Newsarchive 2023
- 14 DEC Esther’s Blog: Fighting for our ideals with renewed energy!
- 6 DEC Native sea otter population returns to Canada!
- 29 NOV The use of agricultural toxins in Europe will remain unabated: EU pesticide reduction bill rejected
- 23 NOV Former UN Workers Accuse Agrilobby of Intimidation Over Landmark Report on Methane's Impact on Climate Change
- 15 NOV Dutch elections in a week: a review of our recent achievements
- 1 NOV Vast majority of European citizens want better animal welfare
- 26 OKT Esther's Blog: Demand a Future
- 11 OKT Party for the Animals demands improved animal welfare legislation from the European Commission
- 4 OKT First European lawsuit ever against intensive livestock farming filed in Italy, thanks to Italian Party for the Animals
- 28 SEP The Party for the Animals makes a powerful statement with outfit
- 20 SEP Dutch Party for the Animals forces minister to vote against glyphosate in EU Agricultural Council
- 13 SEP New Zealand welcomes a new political party for animal rights: the Animal Justice Party Aotearoa New Zealand!
- 6 SEP Party for the Animals: “A stricter European Nature Restoration Law is of vital importance”
- 12 JULI Canada bans cruel animal testing for cosmetics!
- 5 JULI Esther’s Blog: When governments fail, peaceful civil disobedience is of crucial importance for a healthy democracy
- 28 JUNI Iceland puts an end to whaling!
- 21 JUNI Greece, vote for compassion, vote for Green & Purple!
- 15 JUNI More and more hospitals are switching to plant-based food
- 7 JUNI Party for the Animals pleads for an end to government-funded school milk
- 2 JUNI Animal welfare successes in Australia thanks to Animal Justice Party
- 31 MAJ Help end the killing of kangaroos
- 24 MAJ Party for the Animals achieves major breakthroughs against animal cruelty
- 18 MAJ Esther's blog: Multiple successes and solidarity with animal protectionists in Morocco and Greece
- 10 MAJ Help Moroccan animal welfare organisation stop the killing of dogs
- 3 MAJ More and more countries ban the export of live animals! Party for the Animals continues to increase pressure
- 26 APR Urgent call by Party for the Animals in Europe: Take glyphosate off the market!
- 19 APR Rights for nature constitutionalized! Party for the Animals launches initiative
- 13 APR Esther’s Blog: Solving the climate and nature crisis starts with being honest
- 10 APR Party for the Animals Greece welcomes first elected representative!
- 5 APR Say no to octopus farming in Europe!
- 29 MARS Party for the Animals demands end to abuse of calves and appointment of Animal Rights Euro Commissioner
- 22 MARS Gains for Party for the Animals in historic regional elections in the Netherlands
- 14 MARS Esther’s Blog: Standing together, we can make the dark green difference
- 1 MARS Expat or student in the Netherlands? Make your vote count on March 15!
- 22 FEB Help save animals caught in devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
- 15 FEB A historic breakthrough: the EU wants out of climate-destroying energy treaty
- 8 FEB Esther’s Blog: Ready for a dark green election campaign!
- 1 FEB World first: Capital of Scotland opts for plant-based diet to tackle the climate crisis