Worldlog Hafta 46 – 2009

13 Kasım 2009

Bir aydan kisa bir zaman kaldi Kopenhag ‘da yapilacak olan iklim zirvesine toplantisina. Anlasilmasi olmayan politikacilarin liderleri halen acil olan dayanikliligi. Idarecilerin hisetmemis olmalari ve krizi bahane ederek hayvanlari korumamak, doga cevre iklim olaylarini aza indirgemek ve bunlara izin vermemek.
Nitekim Hollandada 6 politik partiler tarafindan basarilan iklim spesiyaleri yani husisi kisiler yani, bunlarin arasindan bizim senatörümuz olan Niko Koffeman , birlesiminde ve asagida görülen noktalar ele alinmistir!

Iklimi kurtarmak ve diger ekonomislerin düsünceleri

Kopenhag’da basarilarimizi talep ederek ve iklim degisikligine bir son vermek. Afetlere bunun icinde olan sel baskinlarina , acliga , iklim firarina yani bizim jenerasyonumuz olan: oynanan no regret senaryo bu da dayanikli yasami sergilemektedir.
Politik partiler Kopenhagda sorulara cevap bulmalari. Hollanda adina Kopenhag’a gidecek olan herkezin icine islemis olmali.

Acik olan iki paralel var iklim krizi ve ekonomik kriz arasinda.
Hepimizi kisa bir zamanda sasirtan olay ise mali bir kriz , gercek ve acik olan sudur; ki iklim bilimcileri dünyanin isinmasi bir anda ilerlerken beklenen biyo degisikligi ve yiyecek gida maddelerini göze almak. Ekonomi tenkitcileri tarafindan yapilan iklim degisikligi tekrar edilen yanlislardan bir tanesi her sey düzelir mantigi ile hareket etmek. Bazi iklim bilimcileri görüyor ki kontrol eden tenkitciler cözümün baslangici, ser veya isinmakta olan gaz tabakasina baglamak. Fakat bu fikirler politikacilar tarafindan ciddiye alinmiyor.

Fakat bu engeller ve iklim idarecileri fiziki ve mali acidan mümkün olmayabilir.
Teknik ve idari acidan mümkün olan cözüm temiz ve dayanikli ekonomi cok önemli ve bazi ülkeler tarafindan desdeklenmektedir.
Danimarka akilici davrandi, bu ülke önde giden bir ülke nedeni rüzgar enerjisini ve bütün enerjilerin calistirmak istiyor ruzgar yani yel degirmenleri ile . Ayni zamanda elektrik enerjisi ile tasit alanindada ön sirada.

Hollandada bu halen mümkün degil. Bazi idarecilere degisik yönlere itiliyor : yeni maden alanlari uzun zaman cözümü olan CO2- ve biyolojik isinma ile disel yag , akitik maddeyi ‘yesil isiya dönüstürmel’gibi.

Bizim düsüncemiz Pazar alaninda iyi dayanikli tüketimi organize etmek: Maddelere Hakiki ve gercek etiketi koymak.Bunun icinde halkin alim gucü göz önünde tutulmali iyi bir yasam icin. Neden yanan ampüleri yasakliyoruz bunlari halka soruyoruz insanlarin uzaga tatile cikmalari degil yakin yerlerde tatil yapmalari isteniyor, fakat tesvik ediyormuyuz tüketicileri et ve mandira ürünlerini vergilendirmeye ? Ne zaman zarar verici ve pozitif efekt tasiyan maddelere ödenen miktarlarin nitekim yapilan calismada ödenen fiyat mali göstermektedir. Ödenen düsük vergi dayanikli hizmet vermektedir CO2- kaldirma, birlestirilen ödenegin yakici fosillerin yakmak ve tüketicilerin dayanikli yönde alistirilmalari ve gelecek olan gelirleri dayanikli enerjiye yatirmak oluyor.
Tüketici bu ikisi arasinda bir secim yapabilir kendi cikari ve cocuklarinin cikari acisindan.
Kanunlar sinirlari göstermektedir bizim gelismemiz ve yükselmemiz ve büyümemiz konusunda. Herseyin aynisindan fazlasi bizi mutlu etmez . Tahamül edemedigimiz ve cektigimiz olay asiri ve fazla kilolar ve suc hissine neden olmaktadir tüketici patronumuzu dejenere edemedigimizden dünyada sinir bulamiyoruz.

Dayanikli ekonomi herzaman iyi bir cözüm degil gelismis olan ülkelerde ve dayanikli tesebüs is alanlarinda, ayni zamanda gelismekte olan ülkelerde ve özelikle fakir yer alti zenginligi olan ülkelerde. Fair trade ve dayanikli yeralti madenleri gercek Kopenhage yardim etmek ve büyültmek. Buradaki amac dünyanin %20 veya daha fazla CO2 – azaltmak 2020 ‘de kendini göstermelidir .
Dünyanin perspektifi ve orman alanlari, biyo degisikliginin yok olmasi, cevre kirliligi, beraber noktalar ele alinmali diger ülkelerle beraber , iklim-idaresi görüsülmeli.

