Worldlog Hafta 21 – 2008

23 Mayıs 2008

Gecen hafat Londrada birinciligi oynayan ve dunyada gosterime giren Meat the Truth.

Bilimsel buromuzdan Karen Soeters”la beraber ve yanimizda bulunan Ingiliz komik Dave Spikey “in bisikletine (Rickshaws) yapistirmis oldugu filim posterinde Meat the Truth ve tiyatro Odeon West End yazmaktaydi.

Enternasyonal versiyonunda dunyaca taninmis unluler tarafindan calismalar gosterildi bunlarin arasinda Pamela Anderson, Bill Maher, Emily Deschanel, Tony Denison, James Cromwel, Elaine Hendrix, Kate Flannery, Debra Wilson Skelton, Joy Lauren en Esai Morales.

Londradaki spesiaal gosterim icin Amsterdam da bulunan Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam, Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation”un emri ile Ingiltereye tasaruftabelasini yapti.Bu tabelayi filmden sonra izleyicilere sundum. Izleyicilerin filme karsi tepkisi cok heyecan vericiydi.

Ayni zamanda saskin bakislarla tasaruf tabelasinda gordukleri, ornegin Ingilterede herkez haftada 1 gun et yemedigi takdirde bir tasaruf elde etmis olurlar, bu ayni zamanda 5 milyon arabanin yoldan cikarilmasi demektir.

Gosterimden sonra aynen Amsterdam galasinda oldugu gibi pastaya sekil verilmis ve eriyen buz tabakasinin uzerinde kutup ayisi sembol olarak dunyanin isinmasini sembolize ediyordu. Pasta buyuk alaka ve ilgili insan toplulugu tarafindan kesildi.

Londra birinci sirada gelen sehirlerinden birisi “Meat the Truth”filmi ilk kez Londrada gosterime girdi daha sonraki gelecek aylarda gosterilecek olan iller New York, Washington, Dresden, Sao paulo, Barcelona, Brussel, Singapore en Beijing.

Aralik ayindaki filmin galasinda ayni zamanda Amsterdamda bulunan Tuschinski tiyatroda yalniz sosyal bir tartisma degil ayni zamanda politikacilarda isin cidiyetini idrak etmektedirler.Hayvansal yaglarin muthis bir etkisi var iklim degisikligine, dogal kaynaklarin kullanilmasinda ve ayni zamanda dunyadaki acligin onlenmesinde.

Bu gosteriyorki Hollanda Bakani Jacqueline Cramer (cevre) ve Bert Koenders (gelismebirligi calismasi) kabine adina ikinci odaya yani meclise sundular.

“Bu istilhak Hayvansal yaglarin asagi cekmek ve lehimde olan dayanikli hayvansal yag ve bitkisel yag uretmek.”

Gecen hafta Sali gunu Meclise Ziraat ve Tarim Bakani bayan Verburg konusmasina “Meat the Truth” filminin onaylamadigini ve dogru bulmadigini dile getiriyor” ayni zamanda Wageningen Universitesi ise filmi tamamen onayladigini dogrulamaktadir.

Burada Ingilterenin ve Birlesmis devletlerin (Amerikanin) tasaruf tabelsini gormekteyiz.

Last week, Meat the Truth premièred in London, kicking off the international releases of the film in the rest of the world.

Karen Soeters from our scientific bureau and I arrived at the opening at the Odeon West End together with English comedian Dave Spikey. We rode in a rickshaw covered with Meat the Truth posters.

A variety of international celebrities worked on the international version of the film including Pamela Anderson, Bill Maher, Emily Deschanel, Tony Denison, James Cromwell, Elaine Hendrix, Kate Flannery, Debra Wilson Skelton, Joy Lauren and Esai Morales.

For the London première, the Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation (our scientific bureau) asked the Vrije University (VU) of Amsterdam to draw up a reduction table for Great Britain. I presented it at the conclusion of the film. The audience reacted extremely enthusiastically to the film and was particularly surprised by the reduction table. One example from the table: if everyone in Great Britain would eat no meat for one day a week, the reduction would be comparable to taking five million automobiles off the road.

After the show, just like at the Amsterdam première, we served a cake in the form of melting ice floes with polar bears on them as a symbol for the consequences of the greenhouse effect. With much interest, the cake was cut into.

London is the first in a series of Meat the Truth premières. In the coming months, other cities will follow including New York, Washington, Dresden, Sao Paulo, Barcelona, Brussels, Singapore and Beijing.

After the film premièred in December in Tuschinski in Amsterdam, not only did public debate erupt, but political discussion as well. It seems that even the politicians are finally realising that the production of animal proteins has an enormous impact on climate change, the usage of natural resources and the world food shortage.

This became clear in a recent letter sent to the House of Representatives by Dutch ministers Jacqueline Cramer (environment) and Bert Koenders (development cooperation) on behalf of the Cabinet.

“The consumption of animal proteins must be reduced in favour of sustainably produced animal proteins and vegetable proteins.”

Last Tuesday, we asked the Minister of Agriculture Verburg parliamentary questions concerning her comment that “the data in the film Meat the Truth is allegedly incorrect,” whilst the University of Wageningen had to admit that the calculations from the film turned out to be entirely correct.

Here are the reduction tables for Great Britain and the U.S.A.