Worldlog Hafta 31 – 2008

28 Temmuz 2008

Benim Worldlog’um yaz tatili surecinde, 21 temmuzdan 17 agustosa kadar kisitli bir sekilde devam edecek, cunki Hollanda parlementosu izinde. Tabiki sizleri en son hayvanlar hakkindaki haberlerden esirgemek istemiyorum. Worldlog her hafta, bir kac gundemdeki ingilizce hayvanlar hakkindaki linkerle yenilenecek. Bu sekilde yinede iletisimde bulunacagiz!

Benim yeni gercek World logum yeniden 18 agustosta yayinlanacak.

Iyi tatiller!
Marianne Thieme

Tests on animals soar as GM studies fuel record number of lab experiments

NY governor signs bill permitting kids 14-15 to hunt deer & bears

My Worldlog will appear in a shortened version during the parliamentary summer recess from 21 July through to 17 August. But to still keep you abreast of the latest animal news – and to stay in touch – the Worldlog will be updated weekly with links to current English-language reports covering animal rights and animal well-being!

My next ‘real’ Worldlog will be back on 18 August.

Enjoy your summer!
Marianne Thieme

Tests on animals soar as GM studies fuel record number of lab experiments

NY governor signs bill permitting kids 14-15 to hunt deer & bears