Party for the Animals supports initi­ative against nuclear weapons

2 maj 2016

The Party for the Animals supports the initiative “Sign against Nuclear Weapons” of peace organisation PAX. The possession and use of nuclear weapons in the Netherlands and the rest of the world should be banned. The Party for the Animals believes the use of these weapons to be inhumane.

The Party for the Animals rejects the possession and use of nuclear weapons. The party feels that such cruel weapons of mass destruction have no right to exist. The Netherlands must work to establish a universal ban on using any form of uranium in weapons and promote a comprehensive ban on nuclear weapons. Any existing nuclear weapons in the Netherlands should be cleared away as soon as possible.

Last Thursday, the Lower House discussed a Dutch ban on nuclear weapons, following the initiative “Sign against Nuclear Weapons”. With this initiative of peace organisation PAX, over 45,000 signatures were collected. The initiative is meant to induce the Dutch government, supporter of nuclear disarmament, to ban nuclear weapons in the Netherlands.

Marianne Thieme: “Nobody would wish to see a repeat of the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which claimed the lives of more than 300,000 people. Now, 70 years later, it is time for the Netherlands to take responsibility and take steps towards a world without nuclear weapons.”