Europski parlament podržava Stranku za životinje – prijedlog protiv izlova u Sjevernom moru

11 listopada 2017

Europski je parlament u četvrtak 14. rujna glasao za paket mjera zaštite protiv izlova u Sjevernom moru. Stranka za životinje dobila je podršku za svoj prijedlog da se nikad ne prelazi Maksimalan Održivi Prinos ulova. Gornja granica nastupa na snagu iduće godine kad se 28 članica Unije usuglase.

Ribarska mreža

“Maksimalan Održivi Prinos (MDO) moramo gledati kao apsolutnu gornju granicu prilikom usuglašavanja nacionalne ribarske kvote; riječ ‘maksimalna’ naime ne pušta prostora za razlike u interpretaciji,” kaže europarlamentarka Anja Hazekamp.

Hazekamp ukazuje na to da kad bi se čak i ribarilo prema MDO razini, da bi pritisak na ribljoj populaciji i dalje ostao visok. “Ribarski planovi se ne bi trebali usmjeriti samo na to da se izvuće maksimum iz mora. Obnova i održavanje morskog ekosistema trebali bi biti primarni ciljevi ove vrste planiranja.”

Europarlamentarka nije ni načela temu stranaka u Europskom parlamentu koje gornju granicu MDO-a pokušavaju odužiti.

“Prema internacionalnoj konvenciji jasno stoji da je izlov naših mora trebao biti zaustavljen 2015. To je oduženo na 2020. Sad kad bi se zbilja trebalo manje ribariti, vidi se da se te stranke odjednom boje vode. Ako sada nastavimo s izlovom, na duže staze nikome ne činimo uslugu,” upozorava Hazekamp.

Prema inicijativi Stranke za životinje se u četvrtak glasalo za zabranu mreža stajačica na obalama Sjevernog mora. Sisavci poput obalnog dupina, tuljana i morskih ptica nerijetko se zapliću u mreže, te se uguše i umiru. Prijedlog da se stajačice zabrane odbijen je na plenarnom glasanju. Prijedlozi da se poduzmu mjere da se ograniči rekreativni ribolov dobile su pohvale u Europskom parlamentu.

On Thursday September 14th , the European Parliament voted in favour for a package of protective measures aimed at reducing overfishing in the North Sea. The Party for the Animals received support for her proposal to never fish above the level of the Maximum Sustainable Yield. This maximum limit will be enforced next year if the 28 EU countries vote in favour.

Fishing net

“The Maximum Sustainable Yield should be maintained as an absolute maximum level when enforcing the national fishing quota; the word ‘maximum’ specifically leaves no room for differences in interpretation, ” says Euro parliamentarian Anja Hazekamp.

Hazekamp points out that even if fishing will commence at the level of the MSY, the strain on fish populations will still remain significant. “Fishing plans should not only be focussed on how mankind can benefit most from the sea. Recovery and conservation of maritime ecosystems should be the primary goal of these kind of plans.”

The Euro parliamentarian therefore also criticises parties in the European Parliament that are trying to stretch the ceiling of the Maximum Sustainable Yield.

“International conventions state that overfishing of our waters should have been discontinued by 2015. This has already been postponed to 2020. Now that fishing effectively has to be reduced, you can see that the parties are getting cold feet. However, if overfishing keeps commencing, no one will be favoured in the long term, ” Hazekamp warns.

Besides this, a vote was raised on the initiative of the Party of the Animals about a ban on standing nets in front of the North Sea shore. Mammals such as porpoises, seals and sea birds often accidently get caught up in the nets, resulting in death by suffocation. The proposal to ban standing nets was rejected in the Plenary vote. However, proposals to take measures aimed at reducing recreational fishing were positively received in the European Parliament.