Worldlog Hafta 33 – 2008
Ikinci odanin tatili daha iki hafta surecek, ama biz yogun bir sekilde yeni parlemento donemi icin hazirliklara basladik. Hayvanlar adina guclu bir ses olacagimiza benziyor yine bu sene. Hayvalar icin yeni kanungorusmelerinde tartisacagiz ve dini kesim icin yeni kanun onerimizi bu sene kesin sunacagiz. Cok hevesliyim!
7 augustos, persembe gunu, Fortalez’deydim (Brezilya), oradaki Meat the Truth filminin Portekizce versiyonunun ilk gosterini gormeye. Ilgi muhtesemdi! Bir cok Brezilyali filmi uzerine alindi, ozellikle et uretiminin ve ormanlarin kesiminin arasindaki iliski buyuk endise sebebi idi. Filmin ve hayvanlari koruma partisi hakkindaki meeting’den sonra bir cok brezilyali oradada boyle bir Brezilya Hayvanlari Koruma Partisinin kurulmasi gerektiginin dusunuyor. Bazisi politikanin et endustrisinin gucu altinda ezilecegi kaygisinda. Bu yuzden Brezilya Hayvanlari Koruma Partisinin pek sansli olamayacagi dusuncesinde. Et endustrisinin Hollandada politika da bir cok baglantisinin oldugunu anlattim ve bu yuzden en cabuk buyuyen partinin hayvanlari koruma partisi oldugunu belirttim.Hollanda halki hollandanin avrupanin kasabi ve sutcusu olmasina, insana, hayvana ve cevreye verdigi zarara karsin, goz yummuyor artik. Sadece hayvanlari partisinin kurulmasi gercegi bile bir suru tartisma sebebi yaratiyor kendi ulkende (medya araciliyla) buda buyuk bir avantaj. Umud ediyorumki bir sure sonra 7 agustosu Brezilya Hayvanlari Koruma Partisinin kurulus tarihi olarak hatirlayacagiz!
Birlesmis milletlerin dunya saglik kurumu (WHO) bu ayki raporunda, sut mamulleri ve et tuketiminin stimule edilmesinin senede binlerce olume sebeb oldugunu belirtti. Ilk defa kalp ve damar hastaliklarindan olum ve Avrupa et ve sut urunlerinin promosyonu arasindaki alaka arastirildi. Arastima sonucu senede en az 12.800 kisinin, Avrupa tarim kanunlari olarak sebeb gosteriliyor. Hayvanlari koruma partisi bu sut mamulleri ve et uretimi ve tuketiminin stimulansina, buyuk toplumsal sorunlara sebebi dolayisiyla karsi. Hayvan acisi yani sira, dunyanin isinmasi, dunya acligi ve bio cesitlerinin azalmasi, et ve sut urunlerinin saglik derecesi git gide problemleniyor.Kabine’ye bu WHO raporuna karsilik vermesini istedik.
Haftaya gorusmek uzere!
The summer recess of the House of Representatives continues for another two weeks, but we’re already deep into the preparations for the new parliamentary year. It promises to be another year in which we will be a powerful voice for the animals. We are going to debate a new law for animals and our proposal to outlaw ritual slaughtering will most likely be presented in the House this year. I’m up for it!
On Thursday the 7th of August, I was in Fortaleza, Brazil for the premiere of the Portuguese version of Meat the Truth. Interest in the film was overwhelming! Many Brazilians felt personally spoken to by the film. In particular, the relationship between meat production and the destruction of the rainforest was of great concern to the Brazilians. At the end of the debate about the film and about the Party for the Animals, many of them were convinced that there should also be a Brazilian Party for the Animals. The discussion continued on how the party could be set up as quickly as possible. Some people expressed concern about the political establishment, which is so heavily influenced by the meat industry; and that a Brazilian Party for the Animals wouldn’t have much chance to succeed. I let them know that in the Netherlands the meat industry also has many ties to the political establishment, and that that is the exact reason why the Party for the Animals is the fastest growing Dutch political party. People in our country have had enough of the Netherlands being the butcher and the milkman of Europe at the expense of people, animals, nature and the environment. Just the fact that you set up a Party for the Animals in your country starts up the discussion (through the media) and that is already a big achievement.
I have the feeling that over time, we’ll look back and note that the 7th of August was the evening that the foundations were laid for the Brazilian Party for the Animals!
The World Health Organization of the United Nations (WHO) reports this month that encouraging dairy and meat consumption leads to thousands of deaths per year. It is the first time that a study has been done on the relationship between cardiovascular diseases and the EU promotion of meat and dairy. The research has shown that the European agricultural policy is accountable for at least 12,800 deaths. The Party for the Animals is against the promotion of dairy and meat production and consumption because of the enormous social problems involved. Besides the suffering of the animals, the warming of the earth, world hunger and the loss of biodiversity, it turns out that public health aspects of meat and dairy are becoming increasingly problematic. We have asked the Dutch cabinet for their reaction to the WHO report.
Until next week!