Držite referendum o TTIP i CETA!
Stranka za životinje poziva vladu da ne dopusti da na snagu stupi sporazum o slobodnoj trgovini između EU i Kanade (CETA), prije nego što nizozemci glasaju o tome. Pregovori o CETA su finalizirani i Europska unija sada poziva na što je moguće prije stupanje na snagu tog sporazuma. Europska komisija čak želi spriječiti da se dopusti da svaka Europska država sama odluči da li će ratificirati CETA ili ne.
Dok su pregovori o sporazumu o slobodnoj trgovini između EU i SAD-u (TTIP) još u tijeku, otpor protiv toga sporazuma brzo raste. Sada kada su pregovori o sporazumu između EU-a i Kanade (CETA) završeni, društveni otpor ugovorima o slobodnoj trgovini se ne može ignorirati. Europska unija želi da ovaj sporazum, koji je vrlo sličan TTIP-u i predstavlja stražnja vrata za američke tvrtke s podružnicama u Kanadi, što prije stupi na snagu. Zato što CETA, kao i TTIP, predstavlja ozbiljnu prijetnju demokraciji, socijalnoj skrbi, prirodi, okolišu i nizozemskim farmerima, Stranka za životinje smatra da Nizozemci prvo moraju glasati o tome prije nego što ugovor stupi na snagu.
The Party for the Animals has called on the government to not enter into force the free trade agreement between the EU and Canada (CETA) until after the Dutch people have given their opinion on the matter. Negotiations on CETA have been concluded and the European Union calls for the earliest possible entry into force. The European Commission even intends to prevent member states from deciding for themselves whether they wish to ratify CETA.
While negotiations on the free trade agreement between the EU and the US (TTIP) are still ongoing, resistance against this agreement is growing rapidly. Now that negotiations on the agreement between the EU and Canada (CETA) have been concluded, the social resistance against such trade agreements cannot be ignored. The European Union wants the agreement, which strongly resembles TTIP and serves as a back door to American companies with subsidiaries in Canada, to enter into force as soon as possible. Since CETA, like TTIP, constitutes a serious threat to democracy, animal welfare, nature and wildlife, environment and Dutch farmers, the Party for the Animals feels that the Dutch people have the right to give their opinion before it comes into effect.