Worldlog Hafta 22 – 2008

30 Mayıs 2008

Gectigimiz hafta parti kongremiz vardi (uye toplantisi). Kongremizde gayet basarili bir seneye geri baktik. Bu sene icerisinde meclisten iki sandalye, buyukbelediye secimlerinde 8 sandalye ve senatodan 1 sandalye aldik. Konusmamin ozetini burden okuyabilirsiniz.

Uyelerimiz kongrede, parti baslarinin onumuzdeki sene Avrupa secimlerine katilma planini onayladi! Yine guzel ve kampya ile dop dolu bir sene olucak.

Peter Singer, Princeton universitesinde bio etik yuksek docent, filosof ve hayvan haklari fikirleriyle ilk, kongre sirasinda cok aydinlatici bir konusma yapti. Onu kongremizde misafir etmek buyuk bir onurdu.

Peter Singer

Our party congress (members’ meeting) was held last week. It was an opportunity to look back at a highly successful year in which we gained eight seats in the Provincial States and a seat in the senate in addition to our two seats in the lower house of parliament. You can read a summary of my speech here.

Party members at the congress adopted the recommendation by the party executive committee to participate in the European elections to be held in the summer of next year! Next year promises to be an exciting and busy one full of intense campaigning.

Peter Singer, the Australian professor of bio-ethics at Princeton university, philosopher and one of the fathers of the animal rights movement, held a very inspirational speech during the congress. It was a true honour to have Professor Singer attend our congress.

Peter Singer