Worldlog Tjedan 17 – 2014
Stočari koji konstantno krše zakon tako što zanemaruju svoje životinje trebali bi dobiti doživotnu zabranu držanja životinja! Na tu temu sam postavili Zastupničko pitanje ovaj tjedan. Neprihvatljivo je da sudac kao samostalni izvršitelj zakona ne može presuditi kaznu doživotne zabrane zbog zanemarivanja i zlostavljanja, jer zakon to ne dozvoljava. Želimo da ovaj kabinet, koji je pri stupanju na vlast obečao veće kazne za zlostavljanje životinja, to što prije riješi.
Nizozemski Ured za sigurnost prehrambenih i potrošačkih proizvoda (Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit – NVWA) obznanio je da broj zanemarenih životinja raste. Pristižu prijave o pothranjenim kravama, svinjama i ovcama koji stoje u prljavim stajama bez medicinskog nadzora. NVWA trenutno strogo nadzire preko 300 farmi. Dio tih farmi poznate su NVWA-u kao ozloglašeni prijestupnici. Moramo, dakle, snažno istupiti.
Na dobrom smo putu prema Europskoj izbornoj kampanji. Naša je pozicija u očima Europe zelena i eurokritična, time i jedinstvena. Nismo kritični zbog samodopadnosti ili nacionalizma, već zbog osobne slobode i osobne odgovornosti. Ova se Europa poigrava sa stvarnim vrijednostima poput klime, potreba građana i životinja, prirode, okoliša i demokracije, a tako se poigrava i sa budućnošću građana EU.
Ovog smo tjedna lansirali naše plakate i njima pokazali kako gledamo na Europu. Europa se naime vrti oko životinja, prirode i okoliša. Tri naša plakata bave se činjenicom da je polovica Europskog budžeta namijenjena poljoprivredi i ribarstvu. Želimo da ljudi kažu ne poljoprivrednim subvencijama (mega staje), ne gentechu (Monsanto, otrov) i ne transportu životinja.
Protiv poljoprivrednih subvencija |
Protiv gentecha |
Protiv transporta životinja |
Protiv prijenosa moći EU |
Naš četvrti plakat govori o širenju ili sužavanju moći EU. Nedemokratska i netransparentna EU jednim je dijelom uspjela slobodnu trgovinu, potrebe multinacionalnih kompanija i zakone slobodne trgovine sa zemljama poput SAD-a učiniti primarnom brigom. Nacionalni parlamenti sve se više isključuju iz igre i ekonomski politički smjer, te budžetsko pravo individualnih zemalja članica sve više prelazi u ruke Bruxellesa. To mora prestati!
EU na posve nedemokratski i netranparentni način pokušava sklopiti ugovor o slobodnoj trgovini sa SAD-om. Genetski manipulirano povrće i hormonima ispunjeno meso prijete Europskim tržnicama. Vidi ovdje primjer uzgojne farme teladi u Oregonu, SAD-u. Telad sat vremena nakon što se oteli odvode od majke i ubacuju u sanduke. Dobrobit životinja u EU zasigurno je isto na strašno niskom nivou. No, ako se ugovor sklopi s SAD-om, dozvoljavajući time uvoz Američkog mesa, postat će vrlo teško kontrolirati dobrobit životinja na nacionalnom i Europskom nivou i stati na kraj bio-industriji.
U Worldlogu sedmog travnja napisala sam imena našim kandidata s liste za Europske izbore, te sam dala popis našim kandidata iz Kanade, Asutralije i SAD-a. Izborno je vijeće odlučilo da će naše kandidate Johna Coetzeea, Willa Kymlicka i Toma Reagana skinuti s liste. Razlog koji su ponudili bio je nedostatak naljepnice u putovnici. Mi se ne slažemo s ovom odlukom i zato idemo Državnom vijeću (zakonskom organu u Nizozemskoj!)
John Coetzee
Ovog mi je tjedna Paul McCartney poželio sreću na nadolazećim Europskim izborima.
Klikni ovdje da pogledaš njegovu poruku Europskom parlamentu iz 2009.
Lažna uzbuna?
Do idućeg tjedna! Marianne
Cattle farmers who structurally violate the law by neglecting animals should be given a lifelong ban on keeping animals! I asked Parliamentary questions about that this week. It is unacceptable that, in case of animal neglect or abuse, the court cannot impose a lifelong ban on keeping animals as an independent sanction because the law does not permit it. We want this to be arranged as soon as possible by the Cabinet, which announced in the coalition agreement more severe sentences in case of animal abuse or neglect.
The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) recently announced that the number of reports of neglected farm animals is increasing. Most reports concern cows, pigs and sheep which are underfed, subsist in dirty stables or receive no medical care. The NVWA currently carries out tightened supervisions over more than 300 cattle farms. Some of these farms are known to the NVWA as notorious offenders. Hard action is therefore a must.
We are well underway in the European election campaign. Our position towards Europe is green eurocritical, which is unique. We are not critical on grounds of self-interest or nationalism, but on grounds of compassion, sustainability, personal freedom and personal responsibility. This Europe puts at stake the real values such as climate, the interests of citizens and animals, nature, the environment and democracy and, therefore, also the long-term interest of the citizens of the EU.
This week, we presented our posters, which clearly show how we look at Europe. Europe concerns mostly animals, nature and the environment. Three of our posters relate to the fact that half of the European budget is intended for agriculture and fisheries. We want people to say no to agricultural subsidies (mega stables), no to GMO (Monsanto, poison) and no to animal transport.
Against agricultural subsidies | Against GMO |
Against animal transport | Against transfer of power to EU |
Our 4th poster relates to enhancing or limiting the power of the European Union. The undemocratic and non-transparent European Union has taken a path where the free market, the interests of multinationals, and free-trade agreements with countries such as the US are of primary importance. National parliaments are increasingly sidelined and salami tactics are used to place the (socio) economic policy, the budget right of an individual MemberState into the hands of Brussels more and more. This must stop!
The European Union is in the process of entering into a free-trade agreement with the United States in an entirely undemocratic and non-transparent manner. As a result, genetically modified crops and hormone meat threaten to come on the European market. See here for an example of a calf breeding farm in Oregon in the United States. Half an hour after their births, calves are removed from their mothers and placed in 1 crate each. Animal welfare in the European Union is certainly at a pitifully low level, as well. But if there is a free-trade agreement with the US, with us having to allow American veal on the market, it will become very difficult to increase welfare requirements on a national and European level and to put an end to factory farming.
In my Worldlog of 7 April, I already mentioned our list of candidates for the European elections and the other persons on our list, from Canada, Australia and the US. The Electoral Council decided last week that our candidates John Coetzee, Will Kymlicka and Tom Regan be deleted. The reason they gave is a missing stamp in their passports. We disagree with this decision and will therefore lodge an appeal with the Council of State (legal body in the Netherlands)!
John Coetzee
I received a good luck wish from Paul McCartney this week for the European elections.
See here for his message to the European Parliament in 2009.
Until next week! Marianne