TTIP-leaks confirm that concerns are 100 percent valid

23 maj 2016

The TTIP-leaks, published by Greenpeace and containing passages from the trade agreement between the EU and the US, confirm that suspicions about and resistance against TTIP are completely valid, according to MEP Anja Hazekamp.


Cosmetics tested on animals and genetically modified foods produced with even more pesticides are only a few examples of the TTIP plans. This unfair agreement will bring us nothing but products produced with the lowest possible environmental and animal welfare standards,” says Hazekamp.

On top of that, we will lose the freedom to determine for ourselves how we wish to protect our health, the environment, nature and the animals. This document takes away the direct authority of Dutch and European governments and places this authority with unelected technocrats and multinationals,” states Hazekamp.

Moreover, according to the Party for the Animals, the leaked documents confirm that the negotiators in Brussels have deliberately misled representatives and critics by providing inaccurate and incomplete information.

The European Commission has indicated that it is working on an investigation into how this leak could have happened. It would do better to devote its energy to putting an end to the TTIP negotiations,” according to the Party for the Animals.