Worldlog Tjedan 13 – 2015

23 ožujka 2015

Prošle srijede, 18. ožujka, održali su se provincijski izbori i izbori za vodene distrikte (nizozemski oblik uprave vodenim površinama). Svi zajedno smo odradili odličnu kampanju i ne za ništa, jer smo postigli fantastične rezultate! Porasli smo s 7 na čak 18 sjedala u Provincijama i sa 7 na 14 u vodenim distriktima. S faktorom rasta od čak 2,5 posto postigli smo relativno najveći rast od svih stranaka. To znači da u Gornjem domu ovako zauzimamo drugo, pa možda čak i treće sjedalo.

Naši su predstavnici, suradnici i dobrovoljci naporno radili kako bismo prenijeli ljudima našu važnu poruku. Da naša zemlja nije nepresušan izvor i da je krajnje vrijeme da se poduzmu određene mjere.

Sjajno je to što se toliko ljudi zalaže za poboljšanje dobrobiti životinja, prirode i okoliša. Ove su se teme snažno odjeknule na provincijskoj razini, te je sjajno što se glas suosjećanja i održivosti tako snažno odjeknuo. Čestitam našim frakcijama na ovom sjajnom uspjehu.

Button Kiezers bedankt!

Biračima hvala!

Kako bismo birače što bolje informirali o tome za što se namjeravamo boriti u provincijama i vodenim distriktima, te kako bismo se dotakli osjetljivih tema poput megastaja i lova, diljem smo zemlje provodili akciju.

Kao zastupnica imala sam čast prisustvovati nekolicini ovih akcija. U provinciji Overijssel demonstrirali smo protiv lovaca koji divlje životinje prizivaju sebi pomoću mamaca kako bi na koncu lako upucali životinje. Takvo se ponašanje lovaca nikako ne slaže s odgovornim rukovođenjem prirode o kojoj oni sami vole govoriti.


U provinciji Utrecht skrenuli smo pozornosti na zaboravljene žrtve lova poput liske.

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U provinciji Brabant smo prirodno područje gdje se inače provodi lov na divlje svinje označili kako “Životni prostor divljih svinja”.

leefgebied wilde zwijnen

Zbog sigurnosti zračnog prometa godišnje se ubija oko deset tisuća gusaka oko Schiphola, najveće zračne luke Nizozemske. Guske dolaze na Schiphol zbog velike ponude hrane na okolnim poljoprivrednim površinama. Mi se zalažemo za solarna polja sa solarnim panelama. Ovime bi se guske otjerale s područje, a osim toga bi se skupljala održiva sunčeva energija!

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Idemo još malo uživati u uspjesima u nadolazećem tjednu.

Pozdrav, Marianne

Last Wednesday, 18 March, the Provincial Council and Water Board (Dutch administrative structure for water management) elections were held. Together we have conducted a great campaign. And not for nothing because the results were fantastic! We have grown from 7 to as many as 18 seats in the Provincial Councils and from 7 Water Board administrators to 14. With a growth factor of over 2.5 we made the greatest gains in relative terms of all national parties. This means that we have definitely won a second seat in the Senate, and maybe even a third.

Our parliamentarians, our employees, our volunteers, everyone has worked enormously hard to actively communicate our important message. That the earth cannot provide endless growth and that it is now time to take action.

It is great to see that so many people are involved in improving animal welfare, nature and the environment. These themes take place at provincial level for the most part, so it is great that the voice of compassion and sustainability will be heard even louder here. I congratulate our members in the Provincial Councils and Water Boards on this great success!

Button Kiezers bedankt!

Thank you to all voters!

We conducted our campaign all over the country to inform voters of what we are going to do in the provinces and water boards, and to raise topical subjects like megastables and hunting.

As an MP I was honoured to be present at a number of these campaign activities. In the Province of Overijssel we demonstrated against hunters who feed wild animals to attract these towards them so that they can easily shoot them. Of course, such behaviour of hunters cannot be reconciled with the responsible fauna policy they promote themselves.


In the Province of Utrecht we drew attention to the forgotten hunting victims such as coots.

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In the Province of Brabant there is a nature area where wild boars are often hunted, which is marked as “Habitat for Wild Boar”.

leefgebied wilde zwijnen

Every year about ten thousand geese are killed around Schiphol, the largest airport in the Netherlands, for the safety of air traffic. Geese are attracted to Schiphol because of the great supply of food on the agricultural fields around the airport. We advocate solar fields with solar panels. The solar panels will frighten away the geese and sustainable energy will be generated at the same time!

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We are going to enjoy our gains a little more this week. Talk to you soon!

Greetings, Marianne