Worldlog Tjedan 41 – 2014
Prošli tjedan smo imali raspravu u Domu o vojnoj intervenciji u Iraku. Mi smo protiv vojne intervencije jer postoje veliki rizici za eskalacije. Naša parlamentarna stranka je uvjerena da bombardovanje znači jačanje plodnog tla za terorizam. To su dokazale i prethodne intervencije u regiju.
No, što su često postavljana pitanja? Dali da dopustimo silovanje žena, da se odsjeću glave novinara, da dopustimo da se otimaju djeca, da nepravda postoji a mi ne intervenišemo ? Možemo li skrenuti pogled od problema? To je vrlo nepravilan pristup. Problemi su kompleksni a nažalost također i njihova rješenja . Bombardiranje će samo pogoršati situaciju, tako tvrde gotovo svi vojni analitičari. Crveni Križ navodi da će zračni napadi pogoršati humanitarnu krizu . I zato ne možemo podržati to “rješenje”. Imamo zadatak pružati humanitarnu pomoć tamo gdje se krše ljudska prava. Imamo zadatak pomoći u de-eskalaciji međunarodnih sukoba. Imamo zadatak da primimo izbjeglice i da uklonimo plodno tlo za terorizma. Iračku vladu treba dodatno staviti pod pritisak da ponudi veći utjecaj ugroženim skupinama, koje će vjerojatno biti potjerane u naručje ISISa. Imamo zadatak da odsijećemo izvore prihoda terorista. Imamo zadatak da se borimo protiv vjerske radikalizacije u našoj zemlji. No, naša zemlja nema zadatak da točno ono radi što teroristi žele: rat sa Zapadom, bombarderi i mučenici.
Richard Norton-Taylor, novinar The Guardiana, podržaje moju viziju. Pogledaj ovdje za njegovo jasno obrazloženje: ‘Bombing Isis will be futile – and expensive‘ .
Moja kolegica Esther Ouwehand je pozvala državnu tajnicu poljoprivrede Dijksma da ne dopusti opet opasni pesticid metam-natrij.Većina Doma je ranije ove godine podržala naš poziv za zabranu tog pesticida. U svibnju, ovaj pesticid privremeno je povučen s tržišta jer sigurnost stanovnika nije mogla biti zajamčena. Sada je državna tajnica ponovo dala dozvolu za taj kontroverzni pesticid. Želimo da se metam-natrij skine sa tržišta. Taj otrov ima vrlo negativne posljedice za životinje, prirodu i okoliš, te je glavni rizik za javno zdravlje!
Prošle subote bio je Dan životinja. Tada je bio i islamski blagdan žrtve, dan kada se svake godine u Nizozemskoj bez anestezije kolje destak tisuća životinja . Mi smo prošli tjedan putem društvenih medija skrenuli pozornost na činjenicu da žrtvovati ne znači da se moraju žrtvovati životinje; dati novac ljudima kojima je jako potreban je dobra alternativa. Objavili smo i ukusne vegetarijanske recepte na našoj web stranici, za sve one ljude koji na Dan životinja nisu željeli jesti životinje.
Stavili smo “Billboard” na glavnom kolodvoru u Amsterdamu, sa tekstom “4. listopada Dan životinja i blagdan žrtve. Žrtvujte novac, ne životinje!”
Muslimanka i stanovnica Antwerpena (Belgija), Nabilla Ait Daoud, je vijećnica za Dobrobiti životinja. Ona se je prošlog tjedna izjasnila za donaciju novca umjesto žrtvovanja životinja. Ovdje također pročitajte stavove Islamic Concern i Green Prophet.
Klanje bez anestezije nanosi teške patnje životinjama te je stoga zabranjeno u Nizozemskoj. Iznimka je napravljena za ritualno klanje. Mi poštujemo vjerske slobode, ali ta sloboda prestaje kada ljudi ili životinje pate od nje. Za životinje ne bi trebalo biti bitno koju vjeru ima taj tko ih kolje. Saznajte više o našoj predanosti ovom problemu. Kliknite ovdje.
U cijeloj zemlji mnogi aktivni članovi stranke su na Dan životinja dijelili letke protiv lova na životinje. Vrlo je lijepo da imamo takve volontere koji oduševljeno šire našu poruku 🙂
Do sljedećeg tjedna!
Last week, we had a debate in the Lower House on military intervention in Iraq. We are against military intervention, because there are significant risks of further escalation. The parliamentary group of the Lower House is convinced that bombing will only strengthen the breeding ground for terrorism. This has been proven by earlier interventions in the region.
But what is asked frequently in this context; can we let women be raped, journalists be beheaded, children be abducted, injustice exist without any intervention? Can we look away from the problems?
This is a very improper approach. The problems are complex and so are the solutions, unfortunately. According to almost all military analysts, bombing will only aggravate the situation. The Red Cross says that air strikes will aggravate the humanitarian crisis there. We therefore cannot support that solution.
We have a duty to provide humanitarian aid if human rights are being violated. We have a duty to de-escalate international conflicts. We have a duty to provide shelter to refugees and remove breeding grounds of terrorism. More pressure must be placed on the Iraqi government to grant more control to deprived groups who are now likely to be driven into the arms of ISIS. We have a duty to cut off sources of income of terrorists. We have a duty to combat religious radicalisation in our own country. But our country does not have a duty to serve terrorists on demand by doing precisely what they are asking for: war with the West, bombers and martyrdom.
Richard Norton-Taylor, a journalist with The Guardian underpins my views, see: ‘Bombing Isis will be futile – and expensive’ for his unambiguous explanation.
My colleague Esther Ouwehand called upon State Secretary Dijksma of Agriculture to refrain from allowing the dangerous pesticide metam sodium again. A majority of the House supported our request for a ban earlier this year. In May, the soil fumigant was temporarily taken off the market, since the safety of local residents could not be guaranteed. Meanwhile, however, the State Secretary has allowed the controversial substance again. We want metam sodium to be taken off the market as soon as possible. The poison has extremely negative consequences for animals, nature and the environment and constitutes a major risk to public health!
It was World Animal Day last Saturday. And it was also the Islamic Festival of Sacrifice, when tens of thousands of animals are slaughtered without stunning in the Netherlands every year.
Last week, through social media, we asked attention for the fact that sacrifice does not necessarily mean that animals should be sacrificed, giving money to those in need is another option. We also placed delicious vegetarian recipes on our website for those who wanted to turn World Animal Day into an eat-no-animals day.
Madebillboard at Amsterdam central station with the text ‘4 October World Animal Day & Festival of Sacrifice. Sacrifice money, not animals’!
Last week, Nabilla Ait Daoud, a Muslim and Antwerp (Belgium) alderman responsible for Animal Welfare, also advocated gifts instead of animal sacrifice. You can read the points of view of Islamic Concern and Green Prophet here.
Slaughter without stunning causes severe animal suffering and it is therefore prohibited in the Netherlands. An exception has been made for ritual slaughter. We respect the freedom of religion, but that freedom stops where people or animals suffer from it. For an animal, it should not make any difference what religion his slaughterer has. If you would like to learn more about our efforts in this context, click here.
For that matter, leaflets against hunting were distributed throughout the country at World Animal Day by many active party members. It is super to have these volunteers conveying our message with such enthusiasm 🙂
See you next week!