Animal Welfare Party

United Kingdom

Established in 2006, AWP believes in a better future for people, animals and the environment. Our policies are aimed at creating a fairer, more equitable and sustainable society in which the interests of the environment, people and animals are all taken into account. Key policies include:

  • Redirecting subsidies from livestock and fisheries farming to plant-based agriculture.
  • Phasing out animal experimentation with binding targets for reduction and proper support for alternatives.
  • Increasing penalties for those convicted of animal cruelty.
  • Promoting healthy plant-based lifestyle initiatives in schools, GP practices and the workplace.
  • Phasing out farming practices with poor welfare consequences for animals.

ذات الصلة

تعرَّفوا على فِيمي أمين: مُرَشّحَة حِزْب الرِّفْق بِالْحيوان لِمنْصب عُمدَة لندن.

فِي الثَّاني مِن أَيَّار سَيَنْتَخب أَهالِي لندن عُمدَةً وَمجلِس بَلَديَّة جديدَيْنِ. مِن ضِمْن المرشَّحين لِمنْصب اَلعُمدة عُضوَة حِزْب الرِّفْق بِالْحيوان فِيمي أمين المناصْرة لِحقوق ورفاهية كُلِّ قَاطنِي لندن سَوَاء مِن البشر أو غَيْر البشر....
