Worldlog 26 September 2016

26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Man o man, what a week! First Budget Day and then the General Political Considerations.

On Budget Day I wore a hat that said ‘Man o man…’ with the male gender symbol embroidered on it to focus attention on the clear imbalance in male and female participation in Dutch politics. More women should hold a political office!

Passive female suffrage was introduced in 1917. Both women and men could finally be elected as people’s representatives. But coming up to the 100th anniversary of the female suffrage, which will be celebrated in the Netherlands next year, things are still not looking up. Of all parties in office, only the Party for the Animals plans to enter the next elections with a female leading candidate. Of all 16 party leaders who attended the King’s Throne Speech on Budget Day and who were allowed to speak one day later at the General Political Considerations, only one was a woman: me!



I am convinced that we need more women power to change our encrusted economy.

During my contribution at the General Political Considerations I said that we have to radically change our economy. The current economy is like a cyclist who keeps on having to cycle harder and harder to keep up. The said focus on more production and consumption is at the expense of the planet and the animals, but at our expense too. The focus should be on intangible values that make life really worthwhile: such as the fight against poverty and injustice, safety, animal welfare and the quality of life on the planet. When we place all living creatures at the centre instead of mankind, we will create a community that will be guided by compassion and sustainability.

Finally, I want to share a song of Prince Ea with you. A message to our future generations. Let’s make sure that we won’t have to send that message! Check our movie too see what you can do!

Kind regards,
