TTIP i CETA slavljenički odvedeni u grob
Tisuće ljudi, među njima i mnoštvo članova Stranke za životinje i predsjednik amsterdamskog sjedišta PvdD-a su u subotu, 31. svibnja u Amsterdamu, ugovor TTIP i CETA simbolično odnijeli u grob. Slavljenički je pogreb TTIP-a i CETA-e bio protest protiv ovih ugovora koji prijete demokraciji, dobrobiti životinja, okolišu i javnom zdravstvu.
Stranka za životinje već duže vrijeme stoji na čelu borbe protiv TTIP-a i CETA-e, ugovora između Europe i Amerike i Kanade. Ovaj bi ugovor osobito utjecao na poljoprivredu, hranu, te okoliš, dobrobit životinja, javno zdravstvo i slobodu odabira potrošača. Ujednačenje standarda proizvoda i sigurnosnih uvjeta unutar ovih ugovora doveli bi do znatnog snižavanja europskih standarda, osobito po pitanju okoliša i dobrobiti životinja. Stranka za životinje poziva kabinet da odustane od pregovara za TTIP i CETA-u.
A thousand people, including many members of the Party for the Animals and party chairman Johnas van Lammeren of the Amsterdam municipal council party group of the Party for the Animals, symbolically buried the free trade agreements TTIP and CETA in Amsterdam on Saturday the 31st of May last. The festive funeral of the TTIP and CETA was a protest action against the controversial free trade agreements TTIP and CETA, which represent a serious threat to democracy, animal welfare, the environment, and public health.
The Party for the Animals has been taking the lead in the protest against TTIP and CETA, the trade treaties between Europe and the United States and Canada for some time. These agreements will certainly have far-reaching effects on the environment, animal welfare, public health and consumers’ freedom of choice. The harmonisation of product standards and safety regulations within these free trade agreements will lead to the deterioration of the European standards for the environment and animal welfare among others. The Party for the Animals calls on the government to end the negotiations on TTIP and to annul the CETA.