Worldlog Tjedan 39 – 2014

22 rujna 2014

Važan tjedan je sada iza mene! Utorak, 16. rujna bila je tradicionalna manifestacija pod nazivom “Prinsjesdag”: dan na koji Vlada objavljuje svoje planove za godinu koja je ispred nas. Nakon toga su bila opća politička razmatranja, tijekom kojih se u Saboru raspravlja državni proračun.

Svake godine za “Prinsjesdag”, moja kolegica Ester Ouwehand i ja svojom odjećom izražavamo naše političke misli. Ester je sa svojom haljinom pozvala da se zaustavi jezivi kitolov i klanje dupina. Na njezinoj haljini, od strane eko – brand Oružani Anđeli, je izvezen krvavi harpun i leđna peraja dupina u vodi crvene boje. Tekst ”Zaustavite ubojstva!”, može se pročitati na prednjoj strani haljine. Dizajn veza je od Marije Tiqwah van Eldik . Oblici na haljini su izvezeni sa strane Janny Slik. Ovi oblici pokazuju što se to događa svake godine u uvalama Japana i Farskih otoka, gdje stotine dupina izgubi život zbog čovjeka . Kao što ste mogli pročitati u mom prethodnom Worldlogu, Nizozemsko postavljanje protiv kitolova i pokolja dupina počinje napokon da bude snažnije, ali može biti mnogo snažnije!

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Ja sam ove godine nosila haljinu koju je dizajnirao Erny Reijmersdal. Na haljini se vide novčanice od 100 eura, kao iskaz protiv “greenwashing” (oblik manipulacije koju koriste PR-agencije za odnose sa javnošću, da bi se stvorila lažna percepcija o ekološkoj odgovornosti). Novčanice simboliziraju financijske interese, koji su opet najviši prioritet vlade. Zelena štola i šešir su simbol “greenwashinga”: sa zelenim riječima kamuflirati hladnu i za prirodu štetnu politiku .Vlada poduzima posebno mjere koje štite financijske interese, dok ambicije sto se tiče životinja, prirode i okoliša nisu ostvarene. Čujemo zelene riječi, ali to ostaju samo riječi; tanki sloj zelene boje. Čisti primjer “greenwashinga”.

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Tko će tada živjeti, taj će se i tada brinuti: to je kratkoročna vizija vlade. Za svijet koji troši koliko mi trošimo su potrebne četiri zemaljske kugle. “Greenwash” pojmovi poput “Zelena Rast” i “Održiva Tranzicija” ne mogu sakriti stvarnost. Većina stranaka ne može više zamisliti svijet bez ekonomskog rasta i dugova. Ali ekonomski rast bez granica na ograničenoj planeti je jednostavno nemoguć. Mi ćemo morati izaći iz začaranog kruga ekonomske rasti, dugova i potrošnje.

Srećom, ima i dobrih vijesti: tijekom općih političkih razmatranja, uputili smo prijedlog u kojem smo pozvali vladu da prezentira dugoročnu viziju o politici u području klime i okoliša. Ovaj prijedlog je podržan od strane većine u Saboru!

Za kraj, želim podijeliti ovo sa tobom. Početkom rujna sam ti pričala o impresivnom predavanju Philipa Wollena, Australski zaštitnik životinja. On je 6. rujna u Saboru održao predavanje za naše članove. Znatiželjni? Pogledaj ovdje njegov ​​govor.

Do sljedećeg tjedna!


This was an important week! On Tuesday 16 September, it was Budget Day in the Netherlands, the day on which the Cabinet announces its plans for the year ahead. After that, the Parliamentary Debate on the Speech from the Throne was held, dealing with the National Budget in the Lower House.

Every year on Budget Day, my colleague Esther Ouwehand and I wear outfits as statements to the Cabinet. With her dress, Esther called to stop the gruesome whaling and dolphin slaughter. Her dress, of the eco brand ArmedAngels, had embroideries of a bloodstained harpoon and a dolphin fin in red water. On the front, it read ‘Stop the killings!’. The embroideries are designs of Maria Tiqwah van Eldik. The images were embroidered onto the dress by Janny Slik. The images show a glimpse of what happens in the bays of Japan and the Faroe Islands, where hundreds of dolphins are slaughtered every year. As you may have read in my previous Worldlog, the Netherlands are finally beginning to take a stand against whaling and dolphin slaughter, but that stand could be much stronger!

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I myself wore a dress designed by Erny van Reijmersdal this year, with 100 euro notes as statement against greenwashing. The notes symbolise the financial interests the Cabinet has given top priority to again. The green stole and hat symbolise greenwashing: using green words to camouflage a cold and nature-unfriendly policy. The Cabinet takes measures particularly to serve financial interests, whereas ambitions for animals, nature and the environment are not realised. We keep hearing green words, but no more than that; a lick of green paint. Pure greenwashing.

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We’ll deal with that when we get there: that is the short-term vision of the Cabinet. We need 4 globes for a world that consumes as we do. Greenwash concepts such as Green Growth and Sustainable Transition cannot disguise reality. Most parties can no longer imagine a world without growth and debts. But it is simply impossible to have infinite economic growth on a finite planet. We will have to break the vicious circle of economic growth, debts and squandermania.

Fortunately, there is also good news to report: during the Parliamentary Debate on the Speech from the Throne, we tabled a motion to call upon the Cabinet to come up with a long-term vision on climate and environmental policies. The motion was supported by a majority of the House!


To conclude, there is something I wish to share with you. I told you early September about an impressive talk by Philip Wollen, an Australian animal protectionist. He spoke before our members in Dutch Parliament on 6 September. Do you want to know more? Look at his speech here.

Until next week!
