PvdD naja­vljuje parla­men­tarne istrage o prijevozu životinja

13 ožujka 2017

Tebala bi se pripremiti parlamentarna istraga da bi se ispitala i promijenila užasna situacija međunarodnog prijevoza životinja. Tako je najavila Anja Hazekamp, europski parlamentarac, prošlog tjedna u ponedjeljak u Bruxellesu na konferenciji za novinare od organizacija Eurogroup for Animals i Animals International.

Tijekom te konferencije za novinare predstavljene su jezive slike transporta životinja koji napušta Europsku uniju. Zlostavljane životinje se prevoze iz EU u zemlje poput Turske, Libanona i Egipta, gdje transport može trajati do sedamnaest dana. Mnoge životinje su pregrijane i žedne, i na putu umiru zato što su nagurane jedne na druge.

Čak i trudne životinje se prevoze i moraju rađati tijekom prijevoza u kamionima ili brodovima Organizacija Animals International je pokazala snimke životinja koje se nakon carskog reza bez anestezije – bez naknadne brige ili šavova- jednostavno ponovo ubacuju na prijevoz. Snimke klanja pokazuju da nesposobni mesari životinje objese za noge i prerežu im grlo dok su pri punoj svijesti.

Strukturalni problem
Oranizacija Animals International naglasuje da se ne radi o incidentima, već o strukturalnim problemima; u 2016. više od tri milijuna životinja se izvozilo iz Europe za Bliski istok i one su bile podvrgnute ovom okrutnom zlostavljanju životinja.

“Ovo istraživanje potvrđuje da trenutna europska pravila totalno ne štite životinje tijekom prijvoza. To je problem koji već dugo postoji i koji se samo pogoršaje,” rekla je Hazekamp.

“Razne rasprave, pozivi iz parlamenta i milijuni potpisa građana konzistentno se zanemaruju od strane politike u Bruxellesu. Čak i presuda Europskog suda pravde iz 2015. godine, koja pokazuje da odgovornost za dobrobit životinja ne prestaje na europskim vanjskim granicama, nije dovela do akcije. ”

Službena parlamentarna komisija za istragu bi, prema Hazekamp, trebala dobiti zadatak da preispita neuspjeh europskog zakonodavstva i nedostatak provođenja pravila oko ovog strašnog prijevoza živih životinja. “Političari koji ne rade svoj posao bi trebali biti imenovani i trebalo bi se istražiti kako da se što prije zaustavi izvoz živih životinja za zemlje izvan EU-a,” rekla je Hazekamp.

Za početak europske parlamentarne istrage je potrebna podrška od najmanje 188 zastupnika u Europskom parlamentu. Neki članovi Europskog parlamenta iz Socijaldemokratske grupe i Liberalne grupe u Europskom parlamentu su tijekom konferencije za novinare odmah izrazile svoju podršku za tu istragu.

A parliamentary committee of inquiry should be established in order to investigate and put an end to the distressing situations associated with animal transport leaving the European Union. This was announced by MEP Anja Hazekamp at a press conference of Eurogroup for Animals and Animals International in Brussels last Monday.

During the press conference, horrendous footage of animal transport from the EU was shown. The involved animals are transported from the EU to countries such as Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt, a trip that can take up to 17 days. Many animals suffer from overheating, dehydration or are crushed on the way.

Even pregnant animals are transported and give birth during transport inside trucks or on board ships. Animals International showed footage of animals that, after having had a Caesarean section without pre-stunning, aftercare or sutures, are simply put back on the road. Footage of the slaughters shows incompetent butchers who hang the animals from their legs and slit their throats while the animals are fully conscious.

Structural problem
Animals International stresses that these are not isolated incidents, but rather a structural problem: in 2016 alone, over 3 million animals were shipped from Europe to the Middle East and became the subject of this cruel form of animal abuse.

“This study confirms that the current EU regulations do not protect the welfare of transported animals. A problem that is age-old and the situation is only getting worse,” says Hazekamp.

“Various debates, calls from Parliament and millions of citizens’ signatures are subsequently ignored by policy makers in Brussels. Even a decision of the European Court of Justice in 2015, stating that the responsibility for animal welfare does not stop at the external borders of the European Union, has not given rise to any further action.”

If Anja Hazekamp has her way, a formal parliamentary committee of inquiry will have the task of investigating the failing European legislation and the lack of enforcement of the rules regarding the horrible live animal transport. “Policy makers who fail to carry out their tasks should be identified and it should be further explored how the export of live animals to countries outside the EU can be stopped as soon as possible,” according to Hazekamp.

“In order to set up a European parliamentary committee of inquiry, the support of at least 188 members of European Parliament is required. During the press conference, some MEPs of the Socialist Group and the Liberal Group in the European Parliament directly expressed their support for the committee of inquiry.