Hollanda cogu zaman ipleri ele alirdi: Amsterdam’da ilk hisseler paylastirildi, burada olusan ilk karisik uluslarin basladiklari ilk endüstri alaninda ihtilaler adimlari Zaanstreek bölgesinde oldu. Yel degirmenleri o senelerin ihtilaleri , simdi ise dayanikli enerjinin temelini olustumaktadir. Kopenhagda yeniden fikir ve acil kreyatif düsünceler ve buluslar bulmak üzere.

Haftaya görüsmek üzere hosca kalin!

With less than a month to go for the Copenhagen Climate Conference, it is incomprehensible that so many political leaders still fail to understand the urgency of pursuing more sustainable policies and that some are even using the crisis to accord the protection of animals, nature and environment a lower priority because ‘we just can’t afford it right now.’
Still, the Netherlands has formed a group of six climate specialists from six political parties, including our own Niko Koffeman. The article below was signed jointly by this group!

Saving the climate requires a different kind of economy

Success in Copenhagen will require worldwide agreement if climate change is to be stopped. Disasters in the form of flooding, food shortages and climate refugees that are now being predicted mean we have just one option: following a no-regret scenario that results in a more sustainable society.
Party politics must not be allowed to weaken the concentration of forces Copenhagen is calling for. It is sink or swim. Everyone representing the Netherlands in Copenhagen will need to be convinced of this.
Clear parallels can be drawn between the economic and the climate crisis.
Just as we were surprised at the speed with which the financial crisis expanded, virtually all climate experts have concluded that the global warming is proceeding faster than expected and it is putting biodiversity and food supplies at risk. The economic recession and climate change are the result of the same miscalculation that we can continue as we are and that everything will be all right. Some climate experts see a controlled recession not as a threat but as the start of the solution, necessary to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Yet our political leaders don’t seem to understand this.

There are no physical and financial obstacles standing in the way of an effective climate policy.
We already have the technology and administrative processes available for a clean and more sustainable economy and indeed several countries have started to deploy them.
Using smart legislation, incentives and taxes, Denmark has succeeded in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions without eroding the nation’s standard of living. Denmark leads the race for wind energy development and intends to generate half of its energy using windmills. Denmark is also stimulating the use of electric cars. The Scandinavian country is proof that much is possible when the government adopts a coherent strategy that it pro-actively pursues.

The Netherlands could learn a thing or two from its Nordic neighbours. Some of the policy measures being adopted in the Netherlands even seem a little counter-productive: new coal-fire power stations that may be able to store CO2 in the distant future, mixing biofuel with diesel oil, generating ‘green energy’ by incinerating waste.

We think that market forces can be effectively applied to make society more sustainable: a real and fair price for goods into which the social costs have been factored would contribute significantly to more conscious patterns of behaviour and consumption. Taxes that target fossil fuels and meat production affect production methods and consumption. It is a case of less of one and more of the other. Why are we phasing-out old-fashioned light bulbs and encouraging people to vacation closer to home while at the same time stimulating the consumption of meat and dairy with tax money? If both the harmful and positive effects of each product were factored into the prices of the products, the market would finally be able to do its work as the price would then reflect the true costs of the product. A lower rate of VAT for sustainable services or a CO2 levy, linked to the costs of burning fossil fuels, would lead consumers toward sustainability and generate revenues that could then be invested in sustainable energy. Consumers could then make choices that that promote their interests and well as the interests of their children.
The law of marginal utility demonstrates the value of setting limits to growth. More of the same does not make us happier. We suffer from both indulging in excess and guilt because the earth’s generative powers lag way behind our consumption patterns.

A sustainable economy is good not just for developed countries and sustainable enterprises, but is particularly valuable for developing regions and countries that are often poor but rich in raw materials. Fair trade and sustainable use of raw materials are essential to these countries. Only a real prospect of change will increase their willingness to cooperate in ‘Copenhagen’. The objective of a worldwide reduction of 20% or more of CO2 emissions is unfeasible if it fails to produce any tangible benefits.
A worldwide agreement to tackle the issues of deforestation, loss of biodiversity, environmental contamination and exploitation is the only way to get other countries to support a joint and ambitious climate policy.

The Netherlands has often played a pioneering role in its history: the first shares were traded in Amsterdam. This is where the first multinational was established as well as the first industrial revolution in Zaanstreek (a municipality of the Netherlands). The windmill, then the main engine of that revolution, is now the backbone of sustainable energy generation. In Copenhagen we will again have to demonstrate the urgency of the situation as well as the creative solutions crises situations spawn.

Until next week!