Worldlog Tjedan 37 – 2015

7 rujna 2015

Prošlog je kolovoza sud grupi Urgenda dao za pravo po takozvanom ‘klimatskom pitanju’. Sudac je presudio da Nizozemska itekako treba učiniti više po pitanju emisije CO2. No, vrlo je tužno da je potrebno tužiti državu jer se ona sama ne brine dovoljno da zaštiti svoje građane od klimatskih promjena. Bila sam vrlo zadovoljna što je sudac grupi Urgenda dao za pravo. Nizozemska naime jako zaostaje na području smanjenja emisije CO2 – potrebno je još mnoštvo poboljšanja! No, priča sada postaje još tužnija… Država će se žaliti vrhovnom sudu. Posve je nerazumno i apsurdno da vlada nije spremna vlastite građane zaštititi od klimatskih promjena. Zašto vlada takvu obavezu ne želi preuzeti na sebe?

Ured za ljudska prava je prošlog tjedna ukazao na nešto nevjerojatno u Nizozemskoj politici. Zahvaljujući novom prijedlogu zakona koji se tiče obavještajnih i sigurnosnih službi uskoro bi sve Nizozemce mogla presluškivati vlada. Čak i ako nisi osumnjičen! Naime, u prijedlogu zakona ne piše ništa o zaštiti privatnosti. Čak nije ni potrebno pitati dopuštenje. Dovoljno je odobrenje ministra unutarnjih poslova. U Švedskoj, Njemačkoj i Belgiji je vladi još uvijek potrebno dopuštenje, primjerice suca, prije nego li krenu presluškivati. Stranci za životinje je vrlo bitna zaštita privatnosti građana. Ja ću se dakle boriti protiv ovog plana.

U četvrtak su organizacije za prava životinja i drugi upućeni građani krenuli u akciju za zabranu uzgajanja nerčeva. Bunde od nerca su vrlo okrutni a osim toga pretjerano luksuzni proizvodi. Uzgoj nerčeva za krzno trebalo se u Nizozemskoj zabraniti kroz nekoliko godina. Uzgajivači naravno nisu bili zadovoljni time, te su se žalili sudu. U međuvremenu su dobili na sudu. Na sreću, državna tajnica Dijksma nije se dala omesti te proslijedila slučaj višem sudskom tijelu. Prošlog se četvrtka održalo suđenje. Za otvaranje su različite organizacije za prava životinja iznijele manifestaciju okrutnosti na kojemu će i graditi slučaj. Tokom pisanja ovog Worldloga presuda još nije bila donesena, dakle nastavlja se!

MEGAzat, demonstracija protiv megaštala u Nizozemskoj bila je vrlo uspješna. Mnogi su se zabrinuti građani okupili na Malieveldu u Haagu kako bi obavijestili vladu da mora doći kraj bio-industriji. Članica Gornjeg doma, Christine Teunissen održala je govor. Naravno, mnogi su članovi Stranke za životinje bili prisutni! Klikni ovdje za potpunu fotoreportažu.


Ukratko, oglasili su se mnogi građani i to mi je uvijek lijepo vidjeti. Drži se svojih stavova i principa!



Last June, the court ruled in favour of the environmental group Urgenda in the so-called ‘Climate Case’. The court judged that the Dutch State should do more to reduce its CO2 emissions. It is of course sad that it was necessary to file a lawsuit against the State because it did not take sufficient action to protect its citizens against the effects of climate change. I was delighted that the court granted the claim of the environmental group Urgenda. After all, the Netherlands severely lags behind in reducing its CO2 emissions; much improvement is still needed! But the story becomes even sadder… The State will now appeal against the court’s decision. Unbelievable, it is completely absurd that the government is not willing to better protect its own citizens and the climate. Why would they, as the government, not take that responsibility?


The College of Human Rights last week pointed at something else particular in Dutch politics. Thanks to a new bill regarding intelligence and security services it will be possible for the government to wiretap all Dutch citizens. Even if they are not suspected of anything! For the bill does not contain anything on the safeguarding of privacy. Nor is there need to ask any authority for permission. The approval of the Minister of the Interior is enough. At least the governments in Sweden, Germany and Belgium first require the permission of an independent authority, for example of a court, before they can start wiretapping. The Party for the Animals believes that the safeguarding of citizens’ privacy is important. I will thus oppose to this plan.

On Thursday, animal rights groups and other concerned citizens demonstrated in favour of a mink farming ban. Mink fur is a very cruel and, moreover, superfluous luxury product. The farming of minks for fur production was supposed to be banned in a few years. Mink farmers did not agree and went to court. They won their case at the time. Fortunately, State Secretary Dijksma did not let it lie and she filed an appeal. This court case took place last Thursday. Before the start, several animal rights activists held a peaceful manifestation in front of the court building. The court decision was not yet known when I was writing this Worldlog, so this will be continued!
‘MEGA fed up’, the demonstration against mega stables was highly successful. Many concerned citizens gathered at the Malieveld in The Hague to let the government know that factory farming should stop. Our Member of the Upper House Christine Teunissen held a speech. Of course many members of the Party for the Animals were present! Click here for a photo report.

In short, many citizens expressed their opinion, which I think is great to see. Hold on to your ideals.

Kind regards,
