Worldlog Semana 37 – 2008

12 setembro 2008

On Thursday I presented the Party for the Animals to the International Press Association at a lunch in Perscentrum Nieuwspoort. During a meeting that lasted 1.5 hours I spoke with representatives of the Mexican media, Swiss public radio, die Neue Züricher Zeitung, the Associated Press, the Norwegian media, ARD radio, El Pais, Deutsche Press Agentur, the Spanish press agency EFE and the Israeli press.

A very useful meeting since we as the first party for animals in the world can be an important role model for other animal protectors. I will keep you informed of any articles that appear as a result of this press lunch.

I am currently very busy writing my new book (“the right of the animals, the happiness of people”) in which I draw attention to the fact that people who choose life and well-being for animals need not make any real sacrifices because of their choices – on the contrary!

The eating of animal protein is one of the top causes of major social problems such as climate change, the world food crisis, land degradation, deforestation, the inequitable distribution of raw materials, obesity, hunger, soil, water and air pollution and, of course, a great many problem related to animal well-being.

A more vegetable-based economy would be much more animal friendly, as well much more people friendly, and would give our society a far more sustainable character.

We heard this week that our film Meat the Truth will be shown at the Artivist Film Festival in Hollywood, Los Angeles, on 3 October. If you happen to be in the neighbourhood around that time, tickets are just $10. I can really recommend this one 😉

Tuesday is the day of the Queen’s speech in the Netherlands. The Queen addresses the nation from the throne and later there is a costume ball. For the ladies, it is an occasion to wear a special hat. My hat – to which the finishing touches are currently being applied – will again carry an animal-friendly message. Look out for a picture next week!

Na quinta-feira passada, apresentei o Partido para os Animais para a União Internacional de Imprensa durante um almoço no Centro de Imprensa Nieuwspoort. Durante a reunião, de uma hora e meia, falei com os representantes da mídia mexicana, da rádio pública suíça, Neue Züricher, Associated Press, com a mídia norueguesa, ARD rádio, El Pais, Agência Deutsche Press, a agência de informação espanhola EFE e para a imprensa israelita.

Certamente uma reunião muito útil porque nós somos o primeiro partido para os animais no mundo, uma função exemplar para outros protetores dos animais. Eu os atualizarei sobre os artigos que serão publicados, originados deste almoço com a imprensa.

E estou, neste momento, ocupada em escrever o meu novo livro “a razão dos animais, a felicidade das pessoas”. Eu enfatizo o fato de que nada têm a perder as pessoas que optam em favor da vida e bem-estar dos animais, ao contrário, têm a ganhar!

O consumo da proteína de origem animal está no topo das causas de grandes problemas sociais como os problemas climáticos, a crise alimentar mundial, a degradação do solo, o desmatamento, a má distribuição dos recursos, o excesso de peso, a fome, a poluição do solo, da água e do ar e, claro, muitos dos problemas do bem-estar animal.

Uma economia mais “vegetal” seria mais favorável aos animais, como também às pessoas e daria a nossa vida em comum um caráter muito mais sólido.

Recebemos esta semana o comunicado de que nosso filme “Meat the Truth”, no dia 3 de outubro, será exibido no Festival de Filme Arte e Ativismo em Hollywood, Los Angeles. Se você está interessado em ir ou se, por acaso, estiver lá, a entrada é apenas 10 dólares e eu não poderia deixar de recomendar!

Amanhã na Holanda é o Dia do Príncipe, onde a rainha lê o Discurso da Coroa junto de um baile tradicional. É costume que as mulheres usem um chapéu especial. O meu chapéu ainda está sendo bem elaborado, para dar uma mensagem em favor dos animais. Próxima semana, uma fotinho!

On Thursday I presented the Party for the Animals to the International Press Association at a lunch in Perscentrum Nieuwspoort. During a meeting that lasted 1.5 hours I spoke with representatives of the Mexican media, Swiss public radio, die Neue Züricher Zeitung, the Associated Press, the Norwegian media, ARD radio, El Pais, Deutsche Press Agentur, the Spanish press agency EFE and the Israeli press.

A very useful meeting since we as the first party for animals in the world can be an important role model for other animal protectors. I will keep you informed of any articles that appear as a result of this press lunch.

I am currently very busy writing my new book (“the right of the animals, the happiness of people”) in which I draw attention to the fact that people who choose life and well-being for animals need not make any real sacrifices because of their choices – on the contrary!

The eating of animal protein is one of the top causes of major social problems such as climate change, the world food crisis, land degradation, deforestation, the inequitable distribution of raw materials, obesity, hunger, soil, water and air pollution and, of course, a great many problem related to animal well-being.

A more vegetable-based economy would be much more animal friendly, as well much more people friendly, and would give our society a far more sustainable character.

We heard this week that our film Meat the Truth will be shown at the Artivist Film Festival in Hollywood, Los Angeles, on 3 October. If you happen to be in the neighbourhood around that time, tickets are just $10. I can really recommend this one 😉

Tuesday is the day of the Queen’s speech in the Netherlands. The Queen addresses the nation from the throne and later there is a costume ball. For the ladies, it is an occasion to wear a special hat. My hat – to which the finishing touches are currently being applied – will again carry an animal-friendly message. Look out for a picture next week!