Worldlog Tjedan 36 – 2015

31 kolovoza 2015

Ljetni su praznici pri kraju, što znači da ću se sljedeće godine ponovno snažno oglasiti u Donjem domu. Možda su bili ljetni praznici, ali to znači da sam mirovala!

Primjerice, bila sam pozvana na kongres u Portugalu da govorim o budućnosti naše hrane. Portugalski se gradonačelnik nadao tom konferencijom pojačati svijest o obnovljivoj, zdravoj hrani koja ne ugrožava životinje. Prema statistikama VN-landbouworganisatie FAO (Organizacija za poljoprivredu, o.p.) u 2050. će nam trebati 60% više hrane kako bi nahranili rastuće stanovništvo. No, zemlja je već sada pod velikim pritiskom. Vilica i nož su naše najmoćnije oružje za očuvanje zemlje za sljedeće naraštaje. Osjećala sam se počašćeno što sam uz znanstvenike, nutricioniste, te državne i lokalne političare u Portugalu mogla razmišljati o pitanju kako ćemo riješiti svjetsku prehrambenu križaljku na pragmatičan način. Svatko može zagristi i pomoći!

Tokom ljeta sam se ozbiljno bavila zabranom sportskog lova. Stranka PvdA je u svom programu navela da žele zabraniti sportski lov, no kada se o tome glasalo u Donjem domu, nisi održali obećanje. Organizacija Dier & Recht (Životinja i Pravo o.p.) je kod Nizozemske organizacije ‘Reclame Code Comissie’ uložila žalbu za krivo navođenje i izbornu prijevaru. Želim organizaciji Dier & Recht mnogo uspjeha pri ovom slučaju!

U prvom se tjednu u kolovozu održao godišnji Amsterdam Gay Pride. Naša je stranka sudjelovala u brodskog paradi na amsterdamskim kanalima. Vrlo sam ponosna na to! Stranka za životinje protivi se svakom obliku diskriminacije, te se odaziva na potrebe osjetljivih i zapostavljenim grupa. Bila je to dobra zabava s brodom punim ponosnim članova koji je izgledao odlično. Za lijepu fotoreportažu, klikni ovdje.

wl35_gay pride 2015

Na otocima Faeröer (autonomna provincija Danske) godišnje se održavaju barbarska klanja dupina, pod izlikom “tradicije”. Tada režu vratove dupinima, te im u dišne rupe guraju kuke. Stravično… Upitala sam onda i našu vladu što poduzimaju po tom pitanju i da li su Nizozemska i Danska vlada spremne o tome javno progovoriti, jer ovo zbilja mora prestati!


Po ljetnoj vrućini se nažalost još uvijek puštaju psi zaključani u autima, nerijetko s smrtnim ishodom. Naime, u zaključanom autu temperatura jako brzo naraste! Jedna je glazbena grupa iz Hrvatske, koja se redovito oglašava po pitanju dobrobiti životinja, snimila ovaj filmić kako bi pokazala koliko brzo sve može krenuti po zlu i to tako što su se zaključali u auto. Naš je direktor istraživačkog odjela također ušao u jedan takav pakleno vrući automobil ovog ljeta. Koji su to junaci koji su izveli ovu akciju!

Stigla je zanimljiva životinjska vijest iz Srbije ovog ljeta. Jedan je psić, spašavajući dijete, sam poginuo prilikom svog junačkog čina. Psić je sada dobio vlastiti spomenik.

To je vrlo značajno, jer se radi o Srbiji; zemlji punoj psa lutalica i problema koji se tiču dobrobiti životinja. Nikad prije se nije dogodilo da se u jednoj takvoj zemlji jednoj životinji podigne spomenik. Nadam se da će taj događaj navesti ljude da promisle o našem odnosu sa životinjama.

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Do sljedećeg puta!


The summer recess has come to an end, which means I am going to work hard again in the Lower House this year. It may have been summer holidays, but that does not mean I have not been busy!

For example, I was invited to speak at a conference on the future of our food in Portugal. With this conference, the Portuguese mayor hoped to raise awareness about sustainable, healthy and animal-friendly foods. According to the UN agricultural organisation FAO, we will need more 60% more food in 2050 to feed the growing world population. Whereas the planet is already under great pressure. Forks and knives are our most powerful weapons to save the world for future generations. I found it an honour to think along with scientists, nutritionists and national and local politicians on this conference in Portugal about the question of how to address the world food problem in a pragmatic manner. Everyone can lend a helping bite!

Before the summer, I was very busy with the ban on pleasure hunting. The election programme of the Labour Party (PvdA) stated they wanted to ban pleasure hunting, but they failed to fulfil their promise when this was voted on in the Lower House of Parliament. The Animal & Right Foundation filed a complaint with the Dutch organisation Advertising Code Committee for misguidance and deception of the electorate. I wish the Animal & Right Foundation the best of luck in this case!

The annual Amsterdam Gay Pride took place in the first weekend of August. This time, our party took part in the boat parade through the Amsterdam canals. And I am very proud of it! The Party for the Animals is against any form of discrimination and defends the interests of vulnerable and/or disadvantaged groups. It was a fine festivity and the boat full of proud members looked wonderful. For a great photo report, click here.

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In the Faroe Islands (an autonomous province of Denmark), barbaric massacres of dolphins take place every summer, under the guise of “tradition”. The necks of dolphins are cut and hooks are inserted into their blow-holes. Gruesome… I have therefore asked our government what steps they have taken against this and whether the Netherlands want to critically confront the Danish government with this, because this really must stop!


Unfortunately, dogs are still left behind in locked cars in the summer heat, often with fatal consequences. In a closed vehicle, the temperature rises very fast! With this video, a musical band from Croatia who regularly speaks out on animal welfare issues showed how fast this can go wrong by locking themselves up in a car. The director of our scientific bureau also got into such a sweltering car this summer. What heroes to perform this act!

There was also special animal news from Serbia this summer. A little dog that saved a child did not survive the heroic act itself. The dog has now been given its own statue. This is very special, because Serbia, a country which has many stray dogs and huge problems in the area of animal welfare, has never before honoured an animal with its own statue. Hopefully, this makes people think about our relationship with animals.

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See you soon!
