Worldlog 5 rujan 2016
U kolovozu sam bila gost na Rototom Sun Splash festivalu u Španjolskoj. Ja sam, tokom programa zvanim ‘socijalni forum’, sudjelovala u panel raspravi sa temom: Climate change, between cows and oil (Klimatske promjene, između krava i ulja).
Raspravljala sam među ostalima sa Sarom Pizzinato iz Španjolskog Greenpeace. Novinar Nacho Martin nas je predstavio punoj sali i vodio je raspravu. Što se tiče rješenja, Greenpeace pogotovo stavlja naglasak na alternativne izvore energije.
S mojim naglaskom na nož i vilicu kao oružje protiv klimatskih promjena, ja sam publici punoj uglavnom mladi ljudi mogla prenijeti pozitivnu poruku. Možete pridonijeti očuvanju okoliša prilagođavanjem svoje prehrane i putem manje ili (po mogućnosti) nikakvog konzumiranja mesa. Ako želite znati više o učincima konzumiranja mesa, onda od srca preporučujem dokumentarac Meat the Truth, koji sam napravila zajedno sa znanstvenim uredom od Stranke za Životinje.
Lijep detalj: Nacho je na početku dana jeo meso, ali je na kraju dana postao vegetarijanac. Festival je inače imao odličan izbor biljne hrane!
Bilo je lijepo vidjeti da su mladi ljudi toliko socijalno uključeni i vole pričati posebno o tome što mogu sami učiniti za okoliš.
Prošli tjedan su stigle zanimljive vijesti iz Francuske. Francuski državni tajnik za trgovinu želi da Europska unija prekine pregovore sa Amerikom o kontroverznom trgovinskom sporazumu TTIP, jer pregovori sa Amerikom se izgleda ne vode pošteno. Predsjednik Hollande je isto rekao da pregovori sa Amerikom nisu uravnoteženi, i rekao je da se ti pregovori na taj način nikada ne mogu završiti prije kraja ove godine, iako Europska komisija to želi. Njemački vicekancelar Sigmar Gabriel je čak izjavio da on smatra da je TTIP propao.
Ovaj opasni trgovinski sporazum sa Amerikom bi apsolutno trebao da se skine sa stola, tako da je dobro čuti da kritika dolazi od francuskih i njemačkih političara. Sada treba još više kritike iz Nizozemske!
Konačno, želim sa vama podijeliti ljepu vijest koja je ovog ljeta stigla: Chiara Appendino, nova gradonačelnica grada Torina, , želi od Torina napraviti vegetarijanski grad. Ona je napisala manifest do 62 stranica. Forza Chiara!
Ljetna stanka Nizozemskog sabora je prošla, pa od sada ponovo idemo u akciju!
Ugodan tjedan!
In August, I was a guest at the Rototom Sunsplash Festival in Spain. In the Social Forum Programme, I took part in a forum discussion themed ‘Climate change, between cows and oil’.
I discussed this theme with Sara Pizzinato of Greenpeace Spain, among others. The discussion was led by journalist Nacho Martin, who introduced us to the packed audience. Greenpeace especially focused on alternative energy sources as a possible solution.
Focusing on what we eat as a way of combating climate change, I was able to send a positive message to the mostly young audience. By adjusting your diet and eating less or rather no meat, you will contribute to a better climate. If you would like to know more about the impact of meat consumption, I heartily recommend my documentary Meat the Truth, which I made in cooperation with the Party for the Animals’ scientific bureau.
Nice to know: Nacho started the day as a meat eater, but ended it a vegetarian. Moreover, there were some great vegan options at the festival!
It was great to see how socially involved young people are and how they are eager to learn what they can do themselves.
Last week, there was some interesting news from France. The French State Secretary for Trade wants the European Union to cancel the negotiations with the United States on the controversial trade deal TTIP, because they are said to be unfair. French President Hollande called the negotiations with the US unbalanced and said that this way, no agreement will be reached before the end of the year, as desired by the European Commission. German vice chancellor Sigmar Gabriel even stated that, according to him, TTIP has de facto failed.
As this dangerous trade deal between the EU and the US should indeed be stopped, it is good to hear criticism from French and German politicians. Hopefully Dutch politicians will do the same!
To conclude, I would like to share with you an interesting piece of news that I picked up this summer. Chiara Appendino, the new mayor of Turin, wants to make Turin a vegetarian city. She has written a manifesto on her ideas of no less than 62 pages. Go Chiara!
Summer recess of the Lower House is over, so we are back in business this week!
Enjoy your week!