Worldlog Hafta 46 – 2008

15 Kasım 2008

Bu hafta Hollandada su idare secimleri baslamistir. Kasim 13 ila 25 arasi Hollandada posta ile su secimlerine katilmalari icin secmen kartlari gönderilmistir hersecmen kimi sececeklerini posta ile katilip secebilir 2009 ‘dan 2013 kadar olan idarecileri.
Worldlog 42’de belirtigim gibi Hayvan Koruma Partisi ‘de secilebilir alti sular idare birligine. Hayvan koruma partisi ilk defa bu secimlerde yer almaktadir, medyaya göre, diger partilere nazaran hayvan koruma partisisnin sesi daha cok cikmaktadir.Biz insanlari güvenli bir ortamda saygi sevgi ve rahat bir ortamda, insanlar ve hayvanlarin temiz cevreyle ve dogayla yasamalarini istiyoruz. Su istasyonlarin ayni zamanda baliklara karsi güvenli pompalar temiz su (katki madde bulunmayan ilacsiz fosfatsiz) zalimce avlanan farelere bir son verilmeli, ayni zamanda zevki icin avlananlara’da son vermek gerekmektedire bunlar bizim icin önemli noktalar sayilmaktadir. Su idari secimleri icin gerekli bilgiler Worldlog 42 ‘görebilirsiniz.

Gecen hafta Uruzganda görev yapan Hollandali askerlerden inanilmaz bir haber aldim Rattaplan isimli köpegin öldürülmesi. Bu haber sonucta hic bir seyi degistirmeyecek sucsuz yere ölen insanlara ve hayvanlara oluyor ne oluyorsa. Medeniyetin ölcüldügü ortamda insanlarin hayvanlarla nasil oldugu….
Mecliste bulunan savunma bakani Middelkoop’a sorular sordum. Benim ögrenmek istedigim Hollandali askerlerin konuyla ilgili köpegin öldürülmesinde ne gibi tedbirlerin almis olduklari .

De Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation (NGPF), bilimsel bir kurun olan büro Hayvan koruma partisinin, öyle bir plan gelistirdiler’ki hava alani bulunan Schiphol‘a büyük bir günes enerji sentrali kurmak. Onun icindirki kuslarin ve ucaklarin problemleri cözülmüs olur, nedeni ise catiya yerlestirilen günes enerjisinin kuslarin ilgisini cekmediginden dolayi. Kuslar su anda avlanip öldürülüyor .Bu demektirki hava trafiginin güvencesi ve ayni zamanda cevreci tedbirlerin alinmis olmasi.

Meclisteki soru saatinda Tarim Bakanina sordugum soruda, Doga ve Gida kalitesinin sorusunda acikta bulunan tel örgülerin yeteri kadar fazla olmadiklari yabani havanlarin gelip gecmeleri icin oto yolu bulunan A 28 Nunspeet dolaylarinda. Veluwe’de ve oto yol dan gecen 90 % yabani domuzlar öldürülmektedir. Bu dogru degil 90% yabani domuzlari avlamak öldürmek.Geride kalan 10% yabani domuzlar yasamak icin her mücadeleyi yapmaktadir özellikle güvenceli yerler aramaktadirlar. A28 oto yolunda bulunan yabani domuzlar engellerin olmaksizin gelip gecmeleri gerekmektedir, belediyenin ihmalsizliginden dolayi izgara telerinden yabani hayvanlarin gecmemeleri icin simdiye kadar saglanmamistir
Tel örgülerin yerine bakan avcilari yerlestirmektedir giris cikis yerlerine ve cikis olan A28 otoyoluna gecmek isteyen hayvanlari öldürmek icin.Bakan söz verdi buralara tel örgü yani izgaralar yerlestirmek icin.

Haftaya görüsmek üzere

This week saw the start of the Water District Board elections. Between 13 and 25 November, Dutch residents can vote to elect the Water District Board members for the period 2009 to 2013. As I mentioned in the Worldlog of week 42, the Party for the Animals is standing for election in six water districts. This is the first time the Party for the Animals has contested these elections and, according to the press, it has a message very different to that of the other parties. We are strongly committed to pleasant and safe surroundings in which we can all live with respect for man, animal, nature and the environment. Pumping stations that are not dangerous to fish, cleaner water (less phosphate and incecticides) and an end to the cruel and uneconomic muskrat hunt (the muskrat apparently threatens the dikes) and a stop to sports involving animals, such as angling, are a few of our policy speerheads. You can find more information on the Water District Board elections in the Worldlog of week 42.
Last week I heard the unbelievable news that Dutch military personnel in Uruzgan, Afganistan, shot dead their dog Rattaplan. This reprehensible deed does not seem out of place in the mission that has thus far yielded nothing but numerous innocent victims among people and animals. A society’s level of civilization is reflected in the way it treats its animals…
I have drawn up parliamentary quetions for Minister Middelkoop of Defense. I want to know if measures have been taken against those involved in this execution.

The Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation (NGPF), the scientific office of the Party for the Animals, has developed a plan to turn Schiphol airport into the Netherland’s largest solar power station. This plan represents an immediate solution to the “problem” of the conflicting interests between birds and aircraft since a Schiphol with solar panels instead of grassy fields would be a far less interesting landing-site for birds. Birds are currently chased away and shot. This plan is an opportunity to merge the safety of air-traffic with animal and environmentally friendly measures and put an end to the culling in and around Schiphol.

During question time in the Lower House, I asked the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality about the lack of cattle grids at highway A28 near Nunspeet. In the Veluwe, a wildlife area near this highway, 90% of the wild boar population is currently culled. It is not terribly surprising that after shooting 90% of all wild boar in the Veluwe the surviving 10% go in search of a safe haven. The wild boar near highway A28 are in fact refugees; the fact that they can walk onto the highway unobstructed because the provincial authorities has so far failed to install cattle grids again makes it clear that people are the cause of the problem, not the wild boar. Instead of cattle grids, the Minister is deploying hunters near the on and off-ramps of the A28 to shoot and kill fleeing boar. The minister has promised to present a cattle-grid plan quickly.

Until next week!