‘Nema privre­menog stupanja na snagu CETA, ugovora za slobodnu trgovinu’

19 rujna 2016

Marianne Thieme poziva vladu da ne dopusti da CETA privremeno stupi na snagu. Europska komisija želi da taj ugovor za slobodnu trgovinu između EU i Kanade što prije stupi na snagu. Što se Stranke za Životinje (PvdD) tiče, ovog ugovora uopšte nebi trebalo biti, ali u svakom slučaju se prvo treba pitati mišljenje Nizozemaca.


S obzirom na to da postoji veliko protivljenje slobodnoj trgovini, referendum o CETA je neizbježan. Marianne Thieme je u saboru, za vrijeme općeg savjetovanja “RBZ Vijeća Trgovine”, vladu pozvala da ne dopusti da CETA privremeno stupi na snagu prije nego što Nizozemci sami dobiju priliku da o tome odluče.

Thieme: “Postoji veliko socijalno suprotstavljanje CETA ugovoru za slobodnu trgovinu. Bruxelles ipak već želi privremeno provesti taj sporazum, iako nacionalni parlamenti za to još nisu dali zeleno svjetlo. Iz društva, poziv za referendum je jak. Bruxelles i vlada trebaju poštovati demokraciju.

TTIP kroz stražnja vrata
Sada kada izgleda da se Francuska i Njemačka protive TTIP-u, dolazi kraj tom sporazumu o slobodnoj trgovini između EU i Amerike. CETA pruža ulaz kroz stražnja vrata američkim tvrtkama s podružnicom u Kanadi, tako da one ipak mogu profitirati od slobodne trgovine s Europom. Tako da je sada još važnije da nizozemski državljanini mogu reći “ne” ovom drastičnom ugovoru prije nego što on može stupiti na snagu.

Marianne Thieme calls on the Lower House to stop provisional application of CETA. The European Commission wants the free trade agreement between Canada and the EU to be implemented as soon as possible. Being against this agreement, the Party for the Animals wants to give the Dutch people a chance to speak out before it is entered into force.


In view of the considerable resistance to free trade agreements, a referendum on CETA is inevitable. During the General Consultations of the Foreign Affairs Council in the Lower House, Marianne Thieme has called on the government to stop provisional application of CETA and provide the people with the opportunity to give their views on the subject.

Thieme: “There is great social opposition to free trade agreement CETA. In spite of this, Brussels wants the agreement to be implemented provisionally, despite the fact that the national governments have not yet given their support. In society, there is an increasing demand for a referendum. Brussels and the Dutch government should respect democracy.

Back door TTIP
Now that France and Germany seem to have turned against TTIP, the free trade agreement between the EU and the US is as good as dead. CETA will now serve as a back door allowing American companies with branches in Canada to keep engaging in free trade with Europe. Therefore it is even more important that Dutch citizens can say ‘no’ to this far-reaching agreement before it is implemented.