Worldlog Hafta 44 – 2009

30 Ekim 2009

Bu hafta Hollandanin Ticari bir gazete’ye haber verdim Ponzipolitieke bir son verelim diye. Okadar aksi tesir etti’ki bunu sizinle paylasmak istedim

(Hein de Kort’an tercüme: Ihtiyar Indiyan cocuklara sunu söylüyor ‘iyi bakin gelecegi olan’dúnyaya miras kalan’zamanla hersey sizin olabilir’Cocuklar Dogru bu bas kisi olan Ponsiz övünen dalavereci)

Krizle beraberinde gelen ve bankalarin birbiri ardina yok olmalari: Ponzipolitiek. Gelecek olan yeni neslin sirtindan gecinmek. Bizler bekliyemeyiz poltikanin durdurmasina, bizler durdurmaliyiz politikayi.

‘Pozischema’ Little Dorrit (1855)Dickens tarafindan yazilmis icerisinde Merdles Bankanin binlerce insani mahvetti hilleli iflas söz etmektedir.

Kolay ve kötü huylular: Üyeler paralarini yatirabilirler yüksek faizlere. Yatrilan bu paralar gelir getiren alanlarda kullanilmadi, bu ödenekler hayali faiz olarak geri döndü. Yeni üyeleri kandirmak adina. Piramit oyunu gibi. Masalarda görülen cabuk zengin olma hayali.

Hayali ticaretle, düsen bankalar yatirimcilara cok yüksek meblaglar sunmaktadirlar ve ayni zamanda düsuk hipotek faizleri bunlar teknik alanda sorumluluk isteyen konulardir.

Bunun yaninda avans olarak yükselen ev ve gelir fiatlari Yüzde 80 konulan komisyon, bunlar bankerlerin cebine girmektedir. Hollandanin basbakani Balkenende bunlara ayit örnek vermisti batan bankalar arasinda, bankanin yok olmadan birkac gün önce bunlardan bir ders cikarabiliriz. Maliy alanda büyük rol oynayabilirsiniz eger sport ve kultur iceriyorsa. Bunu muhtesem buluyorum ve biz sizinle gurur duyuyoruz! Hollanda basbakani bunu göstererek iyi bir incelik örnegi sunmus oluyor. Bundan dolayi basbakan olarak’da kalabilir veya Avrupanin basbakani olarak’da kalabilir, simdi su anda hertarafda visildandigi gibi. Her politikacinin inandigi gibi agaclarin gök yüzune kadar büyümeleri gibi, simdi agaclar budanma kesilme asamasinda.

Bankerlerin Hirsi ve para yanlilarina ödenen paralar bizlerin vergi mükelefleri tarafindan verilmektedir buna bir son vermek gerek fakat politikacilar buna bir sey demiyorlar.

Emeklilik yas oranini Yaslilarla ilgili konumu anlatirsak. Hollandada sabiit kalan (diger ülkelerdede) ödemeler ödenmek zorunda kalmali devam eden gelir prim’leri.

Pronzifraude’nin münferit satislari. Baslangicta temiz ve saglam iyi reservleri oldugu ve havada bir pisligin bulasmamis olmasi gerekiyordu.

Hollandada 1990’da kurulmus olan AOW fon 2020 kadar olan ödemeler Hollandadaki yaslanmayi önler diye kurulmustur politikacilar tarafindan. Gösteriyorki bu fonun kagit üzerinde milyarlar cogaltildigi biriktirilen bu birikintilere ilave edilmedigi. Bundan dolayi Hollandalilar 67 yasina kadar calismak zorunda kalacaklar önceki emeklilik yasi 65 iken.

Bunlar birer cocuk oyuncagi eger Ponzipolitie ile karsilastirirsak, bu onarilmasi mümkün olmayan ve gelecekte cocuklarimizi ve torunlarimizi dahi etkileyebilir. Gecen hafta Wordlogumda bunlarla ilgili bir kac örnek sunmustum.

Bu hafta bir kac fotograf maiyli gönderdiler Surünamdan ziyaretim esnasinda cekinmis olduklarim. En önemlisi hayvan aktivistlerle ve cevre korumacilariyla Monique Pool van Green Heritage Fund Süriname beraber cekinmis olduklarimiz.
Bu bayan hayvanlarin katledilmesine karsi mücadele veriyor ve ayni zamanda karinca yiyen hayvanlari koruyor, insanlar bilgisizce bu hayvanlari evcil hayvanlar gibi evde tutmalari bu hayvan katliamindan baska bir sey degil.

