Worldlog Hafta 37 – 2008
On Thursday I presented the Party for the Animals to the International Press Association at a lunch in Perscentrum Nieuwspoort. During a meeting that lasted 1.5 hours I spoke with representatives of the Mexican media, Swiss public radio, die Neue Züricher Zeitung, the Associated Press, the Norwegian media, ARD radio, El Pais, Deutsche Press Agentur, the Spanish press agency EFE and the Israeli press.
A very useful meeting since we as the first party for animals in the world can be an important role model for other animal protectors. I will keep you informed of any articles that appear as a result of this press lunch.

I am currently very busy writing my new book (“the right of the animals, the happiness of people”) in which I draw attention to the fact that people who choose life and well-being for animals need not make any real sacrifices because of their choices – on the contrary!
The eating of animal protein is one of the top causes of major social problems such as climate change, the world food crisis, land degradation, deforestation, the inequitable distribution of raw materials, obesity, hunger, soil, water and air pollution and, of course, a great many problem related to animal well-being.
A more vegetable-based economy would be much more animal friendly, as well much more people friendly, and would give our society a far more sustainable character.
We heard this week that our film Meat the Truth will be shown at the Artivist Film Festival in Hollywood, Los Angeles, on 3 October. If you happen to be in the neighbourhood around that time, tickets are just $10. I can really recommend this one 😉
Tuesday is the day of the Queen’s speech in the Netherlands. The Queen addresses the nation from the throne and later there is a costume ball. For the ladies, it is an occasion to wear a special hat. My hat – to which the finishing touches are currently being applied – will again carry an animal-friendly message. Look out for a picture next week!

Persembe gunu, Hayvanlari koruma partisini, uluslar arasi haberajans birligine, Perscentrum Nieuwspoort’ta tanittim. toplanti sirasinda 1,5 saat Meksika medyasi, Isvec halk radyosunun, De Neue Zuricher Zeitung, Associated Press, Norvec medyasinin, ARD radyosunun, El Pais, Deutsche Press Agentur, Ispanya haberajansi EFE ve Israyil haber ajansinin temsilcileri ile konustum.
Cok faydali bir toplanti, cunku biz ilk Hayvanlari koruma partisi olarak dunyada onemli bir ornek fonksiyonu tasiyoruz diger hayvan koruyuculari icin. sizlere bu konudaki gelismelerden ve gazetelerde yayinlanacak haberlerden haberdar edecegim.

Suanda yogun bir sekilde yeni kitabimi yazmakla mesgulum “hayvanlarin hakki, insanlarin sansi”. Bu kitabimin ana konusu, hayvansever olup, hayvan haklarini savunanlarin, hayatta hic bir seyi eksik olmayacagi hatta fazlasi bile oldugu!
Hayvansal proteyin tuketiminin dunyada yasanan buyuk toplumsal sorunlara, mesela mevsim sorunlari, aclik krizi, topragin kalite kaybi, agaclarin yok edilmesi, madenlerin haksiz bolunmesi, sismanlik, aclik, yerin, suyun ve havanin kirlenmesine ve tabiki bir cok hayvanin eziyetine sebeb oldugu ap acik ortada.
Bitkisel bir ekonominin daha cok hayvansever vede insansever olacagini dusunuyorum ve toplumumuz daha kalici bir karektere sahip olacak.
Bu hafta haber aldigimiza gore filmimiz Meat the Truth 3 ekimde Artivist Film Festivalinde, Hollywood/Los Angeleste gosterime girecek. Canin isterse ve tesadufen o civrda isen, giris 10 $, tavsiye ederim ; – )
Yarin Hollandada prensler gunu, bu gun icerisinde Kralice etrafi kostumlu balo ile cevrilmis bir sekilde senelik finans raporunu halka okuyacak. Bayanlar icin degisik degisik sapkalar takmak bu gunde gelenek olmus. Benim ozel sapkamin calismalari en son hizla devam ediyor, hayvansever bir mesaj veren bir sapka. Onumuzdeki hafta resmini gosterecegim!
On Thursday I presented the Party for the Animals to the International Press Association at a lunch in Perscentrum Nieuwspoort. During a meeting that lasted 1.5 hours I spoke with representatives of the Mexican media, Swiss public radio, die Neue Züricher Zeitung, the Associated Press, the Norwegian media, ARD radio, El Pais, Deutsche Press Agentur, the Spanish press agency EFE and the Israeli press.
A very useful meeting since we as the first party for animals in the world can be an important role model for other animal protectors. I will keep you informed of any articles that appear as a result of this press lunch.

I am currently very busy writing my new book (“the right of the animals, the happiness of people”) in which I draw attention to the fact that people who choose life and well-being for animals need not make any real sacrifices because of their choices – on the contrary!
The eating of animal protein is one of the top causes of major social problems such as climate change, the world food crisis, land degradation, deforestation, the inequitable distribution of raw materials, obesity, hunger, soil, water and air pollution and, of course, a great many problem related to animal well-being.
A more vegetable-based economy would be much more animal friendly, as well much more people friendly, and would give our society a far more sustainable character.
We heard this week that our film Meat the Truth will be shown at the Artivist Film Festival in Hollywood, Los Angeles, on 3 October. If you happen to be in the neighbourhood around that time, tickets are just $10. I can really recommend this one 😉
Tuesday is the day of the Queen’s speech in the Netherlands. The Queen addresses the nation from the throne and later there is a costume ball. For the ladies, it is an occasion to wear a special hat. My hat – to which the finishing touches are currently being applied – will again carry an animal-friendly message. Look out for a picture next week!