Worldlog Hafta 27 – 2008

4 Temmuz 2008

Parlementonun yaz tatiline bir hafta oncesi cok yogundu.

Sigir, et ve yumurta odasi (SEYO) parlementonun sene kapanisini senelik bio endustri tanitim izgara partisi kutluyor. Tam Hayvanlari Koruma Partisi’nin dort uyesinin camlari altinda.

Hayvanlari Koruma Partisi, Ikinci odanin kira dairesine, ilerki zamanda bir odayi ve parlemento binasina ait promosyon amacla kiralanan alanlarin kiraya verirken daha duyarli olmasini rica etti.
Ikinci odanin binasinda gosteri yapilma yasagi cok yerinde, ve bu bio endusri promosyonundada gozetim olmasi gerektigini dusunuyoruz. Ne zamanki SEYO, bir tadma toreni organize etmek istiyor, bunu acik alanda yapmak zorunda, mesela parlemento bahcesinde, vejetaryan izgara partisinin verildigi yerde. Ancak bu ikinci oda kompleksi icerisinde yapilmamali.
Uyelerimiz, bio endustri promosyonunu, camlara “rest in pieces” yazilarini asarak protesto ettiler.

Hukumet, et’in yiyeceklerimiz arasindaki suanki en cok cevre kirletici urun oldugunu kabullenmisken, ve yiyecek krizleri yasanirken, boyle bir, cevre sorunlarindan para kazandiran bir amac icin, ikinci odanin orta alanini kiralamak yakisi kalmaz. Ayni motor yarisi ile parlemento senesini, kompleks ici kapama gibi olur.

Onumuzdeki hafta gorusmek uzere!

Been very busy since this was the last week before summer recess.

The Product Boards for Livestock, Meat and Eggs (PVE) are holding their annual bio-industry promotional barbecue at the closing of the parliamentary year precisely under the windows of the four rooms of the Party for the Animals.

The Party for the Animals has asked the presidium of the House of Representatives to practice more care when hiring out House of Representative buildings and their grounds for commercial promotions aimed at members of parliament and government officials.

It is a fair policy that demonstrating is not allowed inside the House of Representatives building. This should also be the case for this commercial bio-industry promotional party. If the PVE wants to organise a food tasting, they may do that on public property such as the square in front of the House of Representatives building where the vegetarian barbecue is held, but not in a building complex that should remain free of values.

Our party staff responded to PVE’s bio-industry promo action by hanging posters in the windows that read: rest in pieces.

Now that the government has indicated that meat is the most polluting of all the foods we eat, and in a time of food crisis, it’s not appropriate that the inside patio of the House of Representatives should be made available to a sector which earns its money by creating these societal problems. It would be just as inappropriate to have a motor-cross race on the House grounds for the closing of the parliamentary year.

Until next week!