var. Geçen hafta belli oldu ki senatonun büyük çoÄŸunluÄŸu bizim senatorumuz Niko Koffeman’in görüÈ™lerine katilmaktadir. Koffeman’in görüÈ™ü, D66 partisinden Hand Engels tarafindan mektup haline getirildi ve bir cok parti yöneticisi tarafindan da imzalandi (CDA veVVD hariç). Mektupta, parti sözcüleri, hükumeti kurmakla görevlendirilen Opstelten’in verimli bir isbirligi saglama konusunda mecliste yeterince konuslmadigi konusundaki endiselerini dile getirdiler. Ayrica mektupta, CDA, VVD’nin PVV destegiyle kurulacak hükumet, yönetim kurulu(eerste kamer) tarafindan da yeterli onayi alamayacagi belirtildi.

Bunun yaninda, gecen hafta, uluslararasi hayvan tasimaciligi sirasinda ölen 300 tane domuz hakkinda da soru önergesi verdik. 8 temmuzda 822 domuz Ispanya’ya gönderildi ancak oraya varildiginda bunlardan 300 tanesinin öldügü görüldü. Diger hayvanlarin ise susuz kaldiklari ve stresli olduklari görülmüstür. Dikkat cekici olan ise bu tasimaciliktan sorumlu olan kisinin hic bir yaptirima tabii tutulmamasi oldu. Sorumlu kisi sadece, Tarim Bakanligi’na gönderdigi mektupta bunun gelecekte bir daha tekrarlanmayacagi konusunda taahhütte bulunmakla yetindi. Bu nakliyeci maalesef, hic bir engelle karsilasmaksizin islerine devam etmektedir. Anlayamadigim, bu kisinin ceza almadan hala hayvan tasimaciligina devam edebiliyor olmasi.

Hayvanlar icin Parti, Deniz Gercegi (Sea the Truth) belgeselinde de belirtmis oldugu gibi,
Marina Stewardship Konseyi yeterince güvenilir degildir. Gecen hafta bu haberlerde konu oldu. 6 arastirmaci Nature dergisine verdikleri demecte bu konseyle ilgili süphelerinin oldugunu dile getirdiler. Asil problem, bir balikcinin sertifika almak istemesi durumunda ortaya cikiyor. Balikci önce bir danismana basvurmak ve degerlendirme icin onbinlerce euro ödemek zorunda birakiliyor. Bazi danismanlar icin daha cok para kazanmak icin birkac degerlendirme daha talep etmektedir.

Ne yazik ki Japonya, Taiji’de yine kanli balina avciligina baslamistir. Hayvanlar icin Parti olarak bu acimasiz avciliga son derece karsiyiz. Avcilar, balinalari metal borulara vurarak kiyiya cagiriyorlar, sonra öldürerek satiyorlar. Japonya bu hayvanlari avlamakta sakinca görmüyorlar cünkü balinalar tehdit edici hayvanlar listesinde yeralmamaktadir. Inanilmaz. Yilda 20.000 balina avlamak mümkün. Taiji, iki sene önce 1.857 balinanin ölümünden sorumlu tutuluyor. Taiji nüfusu 3.500’dür ama bu köy 17. Yüzyildan bu yana gelenek haline getirilmis balina avciligi yapmaktadir.

Bir baska balina avi haberi: Hayvanlari Koruma dernekleri olan Greenpeace en Sea Sheperd, Faeröer adalarinda (Danimarka’nin özerk bölgesi) balina avciligina karsi uluslararasi bir kampanya baslatti. Hayvanlar icin Parti, yillarca bu olaya dikkat cekmeye calismaktadir. Sevindigim nokta, bu derneklerin Danimarka kralicesi Margaretha’ya, balina avcilgina acilen son vermesi konusunda acik mektup göndermeleridir.

Bir de iyi bir haber verelim: Travis grubunun solisti, Paul McCartney’in (ki kendi bir vejeteryan olup, yillarca et yemeye karsi kampanyalar düzenlemektedir) yeni cd calismalari sirasinda vejeteryan olmaya karar vermistir. Onun baslatmis oldugu kampanya olan Pazartesi Et Yememe’ye partimiz de katilmaktadir.

Haftaya görüsmek üzere


The negotiations over a new government remain exciting. There are vast differences of opinion within the participating Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) about governing with parliamentary support of Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV). Last week it was made public that a majority of the senate supported the information plea of our Party for the Animals senator Niko Koffeman. Koffeman’s plea arises from the initiative of senator Hans Engels of the party Democrats 66 (D66) transformed into a letter signed by the party chairmen of almost all parties except CDA and the liberal People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD). In the letter, the party chairmen voiced their grave concerns about the fact that informateur Opstelten has limited the discussion to parties in the Lower Chamber, whereby the chances of a fruitful co-operation with the entire ‘States General’ was insufficiently set out. Also, the party chairmen in the Upper Chamber point out the fact that an intended cabinet of CDA and VVD with parliamentary support of the PVV cannot count on the support of a majority in the Upper Chamber.

Furthermore, we have raised parliamentary questions about 300 pigs that died during an international livestock transport. On July 8th 2010, 822 pigs were being transported to Spain, but upon arrival 300 pigs had died. The other animals were dehydrated and stressed. Oddly enough, the Dutch livestock transporter received no punishment. He was only asked to provide a self-written protocol to the Agriculture minister, in which he outlined what measures he would take in the future to prevent a reoccurrence. He is now free to transport animals again. I find it incomprehensible that this animal transporter received no punishment, while his actions cost so many animals their lives.

The Party for the Animals announced in the documentary Sea the Truth: that the sustainable fish label Marina Stewardship Council (MSC) is not sufficiently trustworthy. Last week this international label was in the news again because six scientists in the magazine Nature declared that they questioned the integrity of the MSC. The problem with the label arises primarily in cases where a fisherman wants to have himself registered. The fisherman must go to a consultant and pay tens of thousands of euros for an assessment. Some consultants don’t follow the rules closely and request more money for assessments in order to supplement their income.

Japan has unfortunately re-opened the bloody hunt op dolphins in Taiji. The Party for the Animals is a strong opponent of this horrible hunt. The hunters lure the dolphins to the coast by hitting metal pipes, after which they are slaughtered in the bay or sold to aquariums. Japan approves of the dolphin hunt because these dolphins are not on the endangered species list. Absolutely unbelievable. Approximately 20.000 dolphins per year in Japan are allowed to be slaughtered. Taiji was responsible for 1.857 of the slaughtered dolphins. There are only 3.500 people living in Taiji, but the village has hunted dolphins since the seventeenth century, and thus the dolphin hunt is unfortunately still seen as a tradition.

Other dolphin hunt news: Animal protection organisations Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd have started an international campaign against the dolphin hunt on the Faroe Islands, a self-governed province of Denmark. The Party for the Animals has been trying to draw attention to this terrible hunt for years and I am pleased that these organisations are urgently asking that this hunt on dolphins be stopped by means of an open letter to the Danish queen Margaretha.

And now some happy news: The singer of the band Travis has become a vegetarian to show his gratitude for Paul McCartney’s collaboration on his new CD. Paul McCartney, who is a vegetarian himself, has been campaigning against the eating of meat for years. The Party for the Animals also worked on one of his campaigns, Meat Free Monday.

See you next week!
