Worldlog Hafta 23 – 2008

6 Haziran 2008

Gecen hafta alinmis olan planda binlercene kazlarin bogularak oldurulmesine neden olarak kuzey Hollanda vilayetini eziyet altina almalarndan dolayi, binlerce kazlarin yok edilmesi.
Kuzey Hollanda vilayetine muaf tutulan 12.000 gri kazlar avlanmakta ve ayni zamanda yazin vilayete bulunan degisik cinsten kazlar hatta Kanadali kazlari yok edilmektedirler. Buna muaf tutulan alanlar Fauna idarebirligi, cifci ve avci birlikleri, alan korumabirligi ile beraber Belediye Orman Koruma ve Tabiat Koruma birligi alanlari kapsamaktadir. Bu saymis oldugumuz teskilatlar idareye sorumluluk tasimaktadir, en azindan bir amac ve bir istek tasimaktadir zirayi ve tarimsal alana. Bilimsel bir arastirma ile mucadele etmek ve sayilari azami sekilde asagiya cekmek. Hic bir iliski ve delil ortada yoktur kazlarin tarima vermis olduklari hasarda. Vilayete gore “yalniz yazaylarinda” kazlari yok etmek yani oldurmek, fakat kanun bunu yasakliyor.

Acele yoldan 1 Haziran gunu muaf karari cikti yani kazlari oldurmek Hollanda adasi olan Texel vilayetinde bulunan 6000 gri kazin yok edilmesi yani oldurulmesi. Bunu ustlenen sirket ise Duke faunabeheer bu kazlari oldurmekle gorevli idi. Fauna koruma dernegi derhal mudahale ederek bunu bir son verilmesini istedi kazlari oldurmekle yukumlu sirket Duke hemen ise giristi ve geceden baslayarak Texel bolgesinde bulunan kazlari bogarak oldurdu. Kanun raporunu dahi beklemeden kazlari yok etti Duke gore mahkeme kararinin dur dedigi andan itibaren ve neticeyi beklemeden 500 kazi bogarak oldurulmus oldu. Ayni zamanda o gece diger evcil hayvanlarada zarari dokunabilirdi. Var sayalimki bunlar 6000 kazi oldurdukleri takdirde ayni ala diger kazlar tarafindan tekrar dolacak. Bu 500 kazlar bosu bosuna bogularak oldurulduler.

Mahkeme 2 haziran gunu karar cikararak kuzey Hollanda eyaletinde simdilik hic bir kazin oldururmemesini bildirdi.

Hayvan Koruma Partisi kazlarin oldurulmesine muthis karsi cikti. Hayvan Koruma Partisi bu konu hakkindaki sorularini mayis ayinda Ziraai ve Tarim Bakani Verburg ileti.

Halen kazlarin hayata kalmasi ve yasamasi icin halkin bu konu uzerinde dusunmesi ve yardim etmesi gerek ve kuzey Hollanda vilayet baskani Peter Visser kazlar lehine bilgi ve dusuncelerinizi iletmek.

Protest mailinizi gonderiniz
Vilayet baskanina itiraz ve protestolariniz icin

Sayin bay Visser,

Isci Partisi uyesi ve kuzey Hollanda villayet baskani ve ayni zamanda hayvan birligi bir kisi olarak 12000 gri kazlarin olumune nasil izin verdiniz.

Cansiz bir varlikmis gibi kazlarin ortadan kaldirilmasina, hata sayilari dahi bilinmeyen kazlara yapilan bu hasar ve hatta nelere sebep veredigini bilmeden.

Sizi anlamiyorum almis oldugunuz bu tedbirlerle yalniz kanunu cignemis olmuyorsunuz, ayni zamanda bilimsel bir rapor da vermelisiniz. Ayni zamanda sizi suclu buluyorum hayvanlara aci vermek ve dusunmeden yapmis oldugunuz girisimlere.

Acilen dusunmenizi istiyorum, hayvan birligi olarak bakmanizi ve hayvan sever alternatifleri aramak ve kazlarin vermis oldugu zarara karsi cikmak.

Bil mukabele goruslerinizi bekliyorum

Sevgi ve saygilarimla,

In the past week, there has been much commotion about intended plans to gas thousands of geese in our province of North Holland because they allegedly are bothersome.
The province of North Holland granted an exemption throughout the entire province to allow the shooting of 12,000 grey geese, as well as the complete extermination of all the white-fronted geese, barnacle geese and Canadian geese that reside here in the summer. This exemption was granted to the Fauna Management Unit (Faunabeheereenheid), an alliance of farmers, hunters and land managers such as Landscape North Holland (Landschap Noord-Holland), State Forestry Management (Staatbosbeheer) en Nature Monuments (Natuurmonumenten). These organisations are partly responsible for the policy geared toward nothing more than fulfilling the wishes of the agriculturalists. Scientific research has done little to prove that the planned preventative actions will lead to lesser numbers. There is not even a relation proven between the numbers of geese and the claimed damage on agriculture. According to current law, extermination is not allowable. Not even if the province views it as “just in the summer.”

On Sunday night 1 June, an exemption was granted to capture and gas 6000 grey geese on the Dutch island Texel. The company Duke Fauna Management would take on the job. At the request of Fauna Protection (De Faunabescherming), a judge nullified the exemption as per direct via the telephone. Duke chose not to wait for the judge’s decision. Even worse, at the stroke of midnight it turns out the elimination had already begun. According to Duke, 500 geese were gassed before the judge could intervene. Like a thief in the night, while it was already quite well known that there was a good chance the judge was going to forbid it. Particularly at night, there are great risks for terribly disrupting all sorts of protected species. The elimination of 6000 geese would only mean that other geese from elsewhere would come quickly and fill the created space again. The 500 gassed geese died a pointless death.
The judge decided on 2 June to forbid the province of North Holland to kill off the geese for now.

The Party for the Animals is absolutely against the killing of geese. In May, the parliamentary Party for the Animals already asked Minister of Agriculture Verburg parliamentary questions regarding this issue.

The fate of the geese is far from definite and we are calling on you to help change the mind of Peter Visser, the provincial representative from the province of North Holland.

Send a protest mail
Help change the mind of the representative and send this protest mail to

Dear Mr. Visser,

As representative of the Partij voor de Arbeid, you are responsible for the fauna policy of North Holland. You have given permission to kill off 12,000 grey geese, white-fronted geese and barnacle geese, including their young.

You have decided that the geese need to be cleared away as if they are lifeless objects. Meanwhile, it is not even known exactly how many geese there are or which damage the geese incur, if any.

I find it incomprehensible that you are not only breaking the law by doing this, but also that you apparently are ignoring scientific reports. In addition, I hold you responsible for any animal suffering that may be created when your rash measure takes effect.

I urge you to rethink your position, consider all aspects of the fauna policy and invest energy in animal-friendly alternatives to counteract and prevent any nuisance from the geese.

I anxiously await your response.

Kind Regards,