Newsarchive 2016
- 19 DEC Dutch political Party for the Animals pays visit to Moldova
- 19 DEC Worldlog 19 December 2016
- 12 DEC Breakthrough: 27,000 natural sites will still be protected!
- 5 DEC European Parliament votes on the banning of horse fairs
- 5 DEC Election programme and candidate list adopted at Party Congress
- 29 NOV Worldlog 28 November 2016
- 22 NOV Lower House delegation to Marrakech Climate Change Conference headed by Marianne Thieme
- 22 NOV Parti Animaliste started in France
- 17 NOV Thieme’s contribution to debate on Ukraine referendum result
- 17 NOV Party for the Animals asks questions about agricultural toxins in cereals
- 8 NOV Worldlog – 7 November 2016
- 4 NOV SER: Current livestock farming unsustainable. Intervention essential
- 1 NOV New Japanese EU ambassador addressed by Hazekamp on whaling
- 17 OKT Worldlog 17 October 2016
- 27 SEP The Animal Justice Party of Finland has established its position as an official party
- 26 SEP Worldlog 26 September 2016
- 19 SEP Party for the Animals at mass demonstration against bullfighting
- 19 SEP ‘No provisional application of free trade agreement CETA’
- 13 SEP ‘Make dolphin killing a breaking point during the Japan trade mission’
- 12 SEP Bloody bull event ‘Toro de la Vega’ banned
- 5 SEP PACMA releases ‘Mission: Abolition’ to put an end to animal abusing festivals
- 5 SEP Worldlog 5 September 2016
- 29 AUG Animals on Sint-Eustatius die because of severe drought
- 29 AUG No Parliamentary Majority for ending animal transports in extreme heat
- 16 JULI Growing worldwide movement: parties for animals gather in The Hague
- 12 JULI Worldlog 11 July 2016
- 4 JULI Historic victory in the fight against cruel bull festival
- 4 JULI PACMA gains 30% more votes for congress than in late 2015.
- 4 JULI Member states sidelined on CETA Free Trade Agreement
- 27 JUNI European Parliament votes on legalising pillaging of Baltic Sea
- 27 JUNI Breakthrough: Java monkeys back with AAP foundation
- 27 JUNI Brexit: time for a new European cooperation
- 20 JUNI Worldlog 20 June 2016
- 13 JUNI Hold a referendum on TTIP and CETA!
- 13 JUNI Ban on endocrine disruptors in sight
- 13 JUNI Ric O´Barry urges the Netherlands to close Dolphinarium
- 6 JUNI Meat tax urgently needed to reach Paris climate targets
- 6 JUNI Festive funeral of the free trade agreements TTIP and CETA
- 30 MAJ Worldlog 30 May 2016
- 23 MAJ TTIP-leaks confirm that concerns are 100 percent valid
- 23 MAJ Stop bird markets, in the interest of animal welfare and public health!
- 17 MAJ 100 percent of MEPs have the carcinogenic glyphosate in their system
- 17 MAJ Breakthrough: the Netherlands bans import of hunting trophies
- 10 MAJ Worldlog 9 May 2016
- 6 MAJ The Canary in the Coal Mine now in English e-book version
- 2 MAJ Marianne Thieme on lecture tour across Australia
- 2 MAJ Party for the Animals supports initiative against nuclear weapons
- 2 MAJ Marianne Thieme re-nominated as top candidate for Party for the Animals
- 25 APR EU Parliament in favour of the readmission of glyphosate. Support for ban of private and public use.
- 18 APR Worldlog 18 April 2016
- 4 APR Lower House wants Java monkeys back with AAP
- 29 MARS Worldlog 29 March 2016
- 21 MARS Europe legalises overfishing
- 21 MARS “Anja Hazekamp voted most animal-friendly MEP”
- 14 MARS EU Parliament opposes livestock medicine of horse blood
- 14 MARS No more money to the pig industry
- 7 MARS Wordlog 7 March 2016
- 29 FEB “Boycott the blood farms in South America”
- 29 FEB Party for the Animals’ plan for pets registration in the making
- 22 FEB Lower House: only truly sustainable agriculture is “climate-smart”
- 22 FEB Breakthrough: Lower House wants calf with mother cow
- 15 FEB Worldlog 15 February 2016
- 8 FEB “Make nature conservation policy a priority during Dutch EU presidency”
- 8 FEB Tackling dodgy puppy trade with European registration
- 1 FEB Party for the Animals: Rutte, stop the suffering of millions of animals