Bir takim plan ve programlar yapiliyor bu hayvanlari biraraya getirip hayvan koruma alanlari kurmak gibi, su anda Monique bunlari kendi evinde ve bahcesinde koruyor. Monique bunun yaninda önemli akuariyum hayvanlari’da koruyor Suriname Okyanusunda.
Bunlardan yunus baliklari türünden. Bendeniz’in sansi var bunlardan 15 tanesini gördüm!
Konu hakkinda bilgi ve bagislariniz icin buraya tiklayiniz

Haftaya görüsmek üzere hosca kalin!

This week I made an appeal in the Netherlands’ main financial daily newspaper “Het Financieele Dagblad” to put an end to Ponzi Politics. The response was so overwhelming that I would like to share it with you here.

(Translation of Hein de Kort’s cartoon: Old Indian says to his children: “consider this carefully ‘he who has the future’ and ‘she who will inherit the earth’, one day all of this will be yours”. Child: “Is that really so, chief of the Ponzis, ‘he who talks a lot of hot air with a forked tongue?)

What links the crisis in social security, the collapse of banks and the felling of the rainforests? Ponzi politics, or living out of the pockets of future generations. We cannot wait for politics to intervene; we must intervene in politics.
The ‘Ponzi scam’ is described in Dicken’s novel Little Dorrit (1855) in which Merdle’s Bank ruins thousands of people in a fraudulent bankruptcy.

Simple and malicious: investors are promised extremely high returns. The money is not invested in any kind of profit-making production but is paid back out as “returns” to investors, which in turn attracts new investors. We know this trick from pyramid schemes. The get-rich-quick fantasy is built on attracting new believers.

In the pie-in-the-sky marketing practiced by failed banks, bankers offered high interest on savings and low mortgage rates that were out of line with the market. The loses were made up for by saddling customers (who were often unable to shop around because of their relatively weak financial status) with insurance products with usurious conditions in the form of single premium policies against a backdrop of rising house prices and salaries and with commissions equalling 80% of the deposit that found their way straight into the pockets of the bankers. The Dutch Prime Minister Balkenende recently referred to one of the failed banks just before it collapsed as “an example to us all”. He continued: “You play a major role in the financial sector, you support sport and culture. I think it’s fantastic. We are proud of you!”. With these words, the Dutch prime minister demonstrated his naive belief in the concept of self-reproducing money. And a man who holds this belief may remain prime minister of the Netherlands or even become Europe’s first president, as is currently widely suggested, because virtually all politicians believe in trees that grow up to heaven, the same trees that are being felled at an alarming rate.
The extravagant bankers so devoted to self-enrichment are now being compensated from public funds, making the citizenry the eternal victims of a failed political system.

Take, for example, the cost allocation system used for pension provision in this country. Under this system in the Netherlands (and in many other countries), payments are made from current premium revenues. Ponzi fraud dressed up as solidarity. If there had been sufficient reserves in the first place, there would be no problem. The Dutch government established a pension trust fund in 1990 that matures in 2020 as way a countering the effects of an ageing population. It turned out to be a virtual fund in which billions were being saved on paper while nothing was actually being deposited. This is the reason why Dutch residents – as was recently proposed by the government – will have to work until they are 67 as opposed to 65.

But this is child’s play compared to the Ponzi politics that threatens to wreak irreparable havoc to the future of our children and grandchildren, of which I gave a few examples in last week’s Worldlog.

This week I received a number of photos of my visit to Surinam. I particularly appreciated meeting animal rights activist and environmental campaigner Monique Pool of Green Heritage Fund Suriname. She looks after sloths and anteaters that are the victims of human ignorance when people try to keep them as pets or simply mistreat them. Being able to hold and care for animals like these is very special indeed. The sloth especially seemed to me to be a very primeval creature.

There are plans to set up a professional asylum as Monique currently looks after the animals in her backyard. In addition, Monique protects the special estuary of the Surinam River that is the home to dolphins. I had the luck to see 15 of them!! For more information and to donate, click here.

Until next week!

Marianne Thieme