Worldlog Tjedan 24 – 2015

8 lipnja 2015

Želiš li poput nas doček nove godine bez glasnih prasaka? Prošlog smo tjedna u Donjem domu zastupali potpunu zabranu komercijalnog vatrometa, izgleda 2020. Mora doći kraj rijeci vrlo mladih žrtava, neugodnosti, milijunskoj šteti i nasilju prema zdravstvenim djelatnicima tokom dočeka. Mi smo glavni pobornici debate o vatrometu u Donjem domu, te uživamo potporu većine Nizozemaca, gradonačelnika, liječnika i vatrogasaca.


Velika većina Nizozemaca se, na sreću, protivi opasnoj tradiciji vatrometa u našoj zemlji zbog velikog broja ozlijeđenih i neugodnosti. Zbog rastućeg pritiska društva, kabinet je konačno prošle godine odlučio da ograniči periode paljenja vatrometa. To je korak u dobrom smjeru, ali nije rješenje problema. Potpuna zabrana paljenja vatrometa amaterskih pojedinaca je jedino rješenje. Umjesto toga mogu se organizirati vatrometne predstave profesionalaca.

U međuvremenu dok ne nastupi na snagu potpuna zabrana, potrebno je poduzeti neke međukorake kako bi se ograničio broj žrtava i neugodnosti. Mnoštvo općina žele same uvesti zabranu paljenja vatrometa, no to trenutno nije moguće. Mi želimo da općine u budućnosti dobiju tu slobodu. Također bi trebalo i drastično ograničiti vrijeme predviđeno za paljenje vatrometa: jedino između 23:00 i 01:00 31. prosinca (trenutno je dozvoljeno između 18:00 i 02:00).

Naše su argumente na nedavnom zasjedanju Donjeg doma dodatno potkrijepili liječnici, gradonačelnici i vatrogasci. Oni također žele poduzeti sve potrebne mjere koje za krajnji cilj imaju potpunu zabranu maloprodajnog vatrometa!

Naša Europska frakcija krenula je u akciju zaštite naše prirode. Svi moraju sudjelovati! To je također prijeko potrebno, jer Bruxellesu je dosta ‘zamornih’ zakona zaštite prirode. Europska je Komisija iz tog razloga pokrenula online anketu s pitanjem da li postojeći zakoni zaštite prirode u EU imaju smisla.

Anketa je prije svega namijenjena velikim tvrtkama, ali i ti možeš dati svoj glas kako bi naglasio da je izuzetno važno prirodna područja i životinje u Nizozemskoj i ostatku Europe i dalje štititi!

Na našoj web stranici. Ispuni svoje ime (name), mjesto prebivanja (city), e-mail adresu (mail address) i mi ćemo ti ispuniti anketu. Možeš i sam ispuniti anketu na engleskom ovdje: No, pazi, iako Europski zakoni zaštite prirode nisu savršeni, mi smo u svakom slučaju u našim odgovorimo ankete jako pozitivni o smjernicama za ptice i habitat kako bi spriječili daljnje urušavanje zakona o prirodi.


O čemu se sad radi? Europski i državni zakoni reguliraju da vrijedna prirodna područja ostaju zaštićena. Primjerice, tako ne možeš iz hira izgraditi tvornicu, autocestu ili megastaju na području Veluwea. I tako bi to moralo i ostati!

No, Bruxellesu je dosta zaštite prirode jer oni smatraju da ekonomija mora rasti, te joj nijedna životinja kao i nijedno stablo ne smije stati na putu. Iz tog je razloga Europska Komisija pokrenula istraživanje kako bi ponukala korisnost Europskih zakona o prirodi. Pomogni nam to spriječiti i pridruži se akciji Geen censuur op natuur (Bez cenzure na prirodi)!

Foto voor wereld milieu dag

Prošlog je petka bio Svjetski dan okoliša. Lijep dan za objavu naše poruke s našim filmićem One Single Planet koji je još jednom privukao pažnju!

Do idućeg tjedna! Marianne

Do you also wish to have a bang-free New Year’s Eve? Last week in the Lower House, we called for a complete ban on consumer fireworks by 2020 at the latest. The flow of hundreds of mostly very young victims must end, as must the severe inconvenience, the damage running into millions and the violence against aid workers during New Year’s Eve. We are the driving force of the fireworks debate in the Lower House and we receive support from a majority of the Dutch population, mayors, doctors, police and fire brigade.


Fortunately, a majority of the Dutch population now oppose the dangerous firework tradition in our country due to the many casualties and severe inconvenience. Under growing public pressure, the Cabinet finally decided last year to restrict the period in which fireworks can be set off. That is a step in the right direction, but not a solution to the problem. The only solution is a total ban on having fireworks set off by individuals. This could be replaced by a fireworks show organised by professionals.

In the run-up to this total ban, we must now take specific interim action to minimise casualties, inconvenience and damage. Many municipalities want to be able to impose a fireworks ban themselves, but that is currently impossible. We want municipalities to get this freedom indeed. The period in which fireworks may be set off must also be restricted drastically: only between 11pm and 1am on 31 December (it is now permitted between 6pm and 2am).

During a recent hearing in the Lower House, our arguments were further emphasised by doctors, mayors and the fire brigade. They too want more drastic measures, with a total ban on consumer fireworks as the ultimate goal!

Our European faction has started a campaign to save our nature. Everyone can join! And that is desperately needed, too, because Brussels is fed up with ‘difficult’ acts to protect nature. The European Commission has therefore put a survey online with the question whether the EU’s existing acts to protect nature are still useful.

The survey is primarily intended for major companies, but you can also make your voice heard and make it clear that it is important to (continue to) protect nature areas and animals in the Netherlands – and in the rest of Europe!

On our website, you fill in your name, city and mail address and we will fill out the survey for you. You can also fill in the survey in English yourself on But please pay attention, even though European nature legislation is not perfect, we are nonetheless very positive in our survey answers with regard to the European Birds and Habitats Directive in order to prevent a further deterioration of nature legislation.


So what is this about exactly? European and national acts regulate that valuable nature areas must be protected. This means, for example, that you cannot just build a factory, motorway or factory farm on the Veluwe countryside or in a dune park. And it has to stay that way!

But Brussels is fed up with the protection of nature because it believes the economy must and will grow and no tree or animal may stand in the way of that growth. The European Commission has therefore launched a research to cast doubt on the use of European nature legislation. Help us to prevent this and join the No censorship on nature! campaign now.

Foto voor wereld milieu dag

Last Friday was World Environment Day. A beautiful day to announce this message and draw attention again to our film One Single Planet!

See you next week! Marianne