Iz klaonice objegla krava Hermien i prijateljica prvi put presretne na livadi
The cow Hermien and her mate Zus, who made it to the news, both nationally and internationally, after they had literally just escaped slaughter, were finally allowed out in the meadow again after months in their stable. The animals visibly enjoyed their freedom on the grass at the “De Leemweg” rest home for cows in the Dutch village of Zandhuizen, where they have been staying since February.
The owner of the rest home for cows, Bert Hollander, only let the cows outside last week because the weather and the grass were not optimal before. The grass is now high enough again and the cows can play in the meadow all day long until November.
The story of Hermien and Zus started last December. They, together with other cows, were to be brought to the slaughterhouse. Fifteen cows entered the cattle truck without making any trouble, but Hermien and her mate Zus escaped. Cow Zus was quickly caught again, but Hermien stayed out of the hands of hunters, policemen, vets and farmers for weeks. But they continued trying to catch her.
After their spectacular escape, many Dutch people called for a stay of execution of both animals. Thanks to the “cowfunding plan” of the Dutch Party for the Animals, for which EUR 50,000 was raised, the freedom of both Hermien and Zus could be bought. The cows Zus and Hermien were finally brought to the rest home for cows last February. The rest of the money raised will be used to pay for the life-long care of both cows.
Party for the Animals MP Esther Ouwehand together with the happy cows in the meadow.
The Party for the Animals’ MP Esther Ouwehand was involved in the rescue operation of the cows from day one, and she was also there when the cows went to the meadow first. “They’re obviously very happy. They jump for joy and it’s great fun to watch them hang around together. Both cows reminded us of an important lesson: no animal wants to be brought to the slaughter. Non-human animals want their freedom too.”
You can see how happy the cows were on their first day in the meadow in this video made by the Party for the Animals.
Krava Hermien i njezina suputnica Zus, koje su stekle nacionalnu i internacionalnu slavu bijegom iz klaonice, prošlog su tjedna nakon nekoliko mjeseci provedenih u staji, konačno puštene na livadu. Životinje su očigledno uživale u slobodi na travi kod skloništa za krave “De Leemweg” u nizozemskom selu Zandhuizen, gdje se od veljače nalaze.
Vlasnik skloništa za krave, Bert Hollander, tek je prošlog tjedna pustio krave vani jer prije toga vrijeme i trava nisu bili optimalni. Sada je trava dovoljno visoka i krave mogu od sada svaki dan sve do studenog biti vani i uživati.
Priča o Hermien i Zus započela je još prošlog prosinca. One su tada s ostalim kravama krenule u klaonicu. Petnaest je krava hrabro stupilo u prikolicu, no Hermien i njezina prijateljica Zus pobjegle su. Kravu Zus su uskoro ponovno ulovili, no Hermien se tjednima uspješno skrivala lovcima, policiji, veterinarima i seljacima. Lov na životinju nije posustajao.
Nakon spektakularnog bijega mnogi su Nizozemci tražili iznimku da se obje krave poštede klaonice. Zahvaljujući “cowfundingsactie” nizozemske Stranke za životinje prilikom koje se prikupilo 50,000 eura, kupila se sloboda za Hermien i Zus. Krave Zus i Hermien konačno su u veljači odvedene u sklonište za krave. Ostatak novaca koristi se za doživotno zbrinjavanje obje krave.
članica parlamenta Stranke za životinje Esther Ouwehand s sretnim kravama na livadi
Članica parlamenta iz Stranke za životinje Esther Ouwehand bila je od prvog dana dio akcije spašavanja krava, te je također bila prisutna prilikom njihovog prvog dana vani: “Očito je da su presretne. Skakuću i prekrasno je vidjeti da se skupa kreću. Ove su nas krave podsjetile i na nešto vrlo bitno: niti jedna životinja želi ići u klaonicu. Ne-ljudska bića također žele slobodu.”
Kako je kravama bilo prvog dana na livadi možete pogledati u ovom videu kojeg je napravila Stranka za životinje.