Worldlog Hafta 03 – 2009

16 Ocak 2009

Herkesin 2009 yeni yilini kutluyorum! Biraz önce son noktayi koydum yeni kitabim olan “Hayvanlarla ayni olan insan mutlulugu”Kitabimda ele aldigim noktalar kredi krizi, iklim krizi, gida krizi, tatlisu krizi, nakit krizi, biyo endustri krizi. Bu krizlerin tamami birbiriyle benzeyis göstermektedir, nedeni ise insanoglunun hirsi ve kisa vadeli düsünmek oluyor. Hic bir krizin olmamasi gerekiyordu hayvanlarin dünyasinda, eger insanlar olmasaydi. Insanlari hayvanlardan ayiran nokta ise üstün bir zekaya sahip olmalari ve ahlaki duygu ve seceneklerinin ayirt etmekte mani olmaktadir. “Hayvanlarla ayni olmak, insan mutlulugudur” mart ayinda cikacak olan kitabimdir ayni zamanda kitaplar haftasina da rastlamaktadir, ayni zamanda Hollanda edebiyatinda gececek olan tema ‘tjielp tjielp’.

Rakamlarlada görmek mümkün partimizin iyi gitigini. Hayvan koruma partisinin gecen seneye göre üye sayisinin müthis bir yükselme oldu. Bu yükselis %15 arti rakam olarak 8012’dir. Mualefet olarak biz ilerlerken diger yönetimde bulunan partiler üye kaybetmektedir, diger mualefet partilerden ve sadece yesiller partisi haric bu partilerdede üyeler yükselmektedir. Ortalama 12 miljon secmenden %2,5 Hollandali herhangi bir partiye.

Gecen sene bayagi bir sorular sorduk, Oda baskani Gerdi Verbeet’in yillik rapor göstermektedirki sebep olan seyler var. Benzer olay, Zirayi ve Tarim Bakani Verburg . Yeni yilda yaptigi konusmasinda ‘genetik manipulasyon yok etmek’. Bu su manaya gelmektedir Bakan meclisten ayri genetik manipulasyon ürunlerin soya ve tohum’larin serbest ülkemize giris hakki.

Bakan Verburge göre dikkate deger görüs noktalar: Mecliste benim sordugum bir soruya neden güvercinler degisik tarzda öldürülmektedir, bakanin aciklamasi ve güvercinlerin kafalarini cevirerek öldürmek veya kafayi gövdeden cekerek öldürmek bunlari hayvan canliyken yapiliyor.

Yeni bir bakis acisi bilenbir kisi diye söyleyelim….Bakan bu ikisi arasinda alaka
görememektedir güvercin bakicileri ve evcil olmayan vahsi güvercinler arasinda. Bunlar hakkinda daha sorulacak sorularim var.

Bakan sunu agizindan kacirdi ‘evcil hayvan bakani’ herhalde demek istedigi hayvanlarin gelecegi veya sevgisi degilde ekonomik alanda ne kazanabiliriz üretim nedir ne elde edebiliriz.

Sonuc olarak ingilizce yapmis oldugum interviyu senenin sonunda Ticari gazete olan NRC yaptim.

Haftaya görüsmek üzere !

Best wishes to everybody in 2009! I've just put the finishing touches on my latest book “The Equality of Animals, the Happiness of People”. In my book I describe the correlation between the credit crisis, climate crisis, food crisis, fresh water crisis, value crisis and the bio diversity crisis. These crises show significant similarities, in that they were caused by human greed and sort-term thinking. None of the crises could have occurred in the animal world without the presence of humans. Humans differentiate themselves from animals with higher intelligence and the ability to make moral, ethical decisions, but turns this differentiation to its disadvantage. “The Equality of Animals, the Happiness of People” will appear in March in the Book Week framework. It's a week designed to promote Dutch literature, and its theme will be “Tweet, Tweet”.

Recent figures show that the party is doing well because The Party for the Animals has gained a lot of members this past year. We have 15% more members now for a total of 8012. This is opposite to the ruling political parties in the Netherlands; they are losing members. The other opposition parties, except for GroenLinks, are also gaining members. The total number of people who joined a political party this year is down. Approximately 2.5% of the 12 million people eligible to vote in the Netherlands is now a member of a party.

We asked a lot of questions last year, if we look at Gerdi Verbeet's annual report. We will continue to ask even more because Minister of Agriculture Verberg is on a collision course. In her new year's address she said that she would like to “remove the taboo' on genetic manipulation (except she used the word “modification” because it sounds less scary). This means that the Minister, against the House's wishes, wants to allow free entry of products such as soya and rape seed into our country.

Some more of Minister Verberg's unusual stand points: answering questions to the House that I posed about the way in which city pigeons were killed, the Minister said that it is permitted to twist the pigeons head from its body, while the animal is still alive.

Let's just say this is a whole new look at the issue of stewardship… and the Minister does not see a single connection between the increase in keeping pigeons and the increase of city pigeons running wild. I still have a few more questions that I will ask as soon as possible.

Then the Minister let slip that she is not the “Minister for house pets”, by this she obviously wants to show her lack of interest in the wellbeing of house pets, but would rather chiefly busy herself with the economic background of production animals. This is a direct declaration of war to anyone who holds their house pet dear.

To finish I would like to point you towards and English language interview I had with the NRC Handelsblad at the end of last year.

See you next week!