Worldlog 7 studenog 2016
U nedjelju, 30. listopada imala sam priliku prezentirati naš izborni program (za izbore Donjeg doma 15. ožujka 2017.) u prisutnosti gotovo 100 članova! Ljudi su također mogli pratiti prezentaciju putem facebooka uživo. Naš je program Plan B. Postoji potreba za Planom B, jer ne postoji Planeta B. U našem planetarnom programu stoji više od 550 mjera za radikalno drugačije vodstvo.Plan B nije samo neophodan, već je i vrlo ugodan plan! J. Uskoro stiže i prijevod na engleskom jeziku.
Na izbornom kongresu 27. studenog taj će se koncept izbornog programa predstaviti članovima stranke, koji će ga zatim na kongresu i potvrditi. Nizozemska verzija pogledana je već deset tisuća puta na facebooku. Od svih političkih stranaka u Nizozemskoj imamo najviše pratitelja: brojač stoji na gotovo 65,000 lajkova. Ovo je posebno iz razloga što sve više ljudi okreće leđa politici.
Prošlog je ponedjeljka također objavljen koncept liste kandidata. Kao kandidatkinja postavila sam se kao čelnica stranke i vjerojatno sam jedina žena čelnica stranke od svih trenutnih političkih stranaka na nadolazećim izborima. Na našoj je listi 19 žena i 10 muškaraca, čime pokazujemo da kao emancipacijski pokret ulažemo mnogo truda u izjednačenije zastupanje žena u parlamentu.
Moja kolegica i zastupnica Esther Ouwehand ponovno je broj 2 na listi. Stranka za životinje prema istraživanjima ima 19% izbornog potencijala, što je jednako 27 zastupničkih mjesta od ukupno 150 mjesta koji se dijele u Nizozemskoj!
Dvadeset i osmog studenog bilo je točno 14 godina otkad sam otišla u Kiesraad (ekvivalent Ministarstvu uprave gdje se upisuju stranke o.p.) kako bi upisala Stranku za životinje da sudjeluje na izborima! Dokazali smo da smo stranka koja raste. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has – Margaret Mead.
Imala sam vrlo zaposlen tjedan u Donjem domu s punom pažnjom na životinjama. Između ostalog sam ponovno naglasila da se internet prodaja životinja mora zaustaviti kako bi se uhvatili u koštac s ilegalnim uzgajivačima, da se praščićima ne smiju više paliti repovi i da se mnogi požari u stajama u Nizozemskoj mogu spriječiti tako da se uvede obavezna zaštita od požara.
Nažalost, nema dobrih vijesti za pčele. Sedam vrsta pčela na rubu je izumiranja. Mislim da ne mogu dovoljno puta ponoviti: Vrijeme je za Plan B! 😉
Za kraj: želim da zapamtite ovu prekrasnu izreku:
Ugodan tjedan i do uskoro! Marianne
On Sunday the 30th of October last, I was given the opportunity to present our draft election programme (for the elections of the Lower House on the 15th of March 2017) in the presence of more than a hundred members! People could also watch the presentation via Facebook through a live connection. Our programme is a Plan B. We need a Plan B because there is no Planet B. Our planet broad programme contains more than 550 measures for a radically different policy. Plan B is not only necessary, but it is also a very pleasant plan! 😉 Soon there will be an English version available.
At our election congress of the 27th of November 2017, the draft election programme will be presented to the party members, who will later at the congress make it definitive. The Dutch version has been viewed at our Facebook page ten thousand times already. We have the largest number of followers at Facebook of all political parties in the Netherlands: the counter currently shows more than 65,000 likes. That is significant, because more and more people are turning their backs on politics.
Last Monday, our draft candidate list was also announced. I have put myself forward as leading candidate and it seems likely that I will be the only female leading candidate of the political parties in power at the following elections. Our list contains 19 women and 10 men, which shows that we, as a broad emancipation movement, attach great value to a more proportional representation of women in parliament.
My colleague MP Esther Ouwehand is again No. 2 in the list. The Party for the Animals has, according to research, a voter’s potential of 19%, which is equivalent to 27 parliamentary seats of the total of 150 seats that are to be distributed in the Netherlands!
On the 28th of October, it was exactly 14 years ago when I went to the Electoral Council to register the Party for the Animals to participate in the elections! We have proved to be a growing party. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has – Margaret Mead.
I had a very busy week in the Lower House with full attention for animals. I have again indicated that the sale of animals on the internet must be stopped to tackle puppy mills, that the tails of piglets should no longer me burnt off, and that the many fires in stables in the Netherlands can be prevented by introducing mandatory fire prevention.
Unfortunately, we have no good news about the bee. Seven types of bees are on the verge of extinction. I can’t repeat it enough: Time for Plan B! 😉
At the end of this Worldlog I don’t want to withhold this wonderful statement from you:
Wishing you a good week and see you soon! Marianne