Worldlog Hafta 38 – 2008

19 Eylül 2008

Bu hafta prinsjes gununde gelecek senenin butce gorusmeleri ikinci meclisde isleme girdi. Bu esnada `kiyafet balosu ` her yil taht konusmasi yapan kralice Beatrix (haftada bir gun et yememeyi soz veren ve ayni zamanda acik bufesinde foie ot servis edilmemesine soz verdi), Parti arkadasim Esther Ouwehand balik desenli bir sal atkisi takindi ben ise Stetson marka bir koyboy sapka kullandim kiyafetlerimizden anlasilacagi gibi hayvanlarin iyiligini ve hayvanlari koyboylara birakmayacagimizi gosterdik.

Marianne Thieme ve Esther Ouwehand’in Prinsyes gununde

Koningin Beatrix’in taht konusmasi

Bende yardimimi genel mutalaada kullandim bu toplantida meclis uyeleri ve ayni zamanda basbakanla devletin plan ve projelerini gelecek yila konusuldu, benim hayret ve saskinlikla anlatmaya calistigim nokta ise dunyada iklim krizi, beslenme krizi , kredi krizi, ve hayvan refahi krizi akinlarina ugrarken, Hollanda hukumeti her seye ragmen direnmekte ve bizim iyi bir “alim gücumüz” gosterilmekte .
Hollanda hükümetinin ilgisini cekmeye görünen “bize verilenler”ancak kaybetiklerimizi göremiyoruz terimlerle temiz hava, temiz su, temiz toprak, bio degisimini duyurmak.

Her nekadar Bakanlar Kurulu hayvan sever görünmüyor olsa kücük bir isik noktasi bulmak mümkün Bakanlar Kurulunun programinda idareye sunulan et tüketimi konusulmaktadir.
Burada apacik ortada olan sey daima savundugumuz Meat the Truth filmi düsüncelerimize oldukca katkida bulundu.Cevre Bakani bu filmi kendi memurlariyla birlikte izlediayni zamanda muteber Ziraat Bakani’da izledi ayni zamanda Ziraatfakultesine filmin hesaplanmasina dair bir odev verdi. Fakat 3 aydir hesaplanan filmden sonuc olarak hic bir sey cikarilamadi.

Meat the Truth filmi 3 ekimde Birlesmis Milletlerde ilk defa gosterime girecek , ayni zamanda Artivist festivali aninda, muhtesem tarihi Misir sinamasinda, Hollywood’da bulunan bu tarihi sinemada gosterilecek .

Bizat kendimde burada bulunacagim, giris kartlarini buradan siparis edebilirsiniz.

Brezilyadan guzel bir haber, Agustosun sonunda birinci gosterimi son bulan film Fortaleza’da Hayvan koruma partisi kurulmasina kadar vardi.
Bu cok guzel bir plan, Brezilya her bakimdan agir ve cidi olayla karsilasiyor neden ise hayvan acligiyla karsilasmak hayvan mahsuli bu ormanlarin yok olmasina kadar gitmektedir.

Haftaya görüsmek üzere !

This week in the Netherlands it was “Prinsjesdag”, the day of the Queen’s annual speech to the country from the throne and the presentation of the budget for the next year in the Lower House. During the ‘costume ball’ which is a traditional part of the speech from the throne held by Queen Beatrix (who has since decided to give up eating meat one day of the week and has promised to no longer serve foie gras during royal banquets), my colleague Esther Ouwehand wore a shawl with goldfish and I donned a Stetson cowboy hat to show that we are no longer prepared to leave animal welfare to cowboys but are going to take charge of things ourselves.

Marianne Thieme and Esther Ouwehand during “Prinsjesdag”

Koningin Beatrix reads the speech from the throne

During the Parliamentary Debate on the Speech from the Throne, in which the chairs of the parliamentary parties and the prime minister discuss the government’s plans for the coming year, I expressed my admiration for the fact that, while the world is immersed in a climate crisis, a food crisis, a credit crisis and various animal-welfare crises, the Dutch government stoically maintains that things are going well and speaks of “favourable purchasing power”.
The Dutch government seems mainly interested in “what more we can get” rather than in what we are losing in terms of clean air, clean soil, biodiversity and compassion.

Although the cabinet’s plans can hardly be called animal-friendly, there is a small ray of hope in the reference to a policy that aims to reduce meat consumption. This is clearly the result of our continuous arguing for the same. The film “Meat the Truth” also played a significant role in this new thinking in government circles. The minister of the environment watched the film with her civil servants. A (sceptical) minister of agriculture also saw the film and instructed her department to do the math. But after 3 months of dogged number-crunching, her people are still unable to fault the film’s conclusions.

Meat the Truth will premier in the United States on 3 October during the Artivist festival in the beautiful and historic Egyptian cinema, one of Hollywood’s only historic monuments.

Yours truly will be attending the event and if you happen to be in the neighbourhood, you can order tickets here.

Good news from Brazil. Following the showing of the film in Fortaleza (last August), serious plans are now afoot to set up a Brazilian Party for the Animals.
An excellent development. Brazil is affected from all sides by the craving for animal products as well as by the resulting land degradation and deforestation.

Until next week!