Worldlog 15 veljača 2016

15 veljače 2016

Želim započeti s izvrsnim vijestima. Naime, prošlog smo tjedna imali uspjeh u Donjem domu. Otkad postoji naša stranka borimo se životinje u govedarskoj industriji , pa tako i za telad koja se na okrutan način odvaja od majke čim se oteli, te stavlja u takozvani samački boks. U prirodi tele ostaje s majkom 6 do 12 mjeseci.

Krave muzare moraju svake godine dobiti barem jedno tele. Tako njihova proizvodnja mlijeka ostaje visoka. Većina teladi je “nusproizvod”: mali bikovi ne daju mlijeko i ne rastu dovoljno brzo da postanu biftek. Oni se nakon maksimalno 8 mjeseci kolju za teletinu.

Stranka za životinje smatra da telad ima pravo na odrastanje uz majku kravu, a sada i većina Donjeg doma misli isto! Vrlo sam sretna što je naš prijedlog da telad neko vrijeme provede sa majkom kravom usvojen. Moramo prirodne procese poput odgoja mladunčadi poštivati.

Worldlog_koe met kalfje

Majčinska stranka, tele može ostati s majkama. Biraj Stranku za životinje!

Većina Donjeg doma glasalo je za odluku vlade da Nizozemska bombardira Siriju. Vrlo opasna odluka. Mi smo glasali protiv. Mirovne organizacije Pax, Crveni križ i Amnesty International pozvali su na oprez, no većina Donjeg doma ne obazire se na to. Bombardiranje ne pridonosi povećanju sigurnosti svijeta, ne pridonosi povećanju sigurnosti u Siriji i ne pridonosi povećanju sigurnosti u Nizozemskoj. Upravo suprotno, sudjelovanje u bombardiranju vodi do izravne i neizravne opasnosti. Povećava se mogučnosti terorističkih napada u Nizozemskoj, te radi u korist daljnjoj radikalizaciji pokreta. Tko s nasiljem želi ostvariti mir, ostvarit će suprotno.

Prošle je godine skupljeno 28,000 potpisa na peticiji za veganske varijante popularnog sladoleda Ben&Jerry’s. Sad je Ben&Jerry’s najavio da će novi veganski okusi biti dostupni tokom veljače ove godine, te da će se prodavati u Sjedinjenim Državama. Vrlo je zanimljivo da ovakve akcije imaju pozitivne rezultate.

Prema istraživanjima Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau-a u Nizozemskoj, Nizozemci sve češće svjesnije kupuju, primjerice tako da određene proizvode bojkotiraju i tako što Nizozemska broji sve više ljudi koji jednom tjednom ne jedu meso. Što se mene tiče, mogu ti veganski okusi i u Nizozemsku doći!

Worldlog_vegetarisch eten

U međuvremenu je dvoje ljudi u Irskoj umrlo od svinjske gripe. Pogledaj poglavlje ‘Zoönosen’ iz našeg dokumentarca ‘One Single Planet’ kako bi više doznao o poveznici između govedarstva i rizika za javno zdravstvo. Osvijesti svoju okolinu o ovim opasnostima: podijeli zato ovaj filmić putem društvenih medija. U “The Matrix Relaunched” vrlo kratko, ali jezgrovito, objašnjavaju probleme koje donosi govedarska industrija.



I would like to start with some fantastic news. Last week we had a major breakthrough in the Lower House. Ever since the start of our party we have been fighting for animals in the livestock industry. As well as for calves in the dairy industry, which are cruelly separated from their mothers upon birth and are put into so-called individual pens. In nature, calves stay with their mothers for 6 to even 12 months.

Dairy cows have to give birth once a year to continue producing milk. The majority of those calves are a ‘by-product: little bulls do not give milk and do not grow fast enough to turn them into steak. After at most 8 months, they are slaughtered to produce veal meat.

The Party for the Animals believes that calves have the right to grow up with their mothers, and a majority of the Lower House now agrees! I am delighted that our motion to keep calves with their mothers for a certain time has been accepted. We must respect natural processes such as the rearing of young animals.

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The mother party, calves are allowed to stay with their mothers. Vote for the Party for the Animals!

The majority of the Lower House agrees with the government’s decision that the Netherlands is to start bombing in Syria. A highly dangerous decision. For that reason we have voted against it. Peace organisation Pax, Red Cross and Amnesty International have called for caution, but the majority of the Lower House just ignored that advice. The bombing will not contribute to increasing the safety in the world, will not contribute to increasing the safety in Syria, and will not contribute to increasing the safety in the Netherlands.

On the contrary, participation in the bombings will lead to direct and indirect risks. It can, for example, lead to retaliation in the Netherlands and contribute to further radicalisation. Anyone who wants to make peace with violence will achieve the opposite.

Last year, 28,000 people signed the petition for vegan-friendly options of the popular Ben&Jerry’s ice cream. Ben&Jerry’s has currently announced that the new vegan-friendly flavours will start to be sold in the United States in February of this year. It is great to see that this type of actions has a positive effect.

Research by the Social and Cultural Planning Bureau in the Netherlands has demonstrated that Dutch people increasingly do shopping in a more conscious manner by boycotting certain products and that the number of flexitarians in the Netherlands is growing. If it was up to me, those vegan ice flavours should also be introduced in the Netherlands!

Worldlog_vegetarisch eten

Two people recently died in Ireland from swine flu. See the chapter ‘Zoonoses’ of our documentary ‘One Single Planet’ to learn more about the relationship between the livestock industry and public health risks. Make your environment aware of these risks too: therefore share this animation film on social media. In ‘The Meatrix Relaunched’ it is briefly, yet clearly, explained what problems the large-scale livestock industry brings us.

Kind regards,
