Worldlog Tjedan 23 – 2014
Prošlog je tjedna bilo gotovo sigurno, ali sada je definitivno: idemo u Bruxelles! Sa 4,2% glasova osvojili smo mjesto u Europskom parlamentu gdje će se idućih pet godina Anja Hazekamp boriti za potrebe životinja, prirode i okoliša. Naši su predstavnici liste, poznati glumci i pisci poput Redmonda O’Hanlona i Ingrid Newkirk, dobili mnoštvo glasova preference. Jako smo ponosni!
Vrlo smo sretni i za našu sestrinsku stranku u Njemačkoj, Tierschutzpartei, koja je također osvojila mjesto. Prvog će srpnja svi zastupnici Europarlamenta prisegnuti i započeti s pravim poslom. Sretno, Anja!
Dobre vijesti stižu i iz Donjeg doma. Državni tajnik Ekonomije uveo je zabranu korištenja poljoprivrednog otrova metam-natrij. Metam-natrij je vrlo kontroverzan zbog velikih rizika za ljude i okoliš. Izuzetno je otrovno sredstvo za dekontaminaciju tla koji se, između ostalog, koristi u uzgoju jagoda i ljiljana. To sredstvo može naštetiti prolaznicima i susjedima, što potvrđuje istraživanje CTGB-a (College Toelating Gewasbechermingsmiddelen en Biociden). Ljudi mogu oboljeti od ozbiljnih plućnih bolesti i razviti kronična oboljenja. Ovom se zabranom državni tajnik približio našim zahtjevima za ovaj opasan otrov.
Moja je kolegica Esther Ouwehand u prošlosti žestoko protestirala protiv uporabe metam-natrija
Tužne vijesti iz Danske. Trojica su Danaca umrla nakon što su se zarazili MRSA bakterijom koja je otporna na antibiotike, a potječe od svinja. Pročitaj ovdje cijelu priču. Iz ovoga ponovno proizlazi snažna potreba da zaustavimo masivno zatvaranje životinja, kako bismo spriječili širenje životinjskih bolesti s groznim posljedicama za ljude i životinje.
Rasni psi i mačke imaju mnogo više zdravstvenih problema od „običnih“ pasa i mačaka, prema istraživanju Sveučilišta u Utrechtu. Istraživanje je izvedeno nakon što sam uručila prijedlog Domu. U tom sam prijedlogu zatražila širenje i ubrzanje istraživanja vezanog za nasljedne zdravstvene probleme rasnih pasa.
Labradori, između ostalog, češće imaju problema sa laktovima i kukovima od mješanaca ne-rasnih pasa. Čivave i Francuski buldozi također, u mlađim godinama, imaju problema sa zglobovima. Perzijske mačke češće obolijevaju od bolesti očiju, bubrega i kože.
Istraživanje pokazuje da rasni psi i mačke pate od ozbiljnih zdravstvenih problema koji su nasljedni. Posve je neetično birati samo izgled, a ne voditi računa o dobrobiti životinja. Ovome moramo što prije stati na kraj. O rezultatima istraživanja uskoro će se govoriti u Donjem domu.
Do idućeg tjedna!
It was already almost certain last week, but now it is definitive: we are going to Brussels! With 4.2 % of the votes, we have secured an ample seat in the European Parliament, where Anja Hazekamp will fight for the interests of animals, nature and the environment for the next five years. Our other popular candidates on the bottom of the party list – well-known opinion leaders, actors and authors, such as Redmond O’Hanlon and Ingrid Newkirk – have received a huge number of preferential votes. Very proud!
We are also very happy that our sister party in Germany, the Tierschutzpartei, has also secured a seat. On 1 July, all Euro MPs will be sworn in and the actual work will then begin. Best of luck, Anja!
There is also good news from the Lower House. The State Secretary of Economic Affairs has placed a temporary ban with immediate effect on the usage of the pesticide metam sodium. Metam sodium is extremely controversial because of its major risks to humans and the environment. It is a very poisonous soil disinfectant, which is used, among others, in the cultivation of lilies and strawberries. The substance can seriously harm the health of local residents and passers-by, as was confirmed by an expert panel of the College Admission Pesticides and Biocides. People may incur acute pulmonary oedema or develop chronic respiratory issues. With the temporary ban, the State Secretary partially meets our call to demand action against this dangerous poison.
Recently, my colleague Esther Ouwehand repeatedly protested against the usage of metam sodium
Sad news from Denmark. Three Danes died after they were infected by the antibiotics-resistant MRSA bacteria, which come from swines. Read the whole story here. This again shows the necessity of stopping to lock up animals in bulk, to prevent animal disease outbreaks with serious consequences for humans and animals.
Research conducted by Utrecht University has shown that pedigree dogs and cats have more health issues than ‘ordinary’ dogs and cats. The investigation was conducted after I tabled a motion in the House, calling for broader and swifter research into welfare issues in pedigree dogs with hereditary conditions.
The research has shown that Labradors, among other breeds, suffer from elbow and hip issues more often than crossings of non-pedigree dogs. Also, Chihuahuas and French Bulldogs suffer more from joint problems at a young age, and Persian cats have more abnormalities of the eyes, kidneys and skin compared to ordinary cats.
The research has proven that pedigree dogs and cats suffer severely from genetic defects. It is downright unethical to select purely on the basis of looks without taking into account the animals’ welfare. We must end this as soon as possible. The research results will be discussed in the Lower House soon.
Until next week!