Worldlog Hafta 15 – 2008

11 Nisan 2008

Gecen hafta Hollandada bir mezbahayla ilgili olaylar oldu, Hollanda’nin kuzeyinde bulunan bu Mezbahane agir ve yanlis anlasilmalara sebep verdi.
Devlet kuruluslari ve idareciler tarafindan fazla ilgi ve bakim gormediginden, Radar isimli bir televizyon programinin, actualiteitenprograminda yayinlandi. bizat benimlede reportaj yaptilar actualite programi 1 vandaag. Tabiki bizim insanlarimiz icin zor lisan problemleri var ve anlamakta gucluk cekiyorlar,
fakat Radar programinda izlenen goruntuler acik ve net ortada, yabanci lisan bilmesekte kendini gosteriyor.

Sorusturma acilan ve dikatleri uzerine ceken mezbahane sigir ve hayvan kesiminlerini durdurdu, nedeni ciftcilerin cesaret edemediginden ve cekindiklerinden dolayi.

Hollandanin degisik bolgelerindeki ciftciler bu konu uzerinde fazla durmuyorlar, bunun nedeni tabi ki cikarlari oldugundan dolayi.
Gecen hafta Sali gunu Partij voor de Dieren (hayvanlari koruma partisi) mecliste buyuk bir basari yakaladi.
Mecliste elde etmis olduklari basari ise Hollanda Hukumetinin – Avrupa komisyon birligine sormaliki Hollandada kesimi yapilan hayvan etlerinin kontrol ve muayneden gecmesi ve Avrupa standartlarina uyup uymadigi aciklanmasi.
Su andaki muayneler ozel bir kurulus tarafindan onaylanmaktadir. Bu kuruluslar et sektorunun elinde bulunmaktadir ve hatta buradan idare edilmektedir Kristen Demokrat Partisi (CDP) uyeleri tarafindan (Tarim Bakanligi dahil ayni parti mensup uyeleri).

Tarim Bakanligi, Doga ve Gida Kalitesi

Bu etmuaynesini onaylayan sirketlerin kazanc ve elde etikleri karlari cok yuksek.
Ayni zamanda vergiler sirketlere yani ciftcilere gitmektedir, yinede bu ortak sirketler vergisi,
vergilerini odemek mecburiyetinde degildirler.

Herkez bilmelidirki kasap kendi etmamulerini muayne edip onaylayamaz. Muayneden gecememis olan etmamuleri, Kardes sirketlere sunulmakta ve sigortalanmaktadir.Burada her iki tarafin menfaati soz konusudur. Burada soz konusu olan halkin sagligi ve ayni zamanda hayvanlardir, gerceklerin su yuzune cikmasi gerekmektedir olaylari net ve acik gormeliyiz.
Cogunluk Hollanda Parlementosunun Hayvanlari Koruma Partisinden (Partei voor de Dieren) yana olmalidirki mukkemel bir sonuc versin nedeni , butun bu olup biten olaylarin Avrupa Birligine sunmak icin.

Diger bir konu.
Gecen hafta Pazar gunu, Meat the truth filminin cekimlerini tamamladik. Burada ozet fotograflari gorebilirsiniz.

19 Mayista gosterime girecek olan Londra Galasinin on hazirliklar devam etmektedir ve ayni zamanda Haziran ayindaki New York galasi.
Bu hafta icindede Hollandada gosterime girecek olan film ve tiyatro gosterileri baslayacak,
Bu gosteriler salon tartismalariyla son bulmaktadir.

Haftaya gorusmek uzere!

Last week there was much commotion in the Netherlands regarding a slaughterhouse in the northern part of the Netherlands. Terrible animal abuse was allegedly taking place, while supervisors appointed by the government did nothing about it. The consumer programme Radar did a report about it
and I was interviewed by the current events programme 1vandaag.
Of course, due to the language barrier, it may be difficult for most of you to follow the discussion, but the images in Radar speak for themselves.

This specific slaughterhouse has since halted its slaughtering activities because no one dares deliver them animals now that they have been at the centre of attention.

The farmers who keep livestock are reacting passively on the various Dutch internet forums. It seems obvious that this sort of abuse is all too familiar to them, and it cannot be tolerated.

Last Tuesday, the Party for the Animals scored in the House of Representatives. We managed to compel the Dutch government to request the European Commission to review the Dutch meat inspection system to see if it sufficiently meets European regulations. Currently, the inspections are performed by a commercial enterprise. This company is in the hands of the meat industry itself and is presided over by prominent members of the governing Christian Democrat party (the Minister of Agriculture in our country is from the same party!).

Minister of Agriculture,
Nature and Food Quality

The meat inspection company turns a high profit. Meanwhile, they receive a great deal of tax monies and notably they are themselves exempt from paying corporate taxes. Anyone can see that it makes no sense for a butcher to be the inspector of his own meat. Especially when you know that a sister company offers insurance against the rejection of slaughter livestock. Conflicts of interest are just around the corner.

For the sake of public health and for the animals, it is extremely important that every stone be turned over in this case. It is great that the majority of the Dutch Parliament supports the Party for the Animals in our effort to lay the entire issue before the European Union.

Something else.
Last Sunday, we finished the recording of our film about the climate, Meat the Truth. Check out the brief photo impressions here.

All preparations are being made for the London première on the 19th of May and the New York première in June. In the coming weeks, the film will start showing in Dutch film houses and theatres, often followed by a discussion with the audience.

Until next week!