Worldlog Tjedan 17 – 2015

20 travnja 2015

Na Malti se odmaraju tisuće ptica selica koje će uskoro seliti iz Afrike u Europu, kao i svake godine. No, ovaj odmor ima i tamnu stranu, jer je Malta prošlog tjedna ponovno otvorila godišnju sezonu lova na ove ptice. Zbog ovoga se svake godine ubije oko desetak tisuća ptica. Vlada Malte dala je dozvolu lovcima da ubiju jedanaest tisuća golubica i pet tisuća prepelica. Međutim, poznato je da već godinama nastradaju i tisuće drugih ptica, među kojima su ptice grabežljivice i druge zaštićene vrste. To je u izravnom sukobu s Europskim zakonom o zaštiti ptica, no Malteška vlada se ne obazire na to. Stoga je naša stranka pozvala Europsku Komisiju da opomene Maltu kako bi stali na kraj ovom okrutnom sportu.


Trenutno su Europska Unija i Japan u pregovorima za novi tržišni sporazum. No, taj je sporazum neprihvatljiv dok god Japan nastavi s lovom na kitove i dupine u Taiji. Lov na kitove protivi se čak internacionalnim sporazumima! S zemljom koja se ne pridržava internacionalnih dogovora ne bismo smjeli stupati u tržišne sporazume. Tržišne potrebe ne bi smjele stajati iznad normi i vrijednosti. Stoga sam uručila prijedlog u kojoj molim našu vladu da se istakne prilikom pregovora i da Japan prestane s ovom okrutnom praksom.


Konačno, nakon dugogodišnje borbe Nizozemska je vlada najavila zabranu nastupanja divljih životinja u cirkusima. Ova se odluka trenutno razrađuje i vjerojatno će nastupiti na snagu već sljedeće godine. prošlog smo tjedna uručili dva prijedloga kako bi još razradili zabranu. Mi želimo da se ova zabrana nastupa divljih životinja u cirkusima odnosi i na ljame, alpake i deve, koje zasad nisu pokrivene ovim zakonom. Na koncu će se ovaj zakon, što se nas tiče, morati odnositi i na ptice i reptile.


Jedan je mesni skandal popračen drugim. Pored otpornosti na bakterije zbog apsurdno visokog postotka antibiotika u mesnoj industriji i mesa koje je naizgledno zaraženo opasnom bakterijom, sad se potrošačima još i laže o podrijetlu mesa koje im se nudi. Mesnice u Nizozemskom gradu Den Haag prodaju pureće meso pod janjećim. Ova prijevara donosi mesarima puno novaca s obzirom da je pureće meso mnogo jeftinije od janjećeg.

Drugi mesar, Christiaan Rauffaus iz Njemačke najavio je da želi krenuti drugim smjerom po pitanju proizvodnje kobasica. Najveći se proizvođač kobasica u Njemačkoj zalaže za proizvodnju vegeterijanskih proizvoda! „Kobasica je cigareta budućnosti, još malo pa će se jedenje mesa početi smatrati jednako lošim kao i pušenje“ izjavio je. Čini mi se kao dobar trend za koji se valja zalagati!

Maloprije sam čula da je naša sestrinska stranka u Australiji, Animal Justice Party, pri lokalnim izborima zauzela mjesto u New South Walesu. Odlično! Pored naše zemlje, Portugala, Njemačke, sad imamo predstavništvo i u Australiji. Želim novom predstavniku Marku Piersonu puno uspjeha!

Želim svima ugodan tjedan!


Every year, thousands of migratory birds rest in Malta during their migration from Africa to Europe. But this stopover has a dark edge because last week Malta again opened its annual pleasure hunt for those migratory birds. Tens of thousands of birds are shot dead every spring because of this. The Maltese government permits hunters to shoot eleven thousand turtle doves and five thousand quails. It has been known for years that thousands of other birds, including birds of prey and other protected birds species, are shot at the same time, which is in conflict with European legislation for the protection of birds, but nevertheless the Maltese government fails to take action. Our party therefore called on the European Commission to call Malta to account in order to stop the island’s cruel bird hunt.


The European Union and Japan are currently negotiating a free trade agreement. This agreement is unacceptable as long as Japan continues to be guilty of whale hunting and dolphin slaughters in Taiji. Moreover, whale hunting is contrary to international agreements! We should not enter into a free trade agreement with a country that fails to comply with international agreements and which continues its cruel slaughtering. Trade interests should never be more important than norms and values. I have therefore tabled a motion asking our government to severely demand the stop of this cruel practice in its negotiations.


Finally, after years of struggle, the Dutch government has announced to ban wild animals in circuses. This decision is currently drafted and will likely become effective in autumn. Last week, we tabled two motions to further expand the ban. We want llamas, alpacas, camels, and dromedaries, which are not contained in the draft decision, to be also included in the ban on wild animals in circuses. As far as we are concerned, the ban should also apply to reptiles and birds.


It’s one meat scandal after the other! In addition to antibiotics resistance due to absurdly high use of antibiotics in livestock farming and meat that was found to be contaminated with bacteria, the consumer is also misled about the origin of the meat offered for sale. Butchers in the Dutch city of The Hague sell turkey for lambs meat. This deceit makes them great money because turkey is much cheaper than lamb.

Another butcher, Christiaan Rauffaus from Germany announced that he intends to steer a different course with his sausage production company. Germany’s largest sausage producer wants to start focussing on vegetarian products! He said, “The sausage is the cigarette of the future, it will not be long before eating meat will have an image as bad as smoking has had over the past few years.” It is a trend to be continued as far as I am concerned!

I just learned that our sister party in Australia the Animal Justice Party gained a seat in New South Wales in the regional elections. Great to hear! We are not only represented in our country, Portugal and Germany, but now also in Australia. I wish the newly elected people’s representative Mark Pierson great success!

Have a wonderful week!
